El lugar de cada uno: la necrópolis de Arroyo Culebro (Leganés, Madrid) y la organización social de la EHI en la Carpetania. (original) (raw)
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La necrópolis de incineración de la Primera Edad del Hierro en el Arroyo Culebro, Leganés (Madrid).
Publicado en Vida y Muerte en Arroyo Culebro, pp.47-70. Co-autor con: M. Sánchez, D. Martín, E. Gómez., 2001
L La a n ne ec cr ró óp po ol li is s d de e i in nc ci in ne er ra ac ci ió ón n d de e l la a P Pr ri im me er ra a E Ed da ad d d de el l H Hi ie er rr ro o e en n e el l A Ar rr ro oy yo o C Cu ul le eb br ro o (Leganés) EDUARDO PENEDO COBO MERCEDES SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA-ARISTA DOLORES MARTÍN DÍAZ ELENA GÓMEZ RUIZ (ARTRA S.L.TRABAJOS ARQUEOLÓGICOS)
Death as Archaeology of Transition: Thoughts and Materials Papers from the II Intemational Conference of Transition Archaeology: Death Archaeology. Edited by Leonor Rocha, Primitiva Bueno-Ramírez & Gertrudes Branco, BAR Intemational Series 2708. ISBN 978 1 4073 1359 7 , 2015
In this paper we present the cemeteries of the El Seminario (Huelva) that are integrated in the settlement of the III millennium B.C. This site occupied the center of the estuary that formed the rivers Tinto and Odiel. In this archaeological site have been documented around 250 negative structures of the IV-III millennia BC with various typologies or functions: domestic (housing, consumption and production), ritual, votive and funerary. The graves are underground structures (pit tombs, rock-cut tombs or hypogeums) or semi-subterranean (corbelled vault tombs or tholoi with passages and circular chambers constructed with fine slabs) with similar features to the cemeteries associated to settlements and enclosures of the southwest Iberian Peninsula. The tombs are in two burial grounds: northwest necropolis (2 pit tombs of the Last Neolithic and 1 hypogeum of the Copper Age) and southeast necropolis (2 pit tombs of the Last Neolithic and 4 tombs of the Copper Age distributed on a shaft 50 m NW-SE: 3 hypogeums and 1 tholos). The excavation with microspatial methodology and the study of funerary contexts of three tombs of the El Seminario (hipogeums 1336, 7016 and tholos 7055) allows us to achieve two objectives: 1) Analysis of the building characteristics and structural elements; 2) Analysis of the stratigraphy and funerary contexts, individual depositions with anthropological identification and grave goods, in order to know the funerary practices. The three tombs have complexes funerary contexts, as a result of repeated depositions and continuous constructive transformations along the III millennium. Thus, the archaeological contexts of the chambers have funerary floors with removed bones and grave goods by using own and cleaning. Even, in the tombs 7016 and 7055 we can’t determine the positioning of individuals (skeletons) and their correlation with the grave goods. This limits the interpretation of funerary contexts and practices developed. However, we can establish a set of generic considerations: -The graves are for collective use. The chambers have a shared space for burial depositions. Despite the long life of these structures has recovered a small number of individuals (11 individuals in the tomb 1336, 11 individuals in the tomb 7016 and 18 individuals in the tomb 7055). Therefore, the social access to these graves could be reserved for certain members of a specific social or family group. -In the tomb 1336, which preserved the primary burials, it has been determined that the funerary practices and behaviors could be characterized by a strong "cultural identity". Thus, in the funerary episodes in the middle of the III millennium, all individuals have placed supine lateral legs and bent arms, occupying the central space of the chamber, with his head against the walls. Their grave goods are mostly located near the heads, stuck to the walls of the chamber, being composed of two ceramic objects (pot, bowl or cup, and pot or vessel), and one or more lithic stone tools (flint or rhyolite knives and arrowheads). -In the late III millennium BC these collective tombs were reused, building graves for individual burials inside the chambers were built. In the tombs 7016 and 7055 have been documented small caves with individual burials who are associated "bell-beaker grave goods".
Los yacimientos de Arroyo Culebro (Leganés, Madrid)
…, 2007
Durante los años 1999 y 2000 se han realizado unos trabajos de excavación arqueológica de urgencia en el término municipal de Leganés (Madrid), comprendidos en el Programa de Actuación Urbanística Arroyo Culebro, promovidos por la empresa pública ARPEGIO, y llevados a la práctica por la empresa de arqueología ARTRA, S. L. En dichos trabajos se han excavado dos enclaves de extraordinaria importancia para la investigación arqueológica de la Comunidad de Madrid y del centro peninsular. Se ha documentado una necrópolis de incineración con 32 enterramientos, y su posible ustrinum, cuyo conjunto estructural encaja perfectamente en la I Edad del Hierro, constituyendo el primero de los yacimientos funerarios de esta etapa excavados en la Comunidad de Madrid. El registro material asociado nos remite a un período comprendido entre finales del siglo VII-comienzos del siglo VI a. C., y comienzos del siglo V a. C.
Hipogeos colectivos en el megalitismo del interior ibérico. La necrópolis de Valle de las Higueras
Menga, 2023
The characterization and archaeological documentation of the artificial cave necrópolis of Valle de las Higueras, in Huecas, Toledo, has revealed an unprecedented panorama of hypogea in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. Their organization and relationship with settlements and other burials in the same territory as well as their architecture, collective burials and grave good shave transformed the models as sumed for the societies of the Final Neolithic and Inner Chalcolithic until the end of the 20th century. The Ciempozuelos type which until then had been characterized by individual burials, today brings together in it sepony mous zone the largest group of collective Bell- Beaker burials in southern Europe.
The characterization and archaeological documentation of the artificial cave necrópolis of Valle de las Higueras, in Huecas, Toledo, has revealed an unprecedented panorama of hypogea in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. Their organization and relationship with settlements and other burials in the same territory as well as their architecture, collective burials and grave good shave transformed the models as sumed for the societies of the Final Neolithic and Inner Chalcolithic until the end of the 20th century. The Ciempozuelos type which until then had been characterized by individual burials, today brings together in it sepony mous zone the largest group of collective Bell-Beaker burials in southern Europe.
Un yacimiento hispanovisigodo en el Arroyo Culebro (Leganés, Madrid)
The archaeological intervention for the programme of Urban Action of Arroyo Culebro Leganés (Madrid) took place during the years 1999 and 2000. Archaeological performance was developed in different phases of intervention: prospection, surveys and excavations . The prospecting and drilling campaign allowed us to locate different sites (Iron I, Iron II, Roman, Visigothic, etc.), between which it emphasizes an important enclave of Visigothic chronology. The excavated surface was of about 2,000 m2 and the extension of the habitat reached an area of more than 4 hectares, following a model of population along the fertile lowlands of the Culebro spring. The excavation works allowed to distinguish two zones of occupation: room and storage. The first consisted of a series of rectangular huts with stone socles, elevations of adobe and tile ímbrices ceiling. Most important was the excavation of the storage area, where nearly a hundred of silos with different types and phases could document. It has witnessed, in addition, the destruction of the habitat of form violent sometime in the 8th century AD, although space is returned to marginally until at least the end of the eighth century.