Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) As Instrument to Alleviate Urban Poverty The case of Addis Ababa (original) (raw)

SUMMARY The city administration of Addis Ababa is undertaking a massive integrated housing development program to address the acute housing problem of the city since 2006. Housing supply is not the only goal of this program; instead its ultimate desire is to use Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) as a tool to reduce urban poverty, which is the prime concern of the city. IHDP has primarily aimed to provide mass housing to address the housing problems of the city. It also aimed among others; to create huge employment opportunity, provide basic infrastructure facilities, facilitate mortgage access, promote affordable payment modality, promote urban renewal to reduce slum areas, promote targeted subsidy to women and disable residents, promote economic use of urban land and introduce cheap construction technology. Since its launch in 2006, the program has achieved enormous successes that include among others; — Construction of more than 100,000 apartments that have housed 0.5 million residents, — there are another 100,000 apartments near to completion and expected to be transferred to citizens until June 2014, — The program has created job opportunity for more than 200,000 residents which are organized in 3,000 SMEs, — Many dilapidated slum areas were converted to attractive living and working areas. All the aforementioned achievements have enormously helped to reduce the poverty level of the city. There are several reasons that can be mentioned for the success. The main reasons include; presence of strong political commitment, allocation of own resources which is vital for sustainability, public participation and consultation, targeted subsidy as means of wealth sharing, promotion of gender sensitive affirmative action (30% of houses are allocated to women) and recognition of the informal sector as development partner. The program has encountered several challenges during the implementation period and remedial measures were taken to overcome the challenges which as a result have improved the progress and quality of the program.