The identification of the land Danuna (in Russian, English summary) (original) (raw)

«Таманское» межевание на Европейском Боспоре и на Средней Кубани / «Taman» land division in the European Bosporus and the Middle Kuban area (in Russian)

Г.П. Гарбузов «Таманское» межевание на Европейском Боспоре и на Средней Кубани // Древности Боспора. Т. 29. c. 122-140, 2024

The article presents evidence of land division systems of a specific Taman type near the Greek polises of the European Bosporus and Meotian settlements in the Middle Kuban area. The land division on the European Bosporus is identical to that on the Taman Peninsula, forming a unified cultural and chronological land division zone. The peak period of land division in this zone was likely associated with the prosperity of the Bosporan rural territory in the 4th and early 3rd centuries BC, when land division was probable a necessary aspect of Bosporan agriculture during the grain trade. The Meotian land division was found along the entire chain of Meotian settlements on the right bank of the Middle Kuban. Its overall extent is still difficult to accurately determine. The Meotian land division is characterized by its irregularity, possibly indicating a formal imitation of Greek technology. The date of Meotian land division may be similar to that of land division on the Taman Peninsula, but there could be a delay in its spread compared to the Greek land division. Meotian agriculture likely played a role in stabilizing Bosporan grain production in the region's variable climatic conditions.

Античное межевание таманско-ольвийского типа в районе Нижнего Поднепровья / Antiquity land division of the taman-olbia type in the Lower Dnieper region (in Russian)

Гарбузов Г.П. Античное межевание таманско-ольвийского типа в районе Нижнего Поднепровья // ВДИ. Т. 84. №1. 2024. с. 77–106.

Based on public data from the Google Earth, the article shows that the largest area of antiquity land division in the Northern Black Sea region was in the Lower Dnieper. The land division ob-served here is very close in its external features to the land division which has long been known in the Olbia region. In general, it can be attributed to the non-linear land division of the Taman-Olbian type. The article substantiates the assumption that land division in the Lower Dnieper re-gion is associated with farming which was carried out by the inhabitants of the Scythian settle-ments of the 4th - the first third of the 3rd century BC. Together with the region of Olbia the Lower Dnieper region forms a dual center of the same type of land division with significant agri-cultural potential. Another such dual center of land division but on a smaller scale was the Bosporus together with the region of the Middle Kuban.

Ponomarenko E.V., Ponomarenko D.S. Stashenkov D.A., Kochkina A.F. Approaches to the reconstruction of dynamic of the territory occupation according to the soil signs. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (11). 2015.

The artickle reconstructs the history of human occupation on the Volga River bend adjacent to the Zhiguli archaeological site and burial ground based on the pedological, ichnological, and anthrocological study of the site’s occupation layer and the stratozems accumulated in a ravine downstream from the site. 7 cycles of erosion and accumulation occurred in the ravine during the Holocene. Each cycle began with forest fires, leading to the increase in runoff and ravine incision, and ended with the stabilization of the surface as grassland or forest was reestablished. The cycles correlate with periods of human occupation of the catchment area, rather than climatic change. The length of periods between changes of land use varied from a few decades in the agricultural cycles of the early Middle Ages, up to several hundred years in the nomadic-pastoral cycles of the Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and the late Middle Ages. Vegetation changed within every cycle as the human utilization of the watershed resulted in elimination of the understory, reduction of tree-species richness, increase in the proportion of conifers, and, due to combination of fire and grazing led to deforestation. Our study indicates that a long deforestation period occurred for the middle Holocene (Eneolithic— early Bronze Age). A new period of progressive deforestation began in the middle of the first millennium AD. The first traces of the typical steppe inhabitants, the burrowing rodents, are found in the soils of this age. Discontinuities in human occupation lasting a few hundred years occurred in the middle Holocene. Shorter breaks (less than a century) occurred between the Scythian-Gorodets period and the Imenkovo-Khazar period, later between the Khazar period and the Bulgarian period, and in the period preceding the Russian colonization of the area in the sixteenth century. Динамика заселения участка Самарской Луки, примыкающего к Жигулевскому селищу и могильнику, проанализирована в статье на основании сопряженного анализа культурного слоя археологического памятника и стратозема в примыкающей к нему балке. Выявлено семь эрозионно-аккумулятивных циклов развития балки в голоцене, коррелированных с периодами освоения водосборной территории. Каждый цикл начинался с пожаров, приводивших к увеличению стока и к врезанию балки, и завершался стабилизацией поверхности – ее залесением или залужением. Длительность периодов однотипного использования варьировала от нескольких десятков лет в земледельческом цикле раннего средневековья до нескольких столетий в скотоводческих циклах энеолита-бронзы, раннего железного века и позднего средневековья. В течение каждого цикла освоения происходили изменения растительного покрова, выражавшиеся в уничтожении лиственного подлеска, обеднении видового состава древостоя, увеличении доли хвойных пород за счет выпаса или обезлесении участков территории за счет выпаса и палов. Продолжительное остепнение исходно лесной территории отмечено в среднем голоцене (эпоха энеолита-ранней бронзы). Затем в середине I тыс. н.э. началось прогрессирующее увеличение площади открытых пространств. Следы грызунов- землероев, характерных обитателей лесостепных ландшафтов, отмечаются в почвах Самарской Луки не ранее этого периода. Максимальные перерывы в использовании участка (несколько сотен лет) отмечены в среднем голоцене, непродолжительные перерывы (менее столетия) – между городецким и именьковско-хазарским временем, хазарским и болгарским периодом и в период, предшествовавший русскому заселению Самарской Луки.

Khrapunov, Nikita. Describing Ethnography of a Borderland Province: Mary Holderness in the Crimea (Как описать этнографию имперской провинции: Мери Хоулдернесс в Крыму) (in Russian)

Izvestia. Ural Federal University Journal. Series 2: Humanities and Arts, vol. 22/4, 2020

This paper addresses travelogues by English author Mary Holderness who spent the years 1816–1820 in the settlement of Karagoz in the Crimean Peninsula. Scholarship has used this source but rarely, mostly for cultural-anthropological facts. This paper provides an integral analysis of these travel writings as the most detailed account of Crimean ethno-confessional communes from the period. The works by Holderness are studied in the context of contemporary Western knowledge of the Crimea and specific ethnographic ideas in early Romanticism. The “involved observer’s” experience allowed Holderness to collect unique information about the economy and ethnography of the country. The source provides various accounts on the economic activities and taxation specificities, traditional costumes and cuisine, matrimonial relations and funeral rituals, entertainment and superstitions, religion, and other features of Crimean Russians and Tatars, Greeks and Germans, Bulgarians and Armenians, Karaites, and other ethnocultural communities. These materials allow one to disclose the features of the British perception of other peoples. Thus, foreigners tended to generalisation and typisation, making conclusions about the general trends of the national character relying on a few cases known to them from their own experience. The traveller put her fellow countrymen at the top of the “stairs of peoples” going from “barbarism” to “civilization,” while Crimean ethno-confessional communes occupied the stairs below them. She “supplied” them with various combinations of such features as primitive religiosity and superstitions, bad morals and disinclination to work according to Protestant ethics, laziness and stealing combined with a good heart, hospitality, empathy, etc.

Судьба Бурана в структуре территориальной идентичности района Тушино [The fate of Soviet space shuttle “Buran” as a part of territorial identity of Tushino neighborhood]

Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация, 2018

The article considers the main plots of the history of the Buran orbital ship, which was developed and assembled in Tushino in the 70s-80s of the last century. Based on empirical research, the main elements of the Buran narratives are highlighted, as well as the key plots of Buran’s “biography”. The article shows that involvement in the work on Buran is one of the important semantic elements of the territorial identity of Tushino residents. [В статье рассматриваются основные сюжеты истории орбитального корабля Буран, который разрабатывался и собирался на Тушинском машиностроительном заводе в 70х-80х годах прошлого века. На базе эмпирического исследования выделяются основные элементы нарративов о Буране, а также ключевые сюжеты «биографии» Бурана. В статье показано, что причастность к работам над Бураном является одним из важных смыслообразующих элементов территориальной идентичности жителей Тушино.] Стрельникова А. В. Судьба Бурана в структуре территориальной идентичности района Тушино // Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация, 2018. Том. 10. № 16. C. 60-69.