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European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 2022
The urgency of the studied problem is due to the European integration of Ukraine and the presence in modern Ukrainian society of an acute need for codification of labour legislation. Ukraine has an extensive system of labour regulations that fail to correspond to one another and often lead to the violation of constitutional and human rights. This article aims to analyse the legislation of leading European countries in the field of codification of labour legislation in order to identify factors and problems of codification of labour legislation in Ukraine. Based on a comparative analysis of Ukrainian and European legislation in the field of codification of labour law, a list of recommendations will be presented aimed at improving the codification process of labour law in Ukraine. The materials of the article have practical value for everyone, who must participate in effective lawmaking in Ukraine.
Current Challenges of the Labour Law of Ukraine: On the Way to European Integration
The article describes the main challenges facing labour law and its practice in modern conditions. In particular, the author concludes that the long and complex process of codifying the labour laws of Ukraine has, regrettably, not yet achieved its main objective – namely, to bring radical change from the old model of socialist labour. The draft Labor Code submitted for consideration would, in reality, introduces some cosmetic changes, which lack the ability to modernise Ukrainian labour law. It is emphasised that in the context of Ukraine’s European integration and the rapid development of innovative information technology, labour legislation should take into account and, in fact, legalise long-standing practices in atypical employment relationships, so as to ensure labour rights and guarantees for persons involved in such activities. The author presents various elements as necessary: revision to the legislative definition of an employment contract, further differentiation and clarification in the legal regulation of labour relations, and rejection of these relations’ ‘excessive regulation’. Also proposed is an approach that renders labour relations more flexible while maintaining and ensuring the fundamental rights of employees. Keywords: labour contract; labour legislation reform; legalisation of atypical employment; European integration
Reform of Labour Protection Standards in the Process of Ukraine's Integration in Europe
The process of integration of Ukraine into the european community implies the adaptation of the legal framework, as well as important transformations of the social relations established in its population. The study demonstrates the most acute aspects of normative support for labor protection in Ukraine and presents possible ways of reforming the legislation based on the successful experience of the EU countries. The conceptual basis of the reformed legislation of Ukraine should be the protection of the rights of employees, as these rights are most often violated.
Legal Conflicts and Gaps in the Context of Labor Legislation of Ukraine
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2023
In the conditions of the democratization of the Ukrainian state, the reform of labor legislation is an objective necessity, about which there are many discussions. The current labor legislation was developed during the existence of strict legal regulation of labor relations, when state property was their economic basis. The relevance of the chosen research topic lies in the fact that the current legislation regulating labor relations is outdated and unbalanced, has problems, shortcomings, conflicts and gaps, and is simply not suitable for regulating this area in a market economy. The present study used a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge. The purpose of this study is to establish the nature of problems, shortcomings and gaps in the legal regulation of labor relations in Ukraine, identify some of them and find ways to solve them, and formulate proposals to improve existing labor legislation in our country.
Вісник юридичного факультету. Серія юридична, 2016
The issue of the concept of legal protection of employees' labour rights and legal interests and its correlation with the concept of defence of labour rights has been examined in the article. The author has concluded that legal protection should be regarded as an individual stage of defence of labour rights and legal interests. The notion of legal protection of employees' labour rights has been defined in the article. The concept of the protection legal system of employees' subjective labour rights and legal interests and its components has been considered. The components of the protection system are the following: availability of norms of labour law and labour legal relations; legal facts affirming violation of a right; law enforcement acts of jurisdictional agencies, as well as acts of self-protection; availability of a right to protection; effectiveness of current subjects which are legally bind to protect the infringed rights. The article has analyzed the legal forms of protection of labour rights, among which jurisdictional and unjurisdictional forms are distingiushed. The jurisdictional forms are: judicial and administrative protection. The unjurisdictional forms are: conciliative-arbitral procedures, self-protection and public defence which are performed by elective trade union authorities.
Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies
This paper aims to show the importance of a correct understanding of formally undefined EU labour law norms for the successful European integration of Ukraine. The analysis focuses on legal acts of the European Union. The drawbacks of the inequality of approaches to determining the content of norms with evaluative concepts are highlighted, as is the need to use doctrinal recommendations for the application of evaluative provisions with the purpose of preventing the misconception that evaluative concepts can be interpreted as, and to whom, it pleases. This article thus demonstrates the necessity of the analysis of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU, which is rich in the interpretation of evaluative concepts and is considered to help clarify the meaning of many terms of labour law, which, due to their undefined formulation, may cause difficulties in implementing them in the legal system of Ukraine.
Compliance of the Ukrainian legislation with the provisions of the EU law on posted workers
Ukrainian Journal of International Law, 2019
Д о 1 0 0-р і ч ч я М і ж н а р од н о ї о р га н і з а ц і ї п р а ц і Відповідність законодавства України положенням права ЄС про тимчасово відряджених працівників У статті досліджуються особливості правового регулювання статусу тимчасово відряджених працівників в Європейському Союзі та Україні. Подано характеристику чинних нормативно-правових актів Євросоюзу стосовно відряджених працівників, а також стану відповідності чинного українського законодавства в цій сфері. Доведено, що в наш час існує невідкладна потреба у створенні в нашій державі відповідної правової бази з метою захисту прав та соціальних гарантій українських працівників, відряджених до держав-членів ЄС. Ключові слова: Європейський союз, Україна, відряджені працівники, свобода надання послуг, мінімальні ставки оплати праці. The article examines the features of legal regulation of the status of temporarily posted workers in the European Union and Ukraine. The characteristic of the current regulatory legal acts of the European Union is given in relation to the posted workers, as well as the state of compliance of the current Ukrainian legislation in this area. It has been proved that in our time there is an urgent need to create in our country an appropriate legal framework in order to protect the rights and social guarantees of Ukrainian workers posted in the EU Member States.
The article gives the cause of accidents at work and found out that 63 % of them are organizational, namely in failure the demands of legal acts of labor protection. The analysis of inter-industry and industry regulations on labor protection for enterprises producing food and beverages was conducted. On the basis of the analysis a number of shortcomings were revealed in their structure, content and information filled. Perspective directions of improvement of the legal framework of Ukraine of labor protection concerning safety unify the structure of legal acts were suggested, the development of necessary methods and the necessary science-based criteria for quantitative assessment of hazardous and harmful factors, creating a single automated system of analysis and updates as well as design and implementation documents on certification of technical systems and compliance with health and safety.
Соціальне право, 2017
The article contains the main approaches to legal regulation for preventing and counteracting employment discrimination based on comparative study of this problem. The author gives analysis of some academic approaches to the problem of discrimination in wide sense and employment discrimination especially, spoken out by European, including Ukrainian, scholars in different publications. The relevant conclusions and recommendations on improving of anti-discrimination law in Ukraine, in particular regarding protection from discrimination, have been made. Keywords: discrimination, employment, right to work, comparative labour law Яцкевич І. І. Протидія трудовій дискримінації в Україні: європейські стандарти та українське законодавство У статті викладено основні підходи до правового регулювання запобігання та протидії дискримінації у трудових відносинах у порівняльному аспекті цієї проблеми. Автором проаналізовано основні наукові позиції щодо проблеми дискримінації взагалі та власне дискримінації у працевлаштуванні, висловлені в європейській, в тому числі вітчизняній, правовій науці. Зроблено висновки та рекомендації щодо вдосконалення антидискримінаційного законодавства України, зокрема щодо захисту прав людини у справах про дискримінацію. Ключові слова: дискримінація, працевлаштування, право на працю, порівняльне трудове право Яцкевич И. И. Противодействие трудовой дискриминации в Украине: европейские стандарты и украинское законодательство В данной статье изложены основные подходы к правовому регулированию предотвращения и противодействия дискриминации в трудовых правоотношениях в сравнительном аспекте указанной проблемы. Автором проведен анализ основных научных позиции относительно проблемы дискриминации, в том числе дискриминации в трудоустройстве, высказанных в европейской, в том числе украинской, юридической науке. Сделаны выводы и рекомендации по усовершенствованию антидискриминационного законодательства Украины, в частности по защите прав человека в делах о дискриминации.