Комплекс вооружения раннесакского времени Притяньшанья / Weapons сomplex of the Early Saka period in Tien Shan region (original) (raw)
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The article discusses specific problems of chronology and typology of the first iron arrowheads from the archaeological monuments of the Saka culture located on the territory of the Tian Shan region. The finds of such arrowheads are quite rare. They account for about 20% of all arrowhead artifacts dating from the middle - second half of the 1st millennium BC. On the basis of the analysis of research materials two main classes of the arrowheads have been distinguished: tribladed arrowheads and trihedral arrowheads. Each of these classes is divided into three types based on the shape of the warhead of the arrowhead. All three types of the arrowheads were used from the IV century to the first half of the II century BC i.e. during the final stage of the Saka period on the territory of the Tian-Shan region. The Tian-Shan arrowheads have very close analogues found in the adjacent regions - the Pamir Mountains, Sughd Province, Bactria and the Lower Syr-Darya as well as in the Forest-Steppe Altai, Northern Kazakhstan, the South Urals and the Volga region. This fact allows considering the process of appearance and spread of such arrowheads on the territory of the Tian Shan region as a reflection of the large-scale changes in Eurasian steppes. These changes were most likely caused by the proliferation of metal armor as a form of protection during this period of time. Military contacts with the armies of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic states in Central Asia should have also played a role in these weapon related shifts.
The article deals with the emergence and spread of combat hatchets in the territory of the Saka culture of Tien Shan region. It was a formidable weapon, which made it possible to effectively fight against the armor-protected enemy, but in the course of the Saka period it was a rare weapon in this region. There are only four known finds of this type of weapon in Tien Shan region. Three of them come from the burials associated with the aristocracy and the fourth one was found in a rich hoard of bronze things. The analysis of combat hatchets from the area of Tien Shan region showed that this type of weapons existed here in 2nd half of 6th — 3rd centuries BC. The combat hatchets appeared in this region as a result of close cultural contacts with Kamen culture of Forest-Steppe Altai, where they find closest analogies to them.
Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Комплекс вооружения кочевников Северного Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам памятника Чобурак-I) // Археология Казахстана. 2024. No 3 (25). С. 57–73., 2024
The article presents the results of the study of weapons found during excavations of the burials of the necropolis of the Rouran period at the site of Choburak-I. This muti-temporal complex, explored by the expedition of the Altai State University, is located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The analyzed series of products, found in the undisturbed burials of seven men, one teenager and a child, includes eight composite bows, 48 iron arrowheads, three swords, six combat knives and one armor plate. It has been established that this set of military equipment of nomads was focused on effective confrontation with a well-protected enemy and corresponded to medium cavalry and, possibly, heavily armed infantry. The armament complex was dominated quantitatively by items characteristic of the second quarter of the 1st millennium AD, and at the same iteme there were specimens that became widespread in Altai no earlier than the middle of the 4th century AD. In terms of their diversity and level of development, the studied set of objects was not inferior to the military arsenals of the Xianbei, as well as other groups of the population of Central and North Asia in the pre-Turkic period.
The article is devoted to problems of migration of the Saka tribes of the Tien Shan region in the middle of the 2nd - early 1st centuries BC. After the defeat of the political union of Saka tribes by the Yuezhi, a significant part of the Saka tribes left the region and migrated in the sedentary areas of Margiana and Drangiana and later part of them moved to North India, where they created a few new independent kingdoms. At the same time another part of Sakas stayed in the Tien Shan region under the rule of Yuezhi, who were soon displaced by a new migration wave of the nomadic tribes of Wusuns. Part of the Saka tribes within the Yuezhi tribal union occupied Bactria and took part in the creation of the Kushan Empire. Some part of the former Saka population of the Tien Shan region became a part of Wusun the state. Basically, it was a sedentary part of the Sakas, which generally did not take part in the migration of the nomads and remained in the old habitats.
In 1985–1986, during the archaeological investigation of the Molaly I and Shubarat burials in Semirechie, a number of items of armaments and military equipment of the Saka period were received: an iron combat hatchet and a dagger, bone arrowheads, bronze belt buckles and a quiver hook. All these items belong to the late Saka time (the second half of the VIth – the first half of the IInd centuries BC). They have analogies in synchronous nomadic cultures of Central Asia and also in cultures of the Scythian type of the Sayano-Altai region. This shows that the armament complex of ancient population in the Tien Shan region in the 1st millennium BC developed under the close cultural contacts with the territories of Altai, Tuva and Western Mongolia. It is interesting, that general part of the weapons and military equipment was found in mound No.21 of the Molaly burial site. These are a dagger, four bone arrowheads and a quiver hook. This marks the full standard set of weapons of local Saka warriors, equally convenient for conducting both remote and close-in fighting.
Статья посвящена проблеме выделения локальных вариантов в сакской культуре Притяньшанья, которая в VI - первой половине II вв. до н.э. занимала территорию Юго-Восточного Казахстана (Семиречье), Северного Кыргызстана и прилегающей части Синьцзяна (верхнее течение р. Или). К настоящему времени можно выделить три локальных варианта данной культуры: семиреченский, тяньшаньский и верхнеилийский. Различия между ними прослеживаются в особенностях погребального обряда и керамического материала при сохранении целостного облика материальной и духовной культуры. Также определённой спецификой обладает группа могильников в западной части Семиречья, образующих особый джамбульский тип захоронений. Причинами возникновения различий внутри сакской культуры Притяньшанья на локальном уровне послужила её исходная многокомпонентность в период формирования.
Orientalistica. 2023;6(1):55-72. , 2023
Аннотация. Основные вопросы, рассмотренные в статье, посвящены за щитному вооружению (доспехи и щиты), бытовавшему в ханствах Средней Азии в период конца XVIII-начала XX в. Изучены упоминания о защит ном вооружении в регионе в письменных источниках начиная с послед ней четверти XVI в. На основании экспонатов, поступивших в крупные музейные собрания в период бытования доспехов в регионе, подробно рассмотрены как типичный комплекс защитного вооружения среднеази атского воина, так и отдельные предметы из него. На сновании изучен ных письменных источников и материальных памятников выдвигается гипотеза о влиянии Индии и Ирана на защитное вооружение в ханствах Средней Азии, проявившемся как в стилистике доспехов, так и в исполь зовании среднеазиатскими воинами предметов, изготовленных индий скими и персидскими мастерами.