Maria Amodio et al., Il progetto “ceraNEApolis”: un sistema informativo cartografico delle produzioni ceramiche a Neapolis (IV a.C.-VII d.C.), in Archeologia e Calcolatori, 28, 2017, pp. 29-47. (original) (raw)
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Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2017
In the last few decades, urban archaeology in Naples has contributed to outline the history of the city. The discovery of a great amount of pottery gave information about the daily life of ancient Naples. It was therefore decided to draw up a thematic archaeological map of the ceramics finds to reconstruct their production and distribution from the 4th century B.C. to the 7th century A.D. The project ceraNEApolis consists of a pottery map linked to a bibliographic database, which will be made available online: a working tool for experts, useful to outline the cultural city stratification and to understand the Neapolitan archaeological sites through the material. It is useful in defining the topography of production (workshop, raw materials, and resources), distribution (communication routes, harbour, market), uses and consumption patterns (house, habitat, sacred areas, burials) in the city, even if lacking monumental evidence. It contributes to the reconstruction and analysis of the...
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The increase in urban archeology in Naples over the past decades has contributed to the reconstruction of the city's history thanks to the discovery of a lot of pottery. These - in spite of its modest appearance, especially in fragments - represents a consistent sign of the daily ancient city life. In this perspective, it is therefore decided to draw up a thematic archaeological map of Neapolis ceramics, including IV B.C. and VII A.D. It is presented here. The ceramic graphical representation of discovery ceramic sites makes possible to view, even in the absence of the structures, the topography of production (workshop, raw materials, resources), distribution (communication routes, harbor, market), the city uses and consumption (house, habitat, sacred areas, burials), in synchronic and diachronic perspective. The Ceramic Map, available online, is a bibliographic database updated and implemented: a working tool, not only for experts, useful to outline the cultural city stratification. The map is a starting point for a comprehensive understanding of the archaeological Neapolis sites through the material culture and it contribute to the analysis and reconstruction of the urban landscape, taking into account the geomorphological elements in view of the settlement of the production and distribution places. The Map is proposed here as a method of reading and interpretation urban and cultural landscape even in diachronic and transversal multi-disciplinary perspective. The analysis of some significant cases shows in fact its validity also for possible alternative fruition. Interactivity and implementation with digital technology finalized to reproduce integrated virtual reality systems are also an effective extension also for the knowledge, enhancement, communication and use of cultural heritage.
Labbro breve leggermente svasato, orlo assottigliato, gola. Spalla carenata, ampia vasca emisferica, fondo piano. Ansa verticale sormontante, impostata dal labbro alla massima espansione, sezione a nastro.
Ripercorrere le tappe delle campagne di scavo effettuate in area urbana e nei dintorni di Assoro non ha il solo scopo di elencare le felici stagioni degli anni '60, in cui era stata per la prima volta svelata, almeno negli ambienti scientifici, l'archeologia assorina, ma soprattutto quello di restituire alla città e alla comunità tutta, scientifica e non, la corretta immagine del suo passato tessendo le fila di una trama complessa. 2
IL PROGETTO cera NEApolis Archeologia e Calcolatori 2017
In the last few decades, urban archaeology in Naples has contributed to outline the history of the city. The discovery of a great amount of pottery gave information about the daily life of ancient Naples. It was therefore decided to draw up a thematic archaeological map of the ceramics finds to reconstruct their production and distribution from the 4th century B.C. to the 7th century A.D. The project ceraNEApolis consists of a pottery map linked to a bibliographic database, which will be made available online: a working tool for experts, useful to outline the cultural city stratification and to understand the Neapolitan archaeological sites through the material. It is useful in defining the topography of production (workshop, raw materials, and resources), distribution (communication routes, harbour, market), uses and consumption patterns (house, habitat, sacred areas, burials) in the city, even if lacking monumental evidence. It contributes to the reconstruction and analysis of the cultural and urban landscape, taking into account the geomorphological elements and the data contexts even in diachronic and transversal multi-disciplinary perspective. The analysis of some significant cases shows its validity also for potential alternative fruition. The integration of virtual reality systems is a possible extension also for the knowledge, enhancement, communication and use of cultural heritage.
Nello scavo dell'area del foro sono stati rinvenuti in totale 831 frammenti di ceramica romana a vernice nera 1 . Sulla base delle caratteristiche fisiche (caratteristiche dell'impasto e della vernice) e morfologiche è stato possibile identificare quattro principali produzioni: tre importate (Campana A, Campana B, produzioni B-oidi), cui si può forse affiancare un quarto gruppo (rappresentato da un unico frammento) di produzione di Italia meridionale e Sicilia; una locale, caratterizzata dall'impasto di colore grigio. è immediatamente visibile l'ampia prevalenza della Campana A ( , come già rile-13 Per le palmette e le rosette come decorazione impressa sulla ceramica campana si veda riGhini canTelli 1983, in part. p. 80, note 16 e 17.