2017_Easy Finite-Element Implementation.pdf (original) (raw)

MATLAB partial element equivalent circuit toolbox for solving coupled electromagnetic-circuit problems

Performance of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) Toolbox for MATLAB for solving coupled electromagnetic-circuit problems is presented. Geometry of the problems to be solved is described with wire-based language, specifically designed for this toolbox, by using predefined basic elements. Meshing function will discretize geometry, or parts of it, with selected 1D, 2D, 2DS, 3D, or 3Dxyz mesh type, and will generate surface and volume cells as required by PEEC method. Choice of mesh type is trade-off between model size and accuracy. Calculation of partial elements is handled by FastCap2 and FastHenry2. Toolbox offers interface to these applications starting from discretized cells. As known to us, this is first general interface to FastCap2 and FastHenry2, and it can be used also for problems not related to PEEC. Netlist for any standard PEEC circuit model, in retarded or quasi-static version, can be created in format compatible with LTspice or Multisim circuit solver, where it c...