El poder religiós llibres il.luminats per als bisbes catalans baixmedievals (segles XIV-XV) (original) (raw)
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Esta colección de artículos ofrece un merecido homenaje a la doctora Josefina Mutgé i Vives, que se jubiló de sus cargos en la Institució Milà i Fontanals del CSIC en 2012, después de una larga carrera como historiadora, que empezó en el año 1961, cuando entró in la IMF para elaborar su tesis doctoral bajo la dirección del profesor Emilio Sanz. El volumen está compuesto por una Introducción redactada por los editores, una relación de las publicaciones de la Dra. Josefa Mutgé Vives (1966-2012) y, finalmente un total de veinticuatro artículos escritos por investigadores -colegas y antiguos alumnos-, que han colaborado con la Dra. Mutgé en proyectos de investigación y en otras actividades científicas a lo largo de los años.
Tamid 17: 81-104, 2022
In the Episcopal Archive of Vic, there is a precious Bible in four volumes, dating from 1268. It was written in the style of the great Bibles of Paris, in Catalan Gothic minuscule, and produced specifically for study purposes, as evidenced by its large margins. The text of the Vulgate of this Bible has been eruditely glossed with different biblical readings (Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Josephus, veteres versiones, Jerome, Glossa ordinaria, etc.), a fact that makes this manuscript an extremely important witness for biblical textual criticism in Catalonia. The aim of this paper is to offer a critical analysis of the biblical glosses contained in it: its philological and theological vane may help us to situate this Latin Bible in the historical, cultural and theological context of the Barcelona Disputation (1263).
El bisbat d’Urgell a l’inici del segle XIV (a través de la visita pastoral de 1312 a 1315)
The following thesis is based on the transcript and study of the archiepiscopal visitation to the Urgell diocese conducted between years 1312-1315. This data comprises the main part of the doctoral thesis, since the unpublished source is practically unknown. The transcript of the document is of great interest in order to know the religious life of Urgell at the beginning of the fourteenth century, and additionally, it is of great importance due to it is the only known archiepiscopal visitation preserved in the Catalan archives, together with a visitation performed in 1328 to the diocese of Lleida. The source transcription is completed by an in-depth study, performing in first place a brief analysis concerning the pastoral visits, their origin, function and development, providing therefore the main facts surrounding the studied visitation. Subsequently the source is located in its territorial context, consequently describing the territory of the diocese of Urgell in the early fourteenth century. It begins with a brief historical context of the diocese to continue with the delimitation of the geographical area since an ecclesiastical perspective. The study is continued by the analysis of the transcribed source since several points of view in order to outline the main traits of the life of the clergy and lay people of the Urgell diocese within the early fourteenth century. Eventually the visitation is surveyed through the classical scheme of Late Medieval pastoral visits: the visitatio rerum, that is, the visual inspection of the building and the liturgical objects, and the visitatio hominum, the observation of the behaviour of the clergy and laity. Finally, a mapping has been performed in which the parish distribution of the diocese of Urgell within the fourteenth century is displayed. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT http://tdx.cat/handle/10803/390948
Libros litúrgicos en iglesias de la diócesis de Zaragoza (siglos XIV-XV
Taking like departure point Pastoral Visita made the diocese from Zaragoza by the archbishop Don Garcia Fernandez de Heredia between years 1387-88, the study of the inexistencies and deficiencies registered in ecclesiastical books of the 47 visited localities, of which 3 are cities, 5 is approached are villas and 39 are villages or places. The work, on 75 churches, is complemented with the information successfully obtained in several book inventories made around those years in some churches of the city of Zaragoza.
El 'Llibre de fra Bernat': una rica mostra del lèxic groller i obscè del segle XV
catalaA finals del segle XIV i al llarg del segle XV es van escriure en catala una serie de narracions en vers la finalitat de les quals era la comicitat i la parodia. Eren textos que tambe traspuaven una critica social forca acida, sobretot contra els estaments eclesiastics. Aquests poemes, propers a les narracions novel·lesques franceses conegudes amb el nom de fabliaux, es van divulgar amb una important vitalitat en l’epoca. El lexic i les expressions que contenen aquests textos es molt significatiu d’un tipus de cultura popular de l’edat mitjana. Es un vocabulari caracteritzat pels mots grollers i obscens. D’aquestes narracions hem analitzat el Llibre de fra Bernat de Francesc de la Via. Sobre aquesta obra s’han publicat diversos treballs durant el segle passat i en l’actual. Tot i que s’han tractat diferents aspectes relacionats amb l’obra i que tambe s’ha fet esment al lexic caracteristic, encara no s’ha presentat un treball exhaustiu i d’analisi mes detallat sobre el vocabula...
Les relacions entre el poder laic i eclesiàstic durant el bisbat de Sant Ermengol d'Urgell
El següent article analitzarà les relaciones entre el bisbe Sant Ermengol (1010-1035) i el poder laic. Es farà una aproximació a la situació precedent que es trobà al ferse amb el càrrec de bisbe de la Seu a partir de l'estudi de la formació de la seu episcopal o les dades de la seva biografia. I com, a partir de la seva bona gestió dels interessos de l'Església i de les propietats de les que disposava, aconseguirà mitjançant la seva obra, les donacions, les compra-vendes i les deixes testamentàries, fer-se amb el poder i el control de tota la zona urgellenca, ampliant els seus dominis a d'altres territoris. Es precisament d'aquesta manera com aconsegueix assolir tal rellevància que fins i tot aconsegueix els juraments de fidelitat de diferents comtes. Capítol apart mereixerien els judicis en els que es veu embolicat, els quals guanyà tots, molts d'ells fent servir com a prova una acta de consagració que els investigadors han mostrat que és falsa i que, precisament, serà la clau per assolir la preponderància política mostrada en els juraments per vers ells per part del poder laic.
La propaganda en las portadas de libros de la orden de San Basilio en España (siglo XVII)
The Spanish branch of the monastic Order of Saint Basil was established at the end of XVI century; by that time, the basilian monks needed to make their new Order known to survive among those Orders found centuries before. For this reason they used, among others means, the first covers of the books published by the members of his community as advertising media. With the use of this method, they developed a coherent and systematic program to spread out their new Order identity symbols (iconography of their founder saint, their heraldic shield and the basilian saints), emphasizing the importance of the protectors of their Order through their heraldic presence, as well as to justify the existence and necessity of the Order itself through the use of the ambiguity of the emblematic language. A whole set of engraved first covers that constitute a considerable example of this type of advertising to the service of a religious Order.