A Manual for Biochemistry Protocols (original) (raw)


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This manual has benefited tremendously from feedback and input provided by students and teaching assistants from the Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry at North Carolina State University. We thank them for their patience as the manuscript was being refined and many helpful suggestions. We thank the following specifically for their contributions: Trino Ascencio-Ibanez-who developed the ideas and techniques that were incorporated into the viral Southern blot lab Emily Blake-who helped refine the format and wrote parts of the following sections: the Excel explanation, some Prelab questions, Terms, Methods and Report Writing. Benjamin Bobay-who helped adapt and flesh out the methodology in amino acid pH titration lab Audrey Goodell-who adapted methodology to develop the affinity chromatography technology in the LDH lab Jesse Gore-who wrote the pH meter section and assisted with global editing Daniel Kahl-who developed portions of the PCR and viral South...

PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY 46(1)35-45 · January 2011.pdf

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Book of Abstracts of the II Symposium in Applied Biochemistry


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Biochemistry-lab-manual-spring 2009

The instructor's expectations for students during the semester: The students will be responsible for all materials covered in each lab and assigned in the book and lab reports. The students are expected to read the appropriate materials in the text before each laboratory. The key to success is hard work.

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


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Program in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry by


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