2017 Guangqi Classics Lecture and Seminar Series III: Amy Russell (original) (raw)

Textual research about Christian writer Chen Chunsheng(陈春生)in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China

Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature

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Research on the Space Narrative Changes of Canglangting Garden during the Song and Ming Dynasties

Humanities and Arts

The Canglangting Garden was first built by Su Shunqin in the Northern Song Dynasty and underwent frequent changes in the following four dynasties: Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing. The theme of "Canglang" and its connection with Su Shunqin also disappeared and emerged in history, and gradually became prominent after the renovation of Canglangting Garden by Song Luo during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. Based on local Chronicles, garden records, poems and images, and other related historical documents, this paper focuses on the study of the spatial narrative changes of Canglangting Garden from the initial construction of Su Shunqin to the renovation of Song Luo by intensive literature reading, image analysis and field survey, discusses some important issues and details in particular, such as the background of the emergence of Canglang theme, the competition between Zhang and Han during the chaotic times, the disappearance

中國大陸當代藝術批評 : 理論模式和歷史視角 : 中國藝術批評家的概念方法


Depuis 1979, les critiques d'art en Chine ont accompagné le développement de l’art contemporain, participant à la renaissance de la vie intellectuelle durement éprouvée sous le règne de Mao. Les revues d'art reflètent l’évolution de leur réflexion. Dans ma thèse je présente d’une part ce paysage intellectuel dans lequel s’est construite la critique d’art chinoise, et d’autre part, après avoir analysé comment certains concepts passent d’une langue à l’autre, j’aborde les textes théoriques et leur réception dans le milieu académique. Attirés au départ par la pensée occidentale, un champ référentiel qui s’étend de Platon à Danto, les critiques chinois se sont tournés ensuite vers le corpus classique, voire le Livre des mutations, pour forger des outils “propres à la Chine” afin de ré-écrire une histoire de l’art contemporain chinois délivrée du carcan post-colonial, mais au risque de se prendre au piège d’un nationalisme insidieux encouragé par le Parti. Les larges extraits que...

西方学界中国近代慈善史研究述评 爱德华 麦科德 “Xifang xuejie Zhongguo jindai cishan shi yanjiu shuping” [A critical review of Western studies on the modern history of Chinese philanthropy].

Anhui shixue [Anhui historical studies], 2020

This paper suggests that attention to Chinese philanthropy is not, however, as limited as often suggested because this topic has often been “embedded,” or hidden, in other subject areas that resulted in their exclusion from bibliographies under the keywords philanthropy or charity. The main example of this “embedding” can be seen in studies of missionary history, which often included significant exposition of the philanthropic work of missionaries in China despite not being categorized under the “philanthropy” subject heading. A complete understanding of Western studies of Chinese philanthropy cannot ignore the contributions of these studies. This paper also argues that the dominance of missionaries in Western perceptions of philanthropy in China for a long time hindered, or even distorted, the growth of the history of Chinese philanthropy as a specialized area of research. It was only with the development of other trends in Western studies of Chinese history, beginning with an emphasis on “China-centered history,” that eventually helped to correct the distortions in Western perceptions about Chinese philanthropy. These development ultimately contributed growing attention to this subject that finally promises to bring more strength and better balance to the study of Chinese philanthropy in the West.