2018, ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΙΑ. Исследования по античной истории и культуре. Сборник, посвященный юбилею Игоря Евгеньевича Сурикова / Под ред. О. Л. Габелко, А. В. Махлаюка и А. А. Синицына. – СПб.: Издательство РХГА, 2018. – 464 с. : ил., [16] с. ил. ISBN 978-5-88812-887-9
P. A. Evdokimov The Cypriot Politeia of Aristotle and Royal Power in Cyprus There are just a few remained fragments of Aristotle's lost Cypriot politeia in the excerpts of later periods. It is worth noting, that all these extracts are anyway devoted to the problem of royal power (one explains the difference between the terms basileus and anax and another one gives some information concerning some particular personalities from the royal dynasty of Pafos); we should also take into account the one fragment from Politics, where he mentions a complot against Evagoras I the Salaminian. Some interesting traits connect “political” works of Stagiritus with Cyprus: his friendship with Eudemus the Cypriot, the devotion of Protrepticus to Cypriot ruler Themison, Clearchus from Soloi as Aristotle's student in the Lyceum and Theophrastus, who also turned his attention to the phenomenon of royal power in Cyprus – not to mention Isocrates' Orationes and other facts of the late 5th – 4th centuries B. C. , which made the island closer to a number of Athenian intellectuals and politics of than time. Both works of Aristotle devoted to megalonesoi (Crete and Cyprus) were named in a quite similar manner, i.e. Ton Cyprion politeia and Ton Creton politeia – that means that without going deep in the details and peculiarities connected with each individual polity, the author deals with common features of all the polities in these islands (seen from aside Cypriot polities looked much similar to each other, as like as Cretan ones did). It is possible to suppose that it was namely the unique institute of royal power which attracted Aristotle's attention in Cyprus, so some general thoughts made in his Politics could be deduces by taking into account Cypriot political reality – and it is probably the passage where the Stagirite defines several types of royal power (Arist. Polit. ΙΙΙ. 12-14, 1285 b). When the philosopher deals with the royal power of the heroic times, it fits well to Cypriot realia known both from archaeological evidences and written tradition: military function of Cypriot kings as war-leaders, their close connection with cult (as king-priests in Pafos of elsewhere), scepters as signs of power, and especially important role as patrons of crafts (first of all mining bronze-production and metallworking). Published in: ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΙΑ. Исследования по античной истории и культуре. Сборник, посвященный юбилею Игоря Евгеньевича Сурикова / Под ред. О. Л. Габелко, А. В. Махлаюка и А. А. Синицына. – СПб.: Издательство РХГА, 2018. – 464 с. : ил., [16] с. ил. ISBN 978-5-88812-887-9