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Progress and prosperity require joint intra-regional and interregional collaboration, utilizing resources at their maximum and exploring new avenues for transit and trade. This will not only bring the prosperity, uplift the socioeconomic conditions of the masses, but also contain the role of non-state actors. In the contemporary world, economic interests and benefits have become more important players rather than ideologies in defining the mutual relations and cooperation among the states. Land-sea corridors connect several states, regions and continents into single transnational entity. Resultantly, mutual trade and commerce cooperation multiplies. The paper aims to have an insight into whether the revival of the Silk Route and access to Caspian region will play any role to improve political, cultural and socioeconomic ties between both the regions and how it will become the economic hub of the world economy. The study will explore how new possibilities will provide the rational and cost-effective transitional and trade route to the non-coastal states of Central Asia and how the strategic energy reserves will be beneficial for South Asian States.
(Print) 225 Global Market Needs New Cities or Development of Border Trade Ports of Kazakhstan
Just recently the history of Central (at that time Middle) Asia was considered as an integral part of the history of the USSR. Nowadays it becomes a reasonable enough to consider the Central Asia as a local civilization ». [1] The globalization of economic relations today represents multilevel phenomenon involving not only the separate enterprises and the markets, but also regional and national economy. The labor internationalization and its international division go deeper and the powerful national and regional centers are being formed. The dynamic growth of traffic flow, goods turnover and toughening requirements to transport mobility directly influence on prompt development of the international system of transport communication. Since time immemorial, development of transport communication between the states was one of the basic means of development of trans-boundary interaction making big impact on people's togetherness, economy development and cultures mutual enrichment. The active participation of Kazakhstan in formation of the international transport corridors recently became one of it's strategic priorities. Kazakhstan participates in three basic transit directions within the international Euro-Asian transit: Europe-Russia-China; Europe-China through the countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization; Russia-Central Asia. [2] The neighborhood of Kazakhstan with such powerful states as Russia and China creates specific environment for development of competitive trans-boundary interaction. China even today successfully carries out two big projects: "Big jump" Uniform Transport Strategy and "Go West " the Program of Accelerated Development of the Western Provinces.
Central Asian Transport Corridors Issue in the Scientific Literature
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
The article describes the main views of domestic and foreign experts on the development of transport corridors in Central Asia. The relevance of the problem is explained by the expansion of transport infrastructure in the Central Asian region within the framework of both national and international programs. The participation of Central Asian countries allows to solve a number of problems through the realization of the country's transit potential. However, in the process of implementing infrastructure projects, regional states face risks that require a correlation of transport policies with the national interests of the countries. This explains the wide scientific interest in this issue. The expert community is increasingly focusing on issues of transport policy of states and international cooperation on transport projects. Despite the large number of works on various aspects of international and regional transport corridors, in the scientific literature there are no works of a complex nature, studying the transport corridors of Central Asia. This also applies to historiographic research.
Naše more, 2015
This article deals with the current state of the transport of goods on East-West routes. It presents currently available options of carriage with mentioning the barriers and problems associated with the increasing Eurasian trade of goods carried along these corridors. Special attention was focused on costs and time analysis of exemplary freight of 40-feet container from China to Poland using alternative routes. It is determined that there are alternative possibilities that also include waterways. The main aim of this article is to present the potential demand related to the TRACECA major traffic flows passing through a corridor formed on one hand, in Western and Central Europe, and on the other-in Central and East Asia. As one of these possibilities a TRACECA corridor with the railway Baku-Tbilisi-Kars is considered together with SWOT analysis based on experts' knowledge. The benefits of intermodal transport are obvious so the introduction of railway line connecting two seas, the Caspian Sea with the Black Sea, seems to be the crucial element in the cheapest solution. Sažetak Članak govori o trenutnom stanju u prometu robe na rutama Istok-Zapad. Predstavljene su trenutno dostupne opcije prijevoza uzimajući u obzir prepreke i probleme vezane uz povećani euroazijski promet robe koji se odvija ovim koridorima. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je na analizu troškova i vremena za preijevoz tereta u kontejneru od 40 stopa iz Kine u Poljsku alternativnim koridorima. Utvrđeno je da postoje alternativne mogućnosti koje uključuju i plovne putove. Cilj rada je predstaviti moguću potražnju vezanu uz TRACECA glavne prometne tokove koji prolaze Zapadnom i Srednjom Europom i Srednjom i Istočnom Azijom. Kao jedna od mogućnosti razmatra se TRACECA željeznički koridor Baku-Tbilisi-Kars, kao i SWOT analiza temeljena na stručnom mišljenju. Prednosti intermodalnog prijevoza su očite, te se uvođenje željezničke pruge koja povezuje dva mora, Kaspijsko i Crno, čini ključnim elementom najjeftinijeg rješenja.
Central Asian countries attract investment in transport infrastructure to rebuild the Silk Road paths and enjoy economic benefits from the participation in international trade. The Kazakhstani government approached the Russian and Chinese governments intending to join the Western Europe–Western China (WE–WC) initiative to boost the country’s regional development. The paper aims to assess how the WE–WC transport corridor affected the economic potential of linking cities and regions starting from the quality of transport infrastructure and leading to their export potential. The study’s findings showed that the Kazakhstan section of the WE–WC corridor was at an early stage of transformation from a transport into an economic corridor. While the Russia-Uzbekistan section continues to serve mainly a transit function and operate at the level of transport infrastructure, the China-Kyrgyzstan section has started evolving from the level of multimode transport corridor to the level of logistic...
Innovative Economics and Management, 2020
Historically Georgia is associated with the “Silk Road” transport corridor, which connected the Asian and European countries by its geographical location. “Silk Road” transport corridor did not lost its actuality even during the last decades. This is proved by development of small and large-scale transport corridors in the Eurasian region being implemented and planned by different countries at different times, signing new cooperation agreements and forming associations that are part of the historic “Silk Road” route. In the present paper is discussed the represented transport corridors in the Caucasus and Eurasia regions, which are one of the important levers in the Eurasian region to increase the economic interests and the spheres of their influence of the major players in the region, such as the European Union, China, Russia and Iran. The goal of the present work is to determine the importance and opportunities of Georgia as the transport corridor country in the context, that in parallel, alternative transport corridors are being formed in the region, as well as observation is made how developments are related to these processes in the Eurasian region. The aim of the study is to describe the geopolitical and economic situation in the Eurasian region and to line out the strengths and weaknesses of Georgia - as a transport corridor country connecting the EU and Asian countries. Originality and value of the given research lies in studying the state of Georgia as a country of a transport corridor in relation to the development of other alternative transport corridors in the region, as well as identifying existing and potential weak positions and determining ways to overcome the weaknesses. To achieve the objectives of the study were used complex methods of obtaining information. By bibliographic research was implemented extraction, sorting and analyzing the secondary data. The theoretical basis of the research is the existed literature on the subject: scientific papers, studies, publications, articles from periodicals, data retrieved from the Internet. This thesis discusses the existing geopolitical situation in the Eurasian region and the impact of sanctions imposed on some countries in the region on the functioning of the middle corridor, which has a positive impact on the functioning of the corridor. The current logistical challenges faced by the countries involved in the corridor are also discussed.
The Transport Sector in Central Asia
In recent years, considerable attention has been given to the status and development of the transport sector in Central Asia. The war in Afghanistan has not only created a need for distribution networks for military supplies and personnel, but also accentuated the importance of a viable transport infrastructure that can facilitate cross-border trade and cooperation in the region. This report offers an overview of the transport sector in the five Central Asian republics – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The data were collected between February and April 2012 by individual researchers in each of the five countries. Variations in terms of data availability and quality across the countries must be noted. Sources and methods used are listed in footnotes. The report is divided into three main parts: roads, railways and air transport. The countries’ transport sector development strategies are briefly introduced; finally, two appendices with details of bilateral and regional transport agreements as well as an overview of road border points are provided.
From Connectivity and Security to Regional Integration? The "Central Asian Corridor"
The Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues/La Revue de dialogues inter-régionaux, 2021
This article argues that the "Central Asian corridor"-a region including Iran, China, and the five Central Asia (CA) post-Soviet states, that is Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan-is experiencing an informal process of region-building. Its internal drivers are represented by China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and an Iranian renewed Eastward attitude. Although the BRI's main goal is that of constructing a wide transports infrastructure for connecting Chinese goods with Western markets, it also has the potential of enhancing connectivity and economic growth in CA. Iran can make its huge gas and oil reserves available as well as its already existing transports network capable of connecting landlocked Western China and CA to the Persian Gulf. Together such drivers could increase energy selfsufficiency of the region and lead it to economic interdependency. Moreover, given that all of these seven states share regional stability and security as main policy concerns, their mutual engagement can help to avoid interstate and intrastate conflicts within the region. The first part of the article is devoted to the theoretical debate about regionalism, in particular in CA. The second one deals with the main features of the integration process under construction in the "Central Asian corridor". Index by keyword : Central Asia, regional integration, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Table of content Introduction Regional integration as an historically determined experience What regionalism Regionalism and CA: a debated issue Regionalism in the "CA corridor" The "CA corridor" Economic and political factors at play The role of security concerns and of cultural sedimentation Conclusion References