Framing of Electoral Processes: The Stages of the Campaign as a Moderator of the Presence of Political Frames in the News (original) (raw)

Antecedents of strategic game and issue framing of local electoral campaigns in the Mexican context

Comunicación y Sociedad, 2020

Research into which factors in the media coverage are associated with the issue frame and which with the strategic game frame can help with understanding the causes of the proliferation of both styles of reporting. In this article, radio and television coverage of local electoral campaigns in the Mexican context were analyzed. Our findings show a greater presence of the issue frame in comparison with the strategic game frame, and confirm that the ownership and sector of the media organization, the type of election, the candidate’s gender, along with temporal-contextual variables predict the use of both news frames significantly.

Factores antecedentes de los encuadres de juego estratégico y temático en la cobertura de campañas electorales locales en el contexto mexicano // Antecedents of strategic game and issue framing of local electoral campaigns in the Mexican context

La investigación sobre qué factores en la cobertura de los medios están asociados con los encuadres temático y de juego estratégico puede ayudar a comprender las causas de la proliferación de ambos encuadres periodísticos. En este artículo se analizó la cobertura de radio y televisión de las campañas electorales de 2018 en el estado de Jalisco (México). Nuestros hallazgos muestran una mayor presencia del encuadre temático en comparación con el encuadre de juego estratégico, y confirman que el tipo de concesión y sector de la organización de medios, el tipo de elección, el género de la candidatura y variables temporales-contextuales predicen el uso de ambos encuadres periodísticos de forma significativa. / Research into which factors in the media coverage are associated with the issue frame and which with the strategic game frame can help with understanding the causes of the proliferation of both styles of reporting. In this article, radio and television coverage of local electoral campaigns in the Mexican context were analyzed. Our findings show a greater presence of the issue frame in comparison with the strategic game frame, and confirm that the ownership and sector of the media organization, the type of election, the candidate’s gender, along with temporal-contextual variables predict the use of both news frames significantly.

Framing and Election News Coverage in Spain and Sweden

4th International Symposium …, 2006

The mass media play a crucial role since it has become the main source for political information for citizens. However, even if the news coverage of election campaigns is important and has been at the center of political communication research for a long time, there is still a lack of comparative studies in this area. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the election news coverage in Spain and Sweden. The study draws on the concept of framing. By comparing the framing of politics in election news coverage in two vastly different democratic countries, the study will enable a deeper understanding of how the election news coverage is shaped by national media systems and political systems. The empirical method used is quantitative content analysis of the election news coverage in three newspapers in each country : El País, El Mundo and ABC in Spain, and Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, and Aftonbladet in Sweden. The time period includes the three weeks prior to the Swedish election in 2002 and the Spanish election in 2004, held on March 14. Differences found in the election coverage will be discussed by authors in order to draw some conclusions, focusing on the importance of national media systems and political systems in understanding the election news coverage.

When attack meets debate. Presence of conflict in the framing of the 2018 and 2021 Mexican federal elections

Comunicación y Sociedad, 2022

During election campaigns, the mass media favor political debate, giving relevant issues a particular framing. In this coverage the use of the conflict frame stands out, and although it usually presents politics as an exercise of confrontation and attack, it can also show it as a process of discussion and the exchange of opinions. A content analysis was conducted on television and press news during the 2018 presidential and the 2021 federal legislative elections in Mexico. The findings confirm the existence of two differentiated frames, that of “conflict” and that of “discussion and political agreement”. Furthermore, a connection between the two frames was detected in the media coverage of the campaigns.

Cuando el debate se conecta con el ataque. Presencia del conflicto en el tratamiento informativo de las elecciones federales mexicanas de 2018 y 2021 // When attack meets debate. Presence of conflict in the framing of the 2018 and 2021 Mexican federal elections

Comunicación y Sociedad, 2022

Los medios favorecen el debate político durante las campañas electorales, dando un tratamiento informativo particular a los asuntos relevantes. En esta cobertura destaca el uso del encuadre de conflicto que, aunque suele presentar la política como un ejercicio de confrontación y ataque, también puede mostrarla como un proceso de debate e intercambio de opiniones. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de las noticias de televisión y prensa durante las elecciones presidenciales de 2018 y federal de 2021 en México. Los hallazgos confirman la existencia de dos encuadres diferenciados de “conflicto” y de “debate y acuerdo político”, detectándose en ambas campañas la conexión existente entre ambos en la cobertura mediática de las elecciones. // During election campaigns, the mass media favor political debate, giving relevant issues a particular framing. In this coverage the use of the conflict frame stands out, and although it usually presents politics as an exercise of confrontation and attack, it can also show it as a process of discussion and the exchange of opinions. A content analysis was conducted on television and press news during the 2018 presidential and the 2021 federal legislative elections in Mexico. The findings confirm the existence of two differentiated frames, that of “conflict” and that of “discussion and political agreement”. Furthermore, a connection between the two frames was detected in the media coverage of the campaigns.

Government frames and their influence on news framing: An analysis of cross-lagged correlations in the Mexican context

Global Media and Communication, 2019

Frame building has been described as the flow of frames from political actors to journalists and, thus, to news articles. One influence factor to be considered in the area of framing is media input, which consists of materials that political actors send to newsrooms to facilitate their work while influencing the news. To find out to what extent the government’s frames for the Merida Initiative influenced news frames, we identified the issue-specific frames of the initiative, measured their presence in newspapers and media input, and conducted eight cross-lagged correlation analyses. On seven occasions, the correlation went above the baseline. For this reason, it was concluded that the salience of frames in media input had a significant role in the salience of frames in news.

Schmuck, D., Heiss, R., Matthes, J., Engesser, S., & Esser, F. (2017). Antecedents of Strategic Game Framing in Political News Coverage. Journalism, DOI: 10.1177/1464884916648098.

The use of strategic game framing is predominant in mainstream news reporting of politics. Nevertheless, systematic research on the specific antecedents of strategic game framing-especially in non-electoral periods-is scarce. Against this background, this quantitative content analysis of print, TV and online news investigates the antecedents of strategic game framing in a non-electoral context in two Western European countries-Austria and Switzerland. The study focuses on media type, online versus offline editions, and content-related variables as antecedents of the media's framing of political news. Findings reveal that the highly competitive online environment, opinionated story types and issues focusing on the functioning of democracy fuel the use of the strategic game frame in political news coverage in non-electoral times. Furthermore, the results indicate

Schmuck, D., Heiss, R., Matthes, J., Engesser, S., & Esser, F. (2016). Antecedents of Strategic Game Framing in Political News Coverage. Journalism, DOI: 10.1177/1464884916648098

The use of strategic game framing is predominant in mainstream news reporting of politics. Nevertheless, systematic research on the specific antecedents of strategic game framing – especially in non-electoral periods – is scarce. Against this background, this quantitative content analysis of print, TV and online news investigates the antecedents of strategic game framing in a non-electoral context in two Western European countries – Austria and Switzerland. The study focuses on media type, online versus offline editions, and content-related variables as antecedents of the media's framing of political news. Findings reveal that the highly competitive online environment, opinionated story types and issues focusing on the functioning of democracy fuel the use of the strategic game frame in political news coverage in non-electoral times. Furthermore, the results indicate

Election news in Sweden and the United States: A comparative study of sources and media frames

Journalism, 2012

This study compares election news coverage in two different countries -Sweden and the United States, focusing on the use of the strategic game frame and the conflict frame and the association between these two frames and different types of news sources. The content analysis includes early evening newscasts from CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News and ABC World News in the USA and Rapport, Aktuellt and TV4 Nyheterna in Sweden. The findings show that the strategic game frame is used more frequently in the US coverage and is correlated with the use of media analysts and campaign operatives in both countries. Ordinary citizens as sources contribute to issue framing while domestic political actors tend to be associated with conflict framing. Differences in media framing between public and private media are also identified and discussed in the context of national political and media systems.

Journalistic infotainment in election coverage. The case of presidential debates

Journalistic coverage of elections is increasingly about conflict, scandals, horse race coverage and gaffes, a phenomenon called infotainment, which is detrimental to the political content of elections, this is to say, the candidates' proposals and leader profiles. To assess the scope of these tendencies in the Mexican press, we focused our research on the coverage of presidential debates in the 2012 campaign, events with profuse political content, and undertook a content analysis of five national newspapers to measure framings related to infotainment (N=209 units). We found that the coverage was focused on the conflict between actors and performance assessment of the event, with little reference to the candidates' political positions and profiles. Such treatment is detrimental to the potential of civic formation of the debates, a significant feature of democracy.