Гарбузов Г.П., Завойкин А.А. Сельская территория Таманского полуострова после Спартокидов // Древности Боспора. 2015. Т. 19. С. 94–134. (original) (raw)
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Таманский полуостров -одно из заповедных мест, где за рождалась и совершенствовалась российская археология, при нес ей заслуженную известность прежде всеrо раскопками богатых курганов, осветившими определенный раздел исто рии Скифии и Боспора. Исследования античных rородов, раз вернувшиеся rораздо позднее, выявили другую сторону археологии и истории Тамани. Наименее изученной областью до настоящеrо времени остаются древние поселения Таман скоrо полуострова, являвшиеся экономической базой этоrо региона. Без знания этой стороны история Боспора в некото рых моментах предстает гипотетической, основанной лишь на блестящих дог а дках и построениях. Трудности изучения хоры Таманскоrо полуострова, отмечавшиеся ее исследователями 1 , имели множество причин, в обобщенном виде сводившихся к недостаточному уровню методико-техническоrо обеспечения археологических разведок и относительной широте датировок античных амфор, фрагменты которых являются основным ма териалом для хронологии поселений. Главная цель данной работы -построение максимально под р обной на современном этапе картины расселения на землях Таманскоrо полуострова во время, предшествовавшее образованию Боспорскоrо царст ва и на первых этапах ero существования. В настоящее время имеется целый ряд исследований, посвященных сельско хозяйственной территории некоторых античных центров и от дельных районов Северноrо Причерноморья -Нижнеrо Под-�:��::сi, :: : �:ск�:О ь :�� � � ; ��,�3;;:::� ; аб�;;:ее� задачу восполнить пробел в отношении хоры Таманского по луострова в VI-V вв. до н.э.
Древности Боспора, 2017
The article is devoted to the publication of 65 copper coins from the excavations of South-East Beloye settlement`s east margin on the Taman Peninsula. There is a bosporan coins` dominance of Pantikapaion and Phanagoreia production dated the Spartoks` reign (3th–2th Centuries BC) and the early Roman time (1th Century AD) in the collection. Only few coins dated the Pontic period (1th Century BC), a lot of them are exotic and refers to Amis and Sinope urban production. The ratio of different types of coins on the South-East Beloye settlement is in conformance with currency features on the territory of Phanagoreia polis and chorus. It is in continued circulation of early coin`s types combined with latest and also in high proportion of Phanagoreia coins. The currency features described above, the stratigraphic observation and the complex pottery analysis give the opportunity to speak about the uninterrupted living of this settlement from the second half of the 2th Century BC to the first half of the 2th Century AD, despite the political instability in the region. The absence of the earliest coins in the antique layers dated from the end of the 6th Century BC to the first half of the 4th Century BC can be attributed to underdevelopment of the monetisation and domination of the exchange in kind on the Bosporan Kindom periphery. The main conclusion of the article is impossibility of the antique coins using as all-sufficient material for dating neither the South-East Beloye settlement nor other antique sites in Taman region.
Завойкин А.А., Гарбузов Г.П. О первом этапе освоения греками Таманского полуострова // Древности Боспора. Том. 14. М., 2010. с. 184-219.
The article presents the monuments of the Taman’ Peninsula dated to the second - third quarters of the 6th centuries BC: along with exactly localized apoikias emerged in the course of the Great Greek colonization the settlements appeared on their agricultural territories are regarded. The investigation is based on the axiom that the development of the region by the Greeks was conducted from separate independent centers (apoikiai) that are not always reliably localized or even known from literary sources. One of the main tasks of the article is to reveal such centers on the basis of territorial distribution of the earliest rural monuments of Asiatic Bosporus. For this aim their localization with regard to the sea coast (here of importance is the estimation of available reconstructions of palaeo-geographic situation in the region in the Colonization period), peculiarities of topography and distribution of fertile soils have been analyzed. On the basis of grouping of the landscape areas the authors distinguish nine probable zones of primary development of the territory. Two of them are zones of rural territories (the 4th and 8th), whose centers of colonization (real or supposed) have not been determined. These centers either have not preserved up to date because of natural coast erosion or the settlements of these zones should be regarded as frontier territories of the known colonization centers. One more zone (the 5th one) can’t be connected with any known center of colonization. The special zone (the 6th one) is constituted by monuments dated to the second quarter of the 6th century BC and located in the Northern-eastern part of the Peninsula, also remote from the known towns. In the vicinity of these monuments no other settlements of the 3rd quarter of the century are known. Some zones unite the territories of two poleis (the first one - territories of Hermonassa and Korokondama; the 2nd one - those of Phanagoria and Kepoi; the 7th — those of Patraeus and synchronous settlement «Beregovoy 4»). Zones 8 and 9 can be supposedly associated with the areas of influence of unlocalized centers — Kimmeris and Ahileion mentioned in written sources.