Changes in the environmental attitudes of secondary school students brought about by a project for sustainable development (original) (raw)
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Higher Education Studies, 2020
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the nature education project on the attitudes and awareness levels of secondary school students towards the environment. The research is based on an experimental model which is a type quantitative research approaches and the population consisting of the students studying at a secondary school in Denizli. The sample of the study consists of 24 students participating in the project selected from Denizli. The first criterion for the selection of the students was determined as the participation of a 4006 science fair before, and other criteria were some variables such as academic achievement, gender, absence of health problems, and high communication skills. The data of the study collected with the journal form was used to gather the opinions and thoughts of the participants through an "Environmental Affect Scale" (EAS) consisting of 15 questions in type of five point likert scale along with another "Environmental Behavior Scale" (EBS) consists of 12 questions in type of seven point likert scale that were both developed by Sontay, Gökdere & Usta (2014). SPSS 22 program is used in the analysis of the data.When the results obtained are evaluated in general, it is evident that nature education program significantly contributes to both the environmental consciousness and environmental attitudes of the participants. In addition, in the evaluation made according to the sub-dimensions of the attitude scale, it is clearly seen that the program increases students' positive attitudes towards the environment as well as ensuring their permanence. However, no significant differences were found in the environmental perception scores of the students.
A2. Development of Attitude Scale in the Concept of Environmental Education
The rapid disappearance of natural resources and residential areas as a result of industrial and technological improvements necessitated precautions to be taken in this issue. In fact, the idea of sustainable development arose within this context. The notion of sustainable development, which started to gain importance specifically after the mid-1980s, was defined as "the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" in the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Throughout time, this idea promptly tended towards the education of sustainable environment and became the contemporary dominant view. Therefore, environmental education is considered as a significant mean in the sustainable development. Within this context, the aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale in order to determine teacher candidates' attitudes in relation to environment in the framework of sustainable environmental education. A pilot study was conducted with 400 teacher candidates who are studying in the programs of Social Sciences Education, Elementary Science Education and Primary Education in the Department of Elementary Education at the Ahi Evran University. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, it was found that the scale has 6 factors and the internal consistency coefficient is 0.904.
A Study of Attitude of Secondary School Students Towards Environmental Education
The present study pointed that the most critical goal of environmental education is to ensure that the necessary information, guidelines and training is imparted to children and adolescents regarding the ill practices that might harm the environment in the longer run. In addition, another important goal of environmental education is to educate the industrial production houses about the safer practices that need to be followed in order to ensure that minimum damage occurs to their surroundings and environment.
International journal of environmental and science education, 2014
The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental attitudes (EA) in the population of 15-year-old French students and, to check if the French student population presents similar EA categorization as described in the different models in the literature (e.g. the Model of Ecological Values, Wiseman & Bogner 2003). The second aim of this study is to identify the different factors influencing students’ EA. We analyse the results of the questionnaire-based Relevance of Science Education Project carried out in France in 2008 as a part of a wider international comparative study ROSE (Relevance Of Science Education). The hierarchical ascendant classification of data from 2124 French students led to three main classes reflecting three different environmental attitudes showing a high resonance with the 2-MEV scale (Wiseman & Bogner 2003). The Model of Ecological Values (2-MEV) is defined with two orthogonal dimensions, Preservation and Utilization. Ecological Values are determined ...
Student perceptions and solutions about the matters of environment
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
The goal of this study is to determine the manner in which the 8th graders perceive the environmental problems and to bring solutions to these problems from their own perspectives. Qulitative research technique such as document review technique was used as data collection tool. 111 students (63 females and 48 males) wrote compositions about environmental problems and proposed solutions. Majority of the students thought of visual pollution and air pollution when environmental matters were mentioned and they proposed solutions regarding these problems. In addition to these, the students mentioned global warming, destruction of forests, erosion and unplanned urbanization when they were reflecting their ideas on water, soil, noise and nuclear pollution. The students had interesting analysis and brought various solutions to the problems by suggesting awareness raising campaigns, providing educational seminars by the government, broadcasting TV programmes related to the matter and increasing criminal sanctions towards environmental crimes.
Development of attitude scale in the context of sustainable environmental education1
The rapid disappearance of natural resources and residential areas as a result of industrial and technological improvements necessitated precautions to be taken in this issue. In fact, the idea of sustainable development arose within this context. The notion of sustainable development, which started to gain importance specifically after the mid-1980s, was defined as "the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" in the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Throughout time, this idea promptly tended towards the education of sustainable environment and became the contemporary dominant view. Therefore, environmental education is considered as a significant mean in the sustainable development. Within this context, the aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale in order to determine teacher candidates' attitudes in relation to environment in the framework of sustainable environmental education. A pilot study was conducted with 400 teacher candidates who are studying in the programs of Social Sciences Education, Elementary Science Education and Primary Education in the Department of Elementary Education at the Ahi Evran University. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, it was found that the scale has 6 factors and the internal consistency coefficient is 0.904. production, public health, conservation and management of natural resources, social integration, demography and migration, global poverty" .