Extended-Plasma-Electromagnetic Cosmology (EPEMC (original) (raw)
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Towards a History of Plasma-Universe Theory
C. Whitney (ed.), Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, vol. 8: 18th Annual Conference of the NPA, 6-9 July 2011 at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA (Mount Airy, Maryland: the Natural Philosophy Alliance), 2011
It is demonstrated that plasma-universe theory boasts a respectable pedigree in the history of science. Ideas concerning a fourth or fundamental state of matter or a pivotal role for electromagnetic forces in the physics of the polar aurora, the sun, the zodiacal light, comets and indeed the entire universe circulated long before the possibility of in situ measurements in space arose. An attempt is made to explain why such notions became anathema to the mainstream of astrophysics long before the Space Age provided means to test their accuracy.
EPEMC tm Benefits Ten Reasons to Consider Switching to Extended Plasma-electromagnetic Cosmology
EPEMC offers many new facets which are unavailable in BBC and standard PC/EUC. Furthermore it opens an avenue for diffusionist and catastrophist studies which are more reliant upon classical and modern high energy physics at all scales, as well as geology, astrophysics, and thermodynamics. By utilizing comparative mythology and lab-based and field-based research, EPEMC opens wide the span of human history and time for exploration of tantalizing theories, while remaining sensitive to important scientific principles and advancements. In this paper, ten (of many) advantages are listed explaining why an author should utilize the modular approach of EPEMC, and how to do so in an ethical and independent manner. The switch can be rather seamless, as the cosmology is already being adopted, piecemeal by the BBC scientific community, and as diffusionism and catastrophism have returned fully into archaeology.
Electric space: Evolution of the plasma universe
Astrophysics and Space Science, 1996
Contrary to popular and scientific opinion of just a few decades ago, space is not an ‘empty’ void. It is actually filled with high energy particles, magnetic fields, and highly conducting plasma. The ability of plasmas to produce electric fields, either by instabilities brought about by plasma motion or the movement of magnetic fields, has popularized the term ‘Electric Space’ in recognition of the electric fields systematically discovered and measured in the solar system. Today it is recognized that 99.999% of all observable matter in the universe is in the plasma state and the importance of electromagnetic forces on cosmic plasma cannot be overstated; even in neutral hydrogen regions (∼10−4 parts ionized), the electromagnetic force to gravitational force ratio is 107. An early prediction about the morphology of the universe is that it be filamentary (Alfvén, 1950). Plasmas in electric space are energetic (because of electric fields) and they are generally inhomogeneous with constituent parts in motion. Plasmas in relative motion are coupled by the currents they drive in each other and nonequilibrium plasma often consists of current-conducting filaments. This paper explores the dynamical and radiative consequences of the evolution of galactic-dimensioned filaments in electric space.
The Force is a unified conceptualization of the entire active force, directive vector, or field acting upon objects and light (it is light, and needs no medium to propagate that we know of). The Force, EM for short, acts upon different scales and has many different side-studies of unique effects and scales. The equations for EM are listed elsewhere as Maxwell-Heaviside equations or more recently as New-EM (Distinti), but are also relevant in quantum mechanics as all particle ‘masses’ are measured in electronvolts. Charge is measured in Q (Coulombs) or as tension (V, voltage). Flux is measured in current (I, amperes) for electricity and gauss for magnetism.
Toward a Real Cosmology in the 21 st Century
The Open Astronomy Journal, 2011
A real cosmology must be a broad and coherent natural philosophy. It may always be incomplete, based on our limitations, but to be valid there can be no exceptions in our experience. In particular, cosmology must address issues of life and the human condition. Therefore it must be a truly interdisciplinary pursuit. Modern specialized science is a hostile environment for such a quest. For example, the world’s largest professional body, the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), recognizes plasma cosmology while it remains unheard of by students of astronomy. Plasma cosmology receives no publicity although it deals empirically with the electromagnetic behavior of plasma, which constitutes almost the entire visible universe. Unlike theoretical big bang cosmology, plasma cosmology can claim successful predictions without recourse to hypothetical matter, energies and forces. However, despite its many successes, plasma cosmology cannot claim to be the final answer because it does not deal with unsolved problems in basic and stellar physics. The new Electric Universe cosmology addresses those fundamental problems and in doing so offers a breakthrough in understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. It provides practical insights for broad scientific progress and space exploration. The Electric Universe is a convergent, interdisciplinary cosmology that attempts, in the words of E. O. Wilson, “consilience,” or “the unity of knowledge.”
Plasma and the universe: large scale dynamics, filamentation, and radiation
Astrophysics and Space Science, 1995
One of the earliest predictions about the morphology of the universe is that it be filamentary (Alfvén, 1950). This prediction followed from the fact that volumewise, the universe is 99.999% matter in the plasma state. When the plasma is energetic, it is generally inhomogeneous with constituent parts in motion. Plasmas in relative motion are coupled by the currents they drive in each other and nonequilibrium plasma often consists of current-conducting filaments. In the laboratory and in the Solar System, filamentary and cellular morphology is a well-known property of plasma. As the properties of the plasma state of matter is believed not to change beyond the range of our space probes, plasma at astrophysical dimensions must also be filamentary. During the 1980s a series of unexpected observations showed filamentary structure on the Galactic, intergalactic, and supergalactic scale. By this time, the analytical intractibility of complex filamentary geometries, intense self-fields, nonlinearities, and explicit time dependence had fostered the development of fully three-dimensional, fully electromagnetic, particle-in-cell simulations of plasmas having the dimensions of galaxies or systems of galaxies. It had been realized that the importance of applying electromagnetism and plasma physics to the problem of radiogalaxy and galaxy formation derived from the fact that the universe is largely aplasma universe. In plasma, electromagnetic forces exceed gravitational forces by a factor of 1036, and electromagnetism is ≈ 107 times stronger than gravity even in neutral hydrogen regions, where the degree of ionization is a miniscule 10−4. The observational evidence for galactic-dimensioned Birkeland currents is given based on the direct comparison of the synchrotron radiation properties of simulated currents to those of extra-galactic sources including quasars and double radio galaxies.
The Plasma-Electromagnetic Sky (PEMS) and HEGEME work in a synergistic effect. PEMS, as it relates to Earth is a part of HEGEME hypothesis, however is also by extension part of the Solar System Circuit (SSC), which is part of the Galactic Electric Circuit (GEC). In essence, the four levels are divisible into two: Spheres of Heaven and Spheres of Earth, which are nothing more than charge differentiated layers. Plate Tectonics is enhanced, and reframed as a membrane interaction between solids (mineral/bedrock) and gases (atmospheres), which in between is aided by a liquid-organic chemistry. Guided by the five groups of the laws of physics: Energy, Thermodynamics, Motion, Electromagnetism, and Life, this chemistry and electromagnetic interaction of energy-mass is therefore able to explain by-in-large all sorts of difficult coincidences without invoking pseudo scientific hypotheses. Instead, the cosmology is simplified, and reified into a natural cosmology of continuous extension from an active, churning core of complex chemical interaction into the cosmos, and then returns again via plasma currents (Birkeland currents, aka magnetic reconnection flux tubes), towards the Earth's poles, reconstituting a cycle of energy, life, and chemistry.
Evolution of the Plasma Universe: I. Double Radio Galaxies, Quasars, and Extragalactic Jets
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 1986
Cosmic plasma physics and our concept of the universe is in a state of rapid revision. This change started with in-situ measurements of plasmas in Earth's ionosphere, cometary atmospheres, and planetary magnetospheres; the translation of knowledge from laboratory experiments to astrophysical phenomena; discoveries of helical and filamentary plasma structures in the Galaxy and double radio sources; and the particle simulation of plasmas not accessible to in-situ measurement. Because of these, Birkeland (field-aligned) currents, double layers, and magnetic-field-aligned electric fields are now known to be far more important to the evolution of space plasma, including the acceleration of charged particles to high energies, than previously thought. This paper and its sequel investigate the observational evidence for a plasma universe threaded by Birkeland currents or filaments. This model of the universe was inspired by the advent of threedimensional fully electromagnetic particle simulations and their application to the study of laboratory z pinches. This study resulted in totally unexpected phenomena in the data post-processed from the simulation particle, field, and history dumps. In particular, when the simulation parameters were scaled to galactic dimensions, the interaction between pinched filaments led to synchrotron radiation whose emission properties were found to share the following characteristics with double radio galaxies and quasars: power magnitude, isophotal morphology, spectra, brightness along source, polarization, and jets. The evolution of these pinched synchrotron emitting plasmas to elliptical, peculiar, and spiral galaxies by continuing the simulation run is addressed in a sequel paper.
Evolution of the Plasma Universe: II. The Formation of Systems of Galaxies
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 1986
The model of the plasma universe, inspired by totally unexpected phenomena observed with the advent and application of fully three-dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations to filamentary plasmas, consists of studying the interaction between fieldaligned current-conducting, galactic-dimensioned plasma sheets or filaments (Birkeland currents). In a preceding paper, the evolution of the interaction spanned some 108_109 years, where simulational analogs of synchrotron-emitting double radio galaxies and quasars were discovered. This paper reports the evolution through the next 109-5 x 109 years. In particular, reconfiguration and compression of tenuous cosmic plasma due to the self-consistent magnetic fields from currents conducted through the filaments leads to the formation of elliptical, peculiar, and barred and normal spiral galaxies. The importance of the electromagnetic pinch in producing condense states and initiating gravitational collapse of dusty galactic plasma to stellisimals, then stars, is discussed. Simulation data are directly compared to galaxy morphology types, synchrotron flux, Hi distributions, and fine detail structure in rotational velocity curves. These comparisons suggest that knowledge obtained from laboratory, simulation, and magnetospheric plasmas offers not only to enhance our understanding of the universe, but also to provide feedback information to laboratory plasma experiments from the unprecedented source of plasma data provided by the plasma universe.