Romagnoli, F., Y. Nishiaki, F. Rivals, and M. Vaquero (2018) Time uncertainty, site formation processes, and human behaviours: new insights on old issues in high-resolution archaeology. Quaternary International 474: 99–102. (original) (raw)

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Different times? Archaeological and environmental data from intra-site and off-site sequences Cover Page

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Archaeological Dates as Proxies for the Spatial and Temporal Human Presence in Europe: a Discourse on the Method. Cover Page

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Another Dating Revolution for Prehistoric Archaeology? Cover Page

Pleistocene chronological structures and explanations: a challenge

In M.A. Smith, M. Spriggs and B. Fankhauser (eds), Sahul in Review: Pleistocene Archaeology in Australia, New Guinea and Island Melanesia. Occasional Papers in Prehistory No. 24. Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Canberra. pp.24–33., 1993

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Pleistocene chronological structures and explanations: a challenge Cover Page

Archaeological cross dating: a formalized scheme (Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 2021)

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

Cross dating is the standard method by which archaeologists date archaeological contexts of unknown age based on parallel contexts of known age. Despite its importance, archaeological cross dating apparently still lacks proper mathematical modelling and a precise methodology. This paper proposes a formal definition of cross dating and discusses its complexity and limitations. We define the concept of "chronological propagation" between time periods and characterize its mechanism in terms of various types of synchronisms. We discuss the notion of archaeological contemporaneity, we define its inherent limitations for performing cross dating and we propose two practical solutions to deal with these limitations. We then present a comprehensive scheme for modelling real-life cross dating applications, based on the recent ChronoLog software (chrono. ulb. be). Finally, we illustrate these concepts by a practical case study from Aegean Bronze Age archaeology: Tomb 4 at Sellopoulo (Crete) and its rich assemblage linking the chronologies of Crete, Mycenaean Greece and Egypt.

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Archaeological cross dating: a formalized scheme (Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 2021) Cover Page

Korstanje, M. A. P. Cuenya y V. Williams. 2010. Taming the control of chronology in ancient agricultural structures. Non traditional data sets.

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2010

The absolute chronology of the agricultural soil from organic matter has always been difficult to measure due to several reasons. In our work on the Prehispanic agriculture in the Calchaqui Valley – Argentina, however, an absolute chronology is necessary to distinguish the Inca prevalence of the previous agricultural structure. Instead of looking for a new dating methodology, we have used. Citar como: Korstanje, M. A. P. Cuenya y V. Williams. 2010. Taming the control of chronology in ancient agricultural structures. Non traditional data sets. En: Journal of Archaeological Science. 37: 343-349. [Publicación con referato]. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2009.09.046.

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Korstanje, M. A. P. Cuenya y V. Williams. 2010. Taming the control of chronology in ancient agricultural structures. Non traditional data sets. Cover Page

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The Times of Their Lives: from Chronological Precision to Kinds of History and Change Cover Page

Seeking the Holy Grail> robust chronologies from archaeology and radiocarbon dating combined


The strengths of formal Bayesian chronological modelling are restated, combining as it does knowledge of the archaeology with the radiocarbon dating of carefully chosen samples of known taphonomy in association with diagnostic material culture. The risks of dating bone samples are reviewed, along with a brief history of the development of approaches to the radiocarbon dating of bone. In reply to Strien (2017), selected topics concerned with the emergence and aftermath of the LBK are discussed, as well as the early Vin≠a, Ra∫i∏te and Hinkelstein sequences. The need for rigour in an approach which combines archaeology and radiocarbon dating is underlined. IZVLE∞EK – Utrjujemo mo≠ formalnega Bayesovega kronolo∏kega modeliranja z zdru∫evanjem vedenja iz arheologije z radiokarbonskim datiranjem skrbno izbranih vzorcev znane tafonomije in diagnosti≠ne materialne kulture. Ponovno preu≠imo nevarnosti datiranja kostnih vzorcev skupaj s kratkim pregledom razvoja pristopov k radiokarbonskemu d...

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Seeking the Holy Grail> robust chronologies from archaeology and radiocarbon dating combined Cover Page

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Paleolithic culture behind the veil of chronology Cover Page

A Statistical Approach for Dating Archaeological Contexts


This paper describes a statistical model developing from Cor- respondence Analysis to date archaeological contexts of the city of Tours (France) and also to obtain an estimated absolute timescale. The data set used in the study is reported as a contingency table of ceramics against con- texts. But, as pottery is not intrinsically a dating indicator (a date is rarely

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A Statistical Approach for Dating Archaeological Contexts Cover Page