Numbers Associated with the Coptic Gospel of Thomas (original) (raw)

The true words of Thomas (Interactive Coptic-English gospel of Thomas)

Literal Thomas, Part VII, 2020

This groundbreaking translation of the "gospel of Thomas" follows the Coptic to the letter and reveals dozens of new words and meanings, significantly changing its interpretation. 'The true words of Thomas' hyperlinks to the Coptic Dictionary Online for each word: everyone is only one click away from the meaning(s) and verification of every single word in this text. The translation is fully normalised and contains a full double index as well as concordance: both English-Coptic as well as Coptic-English. The translation is literal, without interpretation. It contains not a single emendation (and it will reveal that every other translation contains dozens that you never knew of); the entire context for the text is the content of the text itself: and it speaks volumes. ______________________ +++Version Management+++ V1.9.5 2023-07-15 - moved the English translation, which has been rendered fully legible, up front

Gospel of Thomas Commentary

Complete Thomas Commentary, logion 0-55, 2021

This most detailed analysis of the so-called gospel of Thomas evaluates and weighs every single Coptic word. The "Jesus" (I[h]S) that they reveal is radically different and polemic: Thomas reveals that we are split, separated, dualised; we are the Ego and the Self, and we created those two ourselves. Thomas points the way to salvation in the sense of liberation from both the Ego and the Self, slaveowner and slave: we are neither, those merely are the children of the living father - and we are the latter. The suckling infants in Thomas are still pristine, and stand in the Beginning - but then we bring about the end by "eating what is dead" and become dead ourselves. The cause for that is our upbringing, being patched with old patches: our new wineskins get filled with old wine. Thomas precedes modern psychoanalysis by one and a half millennium, and continuously points to the inside for finding answers: that is where the kingdom is. Thomas has nothing to do with Christianity at all, nor any Jesus that we know: Thomas precedes all that too

Tracking Thomas: a text-critical look at the transmission of the Gospel of Thomas


Wallace for his initial thoughts on the transmission of the Gospel of Thomas that pushed me to take up this subject in the first place, his guidance through the initial stages of the formulation of the argument of the paper, and his consistent availability in pursuing the project through its completion. Additionally, many thanks go to Stazsek Bialecki, Adam Messer, Philip Miller, and Matt Morgan, my σύνδουλοι, without whose thoughts, criticisms, and encouragement I would be in the tall grass. Finally, I would like to thank my lovely fiancée Angel, who has put up with many cancelled evenings through the completion of this work. 1 Technically speaking, this statement is untrue: though the Coptic manuscript was discovered approximately 60 years ago, Thomas has been known to scholars in one form or another since the late 19 th century.

The Battle To Authenticate \u27The Gospel of Thomas\u27


Many early Christian sects were aware of and accepted The Gospel of Thomas as authentic Christian scripture, despite its unorthodox, radical doctrine, igniting an ideological battle in and around the Thomasine communities of the ancient world. This ideological war is still raging and conflict renewed and amplified with the discoveries of the Greek and Coptic texts of The Gospel of Thomas in the first half of the 20th Century. Since it’s discovery, The Gospel of Thomas has presented scholars with ferocious debate, as serious probability exists that Thomas preserves an older tradition of the historical Jesus than that of the Synoptic Gospels. Though the fierce theological battle of religious scholars in the 1990s hardly sparked The Gospel of Thomas debate, their combined research has renewed questions of how to validate Thomas, and thus, Jesus scholarship over the last half century has been restrained in the use and acceptance of Thomas. Failure of modern scholars to develop a shared ...

Aspects of the Gospel of Thomas Puzzle

(210217) Session comments on "The Gospel of Thomas Puzzle, the Jesus Wife Fragment, and I", plus an afterthought on unintentional error v. intentional anomaly. (p.5 corrected 02/23)

The secret of the Gospel of Thomas finally revealed.

The Gospel of Thomas unveiled, 2021

The structure and purpose of the Gospel of Thomas have puzzled scholars since its discovery in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, Egypt. It is an anthology of 114 sayings (or logia) attributed to Jesus. About two thirds of these sayings can be found in the canonical Gospels, but one third were unknown. This is the oldest extant collection of sayings of the Nazarene. It was composed in the years 45-70 of our Era. Early commentators of this gem of Christian literature 1 decreed that this newly found text was just a compilation of the Nazarene's sayings without precise purpose or order. Indeed, at first glance, the order of these sayings seems random, although some of them are grouped by keywords, themes, or format (e.g., consecutive parables or beatitudes). The purpose of this text has not been definitively answered by scholars. Steven L. Davies was right when he said that Thomas' collection was mainly an exegesis of the book of Genesis. It is likely that Jesus engaged in such exercises. In addition to New Testament parallels; several influences seem to coexist in this amazing work: proto-Gnostic, Jewish, Platonic, Stoic, ascetic, and even Hindu and Buddhist. Like Jesus, in fact, who was an unclassifiable and multifaceted character. In turn, I have tried to find a possible arrangement in the text compiled by Jesus' brother, Jude or Judas, also called Thomas 2 to distinguish him from the other Judases in Jesus' circle of disciples. In this article, I unveil the secret of the Gospel of Thomas, its raison d'ëtre.

Thompson Coptic papers I Acts of Stephen, JCoptS 17 (2015).pdf

3 more particularly, or. 7023 is dated ad 999 or 1004, or. 7024 ad 987, or. 7025 ad 981, and or. 7029 ad 992 or 982 -see layton, Catalogue nos. 121, 158, 159, and 163. 4 See again layton, Catalogue xxvi-xxvii and nos. 121, 158, 159, and 163. However, the codices are apparently part of a larger find of material that appears to have been prepared in diverse places, most notably the monastery of St mercurius in edfu. 5 budge, By Nile and Tigris ii 371. 6 Clavis coptica 0255; budge, By Nile and Tigris ii 372. 7 budge, Miscellaneous Coptic Texts 432-525/948-1033.