Орлик В. Нумізматичні свідчення торговельних та військових зв’язків руських земель Великого князівства Литовського з державою Тевтонського ордену в Пруссії. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (original) (raw)
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Із залученням писемних та археологічних джерел розглядається історико-геогра-фічний аспект розмежування Волинського князівства з Київською землею. Обґрун-товується висновок про стратегічно-важливу роль літописних міст Південно-Східного Погориння у системі торговельних та стратегічних шляхів Південної Русі. Подано характеристику найважливіших адміністративних та оборонних пам'яток пограниччя, більшість з яких ще належить поглиблено вивчати. In article with attraction of written and archaeological sources the historical and geographical aspects of delimitations between Halich-Volhynian state and Kiev land is considered. The conclusion about the important role of annalistic city of South Pohorynnia' in the system of the Southern Rus' relations. All this generalizations of the main monuments of the Halich-Volhynian's borders has been investigations.
Проаналізовано типологічні особливості ударної зброї X–XIV ст. – кістенів, знайдених на землях Волинського та Галицького князівств. Обґрунтовується висновок про місцеві особливості видового складу кістенів. Ключові слова: археологічні знахідки, ударна зброя, кістень, Волинське та Галицьке князівства. War-flails belongs to the axe type of weapon and consists of a weigh fastened to the handle with a flexible gążwa (eg. a thong). Flail fight was based on quick circular movements of the thong and weighs and hitting. As early as 3000 BC this type of weapon originated from the mace-like objects with holes containg thong fragments. The alleged exemplars of this type of weapon are associated with the 3 rd-4 th cent. Sarmatian tombs. The earliest flails in the early medieval Europe appeared among the Avars (7 th – 8 th cent.) later (second half of the 8 th – 10 th cent.) they became popular among the Khazars. This type of weapon was astonishingly popular in Ruthenia, where it appeared probably thanks to the Khazars, beaten in 965 AD by the Duke Svyatoslav. In the next centuries (to be more precise – till the 16 th century) flails became one of the most distinctive features of the Old Ukrainian culture. The current collection of flails found in Halych and Volynian land consists of more than 50 artefacts and their parts. Nine of them were made of bones and horns (pict. 1), others – of iron, lead and bronze (pict. 2). Type I (Kirpičnikov classification) is represented by the artefacts made of bones and horns. The earlier artefacts of the Avar and Khazar stands in Ruthenia are dated on the second half of the 10 th to the 13 th cent. Flails from Halych, Plisnesk, Stupnycia, Cherven, Zvenygorod, castle near Shepetivka and castle Bozok are included in this type. There are some images associated with the Rurykowicze symbols which are placed on the artefacts from Zvenygorod; they can be dated on the 11 th-13 th cent. The flail from Cherven case looks similar. This unique exemplar has two relief images of the Ukrainian dignitary – Boyar as well as the image of half-woman and half-bird with a fish-like tail. The artefacts from Zvenygorod and castle Bozok is dated on the first half of the 12 th –13 th cent. and has a characteristic iron mandrel used for the thong fastening. The last one belonging to this type of flails is the one from Zvenygorod; due to its form has no direct analogies in the published material. It is dated on the second half of the 10 th-13 th cent. which is proved by the artefacts accompanying it. Iron flails represent type II (Dorogobuzh, Zelenche, Cherven, castle near Shepetivka) and type IV (Peremyl). Due to the unclear character of the finding, the first one can be dated on the second half of the 10 th-13 th cent. Among bronze flails we can distinguish type IIA (Peresopnycia) and IIIA (Halychyna) which are examples of the greatest Old Ukrainian craftsmen artistry. These flails, primarily cast in copper forms mainly by the southern Ruthenian craftsmen are richly decorated in the manner characteristic for the 12 th-13 th cent. Because of that they were probably more a warrior status symbol than a real weapon. It is worth mentioning that the artefact from Gorodok due to its small size is treated like a toy.
Litskevich O. V. Region of Eastern Latgale ceded to the Teutonic Order by Prince Constantine of Polotsk in the 1250s - early 1260s The article deals with the data about region of Eastern Latgale, which Prince Constantine of Polotsk donated to the Teutonic Order in the 1250s - early 1260s. The donation is linked with the general context of the history of the Principality of Polotsk in the 13th century. The boundaries of the ceded territory are defined. In the west this area is thought to border on the lands of the former Principality of Jersika, the border passed along the line of the western shore of Lake Lubāns, Varka, Preiļi, and the mouth of the Liksnianka (Līksna) River at its confluence with the Western Dvina (Daugava) River. In the south the border passed along the Western Dvina River from the mouth of the Liksnianka River to the area east of present-day Krāslava. In the north the border ran in a straight line from the northern shore of Lake Lubāns to the Pskov border. In the east the border approximately corresponded to the location of the Latgalian and East Slavic archaeological monuments of the 10th-13th centuries and presumably passed along the line of the Sinyaya (Zilupe) River, Lake Osveya, the Saryanka River, the Asunitsa River, and the Indritsa River. In the 15th century, during the reigns of Vitovt (1426) and Casimir (1473-1477), the border between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Livonia was determinated along the similar line.
Київ: Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського НАН України, 2007. – 100 с.
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The relations between the Kingdom of Rus’ and the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia at Yurii II times are studied. The contents of the agreements concluded by the prince of Rus’ and crusaders are analyzed. A hypothesis is made that after the death of the last Romanovych family members in the autumn 1324 aristocracy of Rus’ sent en-voys to the Great Duke of Lithuania Gediminas to approve of Boleslav Troidenovych candidature for the throne of Rus’. A famous in the historiography belief that knights of Rus’ took part in the Polish-Teutonic war (1327–1332) is reconsidered.