Christian-Muslim Polemic in the Latin East: Latin Intellectualism in “Adelphus” (original) (raw)

A twelfth-century Latin account claims to record a conversation with a Greek Christian in Antioch about the origins of Islam. Like many ostensibly inter-religious polemical texts, this Latin account primarily, if not exclusively, addresses concerns of the author’s own cultural environment. What is unusual about this depiction of the life of Muhammad, is that it makes an argument for the cultural, religious, and intellectual supremacy of the Latin tradition. This position of superiority comes at the cost of, not so much Islamic or Arabic intellectualism, but surprisingly, that of the Greeks. Through subtle literary hints, the author levels a veiled attack on the threat of the Eastern Church to Christian unity and orthodoxy. The "Adelphus" account represents a highly original entry in the body of polemical literature on Christianity and Islam that should be viewed within the context of Levantine Latin intellectual culture.

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Dispute about Christ: Christological aspects of the Christian-Islamic polemics from the early ages of Islam based on the correspondence ascribed to Caliph Umar II († 720) and Byzantine emperor Leo III († 741) Cover Page


Research and Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences – II, 2021

Arian controversy is one of the most important debates in the history of Christianity. This controversy, which was the reason for the first general council, the Council of Nicaea (325), occupied the Christian world for a long time. On the other hand, Arianism has been a theme that has survived until our time in polemics between Muslims and Christians. While some Christian writers saw Islam as a kind of Arianism, some Muslim writers evaluated Arianism as “true Christianity” or “anti-trinitarian movement”. These approaches on both sides are not out of date, and are still mentioned by some in our time. In this study, we will try to take a critical look at these approaches within the framework of some marked examples.

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The 'Life of Muhammad' in Eulogius of Córdoba: some evidence for the transmission of Greek polemic to the Latin west

Early Medieval Europe 16:3 (August 2008), pp. 333–353., 2008

Eulogius of Córdoba, the principal recorder of the ninth-century Córdoban martyrs’ movement, copied for posterity a polemic biography of the Prophet Muhammad. The lost original is the earliest such text known in Latin, despite the longstanding tradition of anti-Islamic polemic in the Greek east. However, textual analysis indicates that Eulogius revised the original biography, and that his revisions were influenced by the polemic of John of Damascus. Eulogius’s exposure to John’s writings probably came through personal contact with a monk from the monastery of Mar Saba, contact which offers rare evidence of a non-textual transmission of ideas.

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The 'Life of Muhammad' in Eulogius of Córdoba: some evidence for the transmission of Greek polemic to the Latin west Cover Page

Disagreements between Orthodoxy and Islam as Reflected in the Greek Apologetical and Polemical Anti-Islamic Treatises (16th-17th Centuries) | CRS Doctoral Conference: The Sacred in Conflict: Disagreements between and within Religions, CEU, Budapest

In this paper I investigate the construction of the anti-Islamic discourse as reflected in the Greek apologetical and polemical treatises on Islam from the fifteenth up to the end of the seventeenth centuries. Written in a period when the Greek communities went through a phase of sociocultural transformation and adaptation to the new conditions imposed by the Ottoman rule, these treatises develop new perceptions about Islam as a religion and its influence on the religious life of the Greek Orthodox communities by building their argumentation on the established Byzantine anti-Islamic polemical tradition. Disagreeing with Islam and its tenets and customs, which were perceived as a threat to the religious life of the Orthodox, the authors of the treatises are constantly drawing and defining the boundaries of Orthodoxy in opposition to Islam. The social and religious contexts are shaping the construction of the anti-Islamic discourse, while the authors are making their mark on its polemical style and tone. During this period, these apologetical and polemical treatises developed their own set of features, which will deeply influence the articulation of the discourse. For this paper I will consider the treatises authored by Pachomios Rousanos, Anastasios Gordios, Gherasimos Blachos and Panagiotes Nikousios. I will stress the main characteristics of the anti-Islamic discourse during this period by emphasizing the main points of disagreement between Islam and the Eastern Orthodoxy as reflected within the treatises. Finally, I will highlight the importance of these polemical treatises for the intellectual and religious history of the Greek communities during the early modern period, and their significance for the history of the Christian-Muslim relations in the Ottoman Empire.

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Disagreements between Orthodoxy and Islam as Reflected in the Greek Apologetical and Polemical Anti-Islamic Treatises (16th-17th Centuries) | CRS Doctoral Conference: The Sacred in Conflict: Disagreements between and within Religions, CEU, Budapest Cover Page

The Christian creed in 13th-century Islamic anti-Christian polemics

Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion (EuARe2024), Palermo, Italy, 20-23 May 2024. Panel: “The Nicene Constantinopolitan Symbol in its Arabic Version: between Christian Apologia and Islamic Controversy” – Biblioteca Giorgio La Pira, Palermo, 22 May 2024.

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The Christian creed in 13th-century Islamic anti-Christian polemics Cover Page

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Review, Arab Christians and the Qur'an from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period Cover Page

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"Muhammad and His Book Called Koran": Polemics, Canonization, and Circulation of Knowledge in the Early Modern Greek Orthodox World | The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of Eastern Christianity, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Cover Page

Medieval Muslim Polemics against the Christian Creed: The Critique of Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧaʿfarī (d. 668/1270)

Islamochristiana , 2016

After introducing Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧa‘farī (d. 668/1270), the Egyptian Muslim author of an important work of anti-Christian polemic entitled Taḫǧīl man ḥarrafa al-Tawrāh wa-l-Inǧīl (‘The Shaming of Those Who Have Corrupted the Torah and the Gospel’), this article offers an annotated translation of the book’s eighth chapter, devoted to exposing the alleged corruption and selfcontradictoriness of the Christian creed. The charges are fundamentally two: that some parts of the creed logically contradict other parts; and that the creed is based neither on the revealed law of the Gospel nor on the words of Jesus or the Apostles. [Co-authored with Marek NASIŁOWSKI] “Medieval Muslim Polemics against the Christian Creed: The Critique of Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧaʿfarī (d. 668/1270)”, Islamochristiana 42 (2016) 71-102.

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Medieval Muslim Polemics against the Christian Creed: The Critique of Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧaʿfarī (d. 668/1270) Cover Page

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Muhammad in Latin Christian Contexts Cover Page

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"Review of Arabic Christianity between the Ottoman Levant and Eastern Europe, ed. Ioana Feodorov, Bernard Heyberger and Samuel Noble, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021", in: St Vladimir Theological Quarterly 66/1-2 (2022), 243-247 Cover Page


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Sparring with the pen: religious polemics and apologetics between Jews, Christians and Muslims (thirteenth to fifteenth centuries). Cover Page

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Bogataj, Jan Dominik. (2019). "Byzantine Theology and Islam: Paul of Antioch's Irenic Approach". Edinost in dialog 74, št. 2: 195-210. Cover Page

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Review of Diego R.S. Cucarella's Muslim-Christian Polemics across the Mediterranean. The Splendid Replies of Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qarāfī (d. 684/1285) Cover Page

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The Global Phenomenon of Islam Through the Lens of Late Antiquity Cover Page

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Martini Bonadeo, Cecilia. Review of “Ideas in Motion in Baghdad and Beyond. Philosophical and Theological Exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the Third/Ninth and Fourth/Tenth Centuries, Ed. by D. Janos, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2015, ix + 479 pp”. Studia Graeco-Arabica 7 (2017): 335–38. Cover Page

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Emmanouela Grypeou, Mark Swanson, and David Thomas, eds. The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam, The History of Christian-Muslim Relations ( … Cover Page

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Pratt, Douglas et al. (eds.), The Character of Christian-Muslim Encounter. Essays in Honour of David Thomas (History of Christian-Muslim Relations 25), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2015, in: Mediaevistik 29 (2016), 318-320 Cover Page

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[Jewish and Christian Reception(s) of Muslim Theology [Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 2 (2014)] Cover Page](

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Review of David Bertaina, Christian and Muslim Dialogues: The Religious Uses of a Literary Form in the Early Islamic Middle East (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011) Cover Page

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The Earliest Christian Views of Islam Cover Page

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Book Report - Reading the Quran in Latin Christendom Cover Page

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Review, Muslim-Christian Polemics across the Mediterranean Cover Page

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Medieval Latin Lives of Muhammad - Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library brochure Cover Page

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Discerning the Motives of Muslim-Christian Debates in the Early ʽAbbâsid Period: The Cases of Timothy I and Theodore Abû Qurra Cover Page

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The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian-Muslim Relations, 600-1500 Cover Page

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Book Review: Muslim Exegesis of the Bible in Medieval Cairo: Najm al Dīn al-Tūfī’s (d. 716/1316) Commentary on the Christian Scriptures: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation with an Introduction by Lejla Demiri -  in 'Al-Masaq Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean' Cover Page

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‘Christian-Muslim-Jewish Relations in Patristic Literature: the Arabic Questions and Answers of Basil and Gregory’ David Bertaina et al (eds) Heirs of the Apostles. The Story of Arabic Christianity, Leiden and Boston, 2018, pp. 393-412 Cover Page

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John of Damascus and Islam Christian Heresiology and the Intellectual Cover Page

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Medieval Philosophical Discourse and Muslim-Christian Dialogue Cover Page

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“Muslims” and “Islam” in Middle Eastern Literature of the Seventh and Eighth Centuries AD: An Alternative perspective of West European oriental scholarship Cover Page

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Byzantine Theology and Islam: Paul of Antioch’s Irenic Approach Cover Page

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'Muslim' Perceptions of Latin Christianity. A Reevaluation Cover Page

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David Nirenberg, “Christendom and Islam,” in Miri Rubin and Walter Simons, eds., The Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. 4: Christianity in Western Europe, c.1100-c.1500 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 149-169 Cover Page

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“Dante’s Muhammad: Parallels between Islam and Arianism” By Maria Esposito Frank Cover Page

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Review of Mark BEAUMONT, ed. (2018) Arab Christians and the Qur’an from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period Cover Page