Hypersphere World-Universe Model. Tribute to Classical Physics (original) (raw)
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Hypersphere World-Universe Model. The World
The main objective of this paper is to discuss the Evolution of a 3D Finite World (that is a Hypersphere of a 4D Nucleus of the World) from the Beginning up to the present Epoch in frames of World-Universe Model (WUM). WUM is the only cosmological model in existence that is consistent with the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. To be consistent with this Fundamental Law, WUM introduces Dark Epoch (spanning from the Beginning of the World for 0.45 billion years) when only Dark Matter (DM) Macroobjects (MOs) existed, and Luminous Epoch (ever since for 13.77 billion years) when Luminous MOs emerged due to Rotational Fission of Overspinning DM Superclusters' Cores and self-annihilation of Dark Matter Particles (DMPs). WUM envisions that DM is created by the Universe in the 4D Nucleus of the World. Dark Matter Particles (DMPs) carry new DM into the 3D Hypersphere World. Luminous Matter is a byproduct of DMPs self-annihilation. By analogy with 3D ball, which has two-dimensional sphere surface (that has surface energy), we can imagine that the 3D Hypersphere World has a "Surface Energy" of the 4D Nucleus. WUM solves a number of physical problems in contemporary Cosmology and Astrophysics through DMPs and their interactions: Angular Momentum problem in birth and subsequent evolution of Galaxies and Extrasolar systems-how do they obtain it; Fermi Bubbles-two large structures in gamma-rays and X-rays above and below Galactic center; Missing Baryon problem related to the fact that the observed amount of baryonic matter did not match theoretical predictions. WUM reveals Inter-Connectivity of Primary Cosmological Parameters and calculates their values, which are in good agreement with the latest results of their measurements. In 2013, WUM predicted the values of the following Cosmological parameters: gravitational, concentration of intergalactic plasma, and the minimum energy of photons, which were experimentally confirmed in 2015-2018. "The Discovery of a Supermassive Compact Object at the Centre of Our Galaxy" (Nobel Prize in Physics 2020) made by Prof. R. Genzel and A. Ghez is a confirmation of one of the most important predictions of WUM in 2013: "Macroobjects of the World have cores made up of the discussed DM particles. Other particles, including DM and baryonic matter, form shells surrounding the cores".
viXra, 2021
The main objective of a paper is to discuss the most important Concepts for any Cosmological model: Space, Time, and Gravitation; Cosmological principle (homogeneous and isotropic universe); Universality of physical laws; Law of the conservation of angular momentum; Expansion of universe; Content of the World; Formation of galaxies and large-scale structures; Speed of light in vacuum; Origin of cosmic microwave background radiation. The performed analysis shows that Big Bang Model (BBM) fails to account for these Concepts and should be obsolete. Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) is, in fact, a Paradigm Shift in Cosmology [1]. WUM and BBM are principally different Models: 1) Instead of the Initial Singularity with the infinite energy density and the extremely rapid expansion of the space (Inflation) in BBM; in WUM, there was a Fluctuation (4D Nucleus of the World with an extrapolated radius equals to a basic unit of size) in the Eternal Universe with a finite extrapolated energy density (four orders of magnitude less than the nuclear density) and a finite expansion of the Nucleus in Its fourth spatial dimension with speed that is the gravitodynamic constant; 2) Instead of a practically Infinite Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe around the Initial Singularity in BBM; in WUM, the 3D Finite Boundless World (the Hypersphere of the 4D Nucleus) presents a Patchwork Quilt of different Luminous Superclusters (≳10^3), which emerged in different places of the World at different Cosmological times. The Medium of the World is Homogeneous and Isotropic. The distribution of Macroobjects in the World is spatially Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic and temporally Non-simultaneous. The Absolute Age of the entire World (determined by the parameters of the Medium) is 14.22 Gyr. The Medium of the World, Dark Matter, and Angular Momentum are the main Three Pillars of WUM.
Cosmology and Classical Physics. Summary
In 1937, Paul Dirac proposed Large Number Hypothesis and Hypothesis of Variable Gravitational Constant, and later added notion of Continuous Creation of Matter in World. Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) follows these ideas, albeit introducing different mechanism of Matter creation. In this paper, we show that WUM is natural continuation of Classical Physics. WUM is proposed as an alternative to prevailing Big Bang Model (BBM) that relies on General Relativity. WUM and BBM are principally different Models: 1) Instead of Initial Singularity with infinite energy density and extremely rapid expansion of spacetime (Inflation) in BBM; in WUM, there was Fluctuation (4D Nucleus of World with extrapolated radius equals to basic size unit of) in Eternal Universe with finite extrapolated energy density (~10 4 less than nuclear density) and finite expansion of Nucleus in Its fourth spatial dimension with speed that is gravitodynamic constant; 2) Instead of alleged practically Infinite Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe around Initial Singularity in BBM; in WUM, 3D Finite Boundless World (Hypersphere of 4D Nucleus) presents Patchwork Quilt of various Luminous Superclusters (≳ 10 3), which emerged in different places of World at different Cosmological times. Medium of World, consisting of protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and dark matter particles, is Homogeneous and Isotropic. Distribution of Macroobjects is spatially Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic and temporally Non-simultaneous. Most direct observational evidence of validity of WUM are: 1) Microwave Background Radiation and Intergalactic Plasma speak in favor of existence of Medium; 2) Laniakea Supercluster with binding mass ~10 17 ʘ is home to Milky Way (MW) galaxy and ~10 5 other nearby galaxies, which did not start their movement from Initial Singularity; 3) MW is gravitationally bounded with Virgo Supercluster (VSC) and has Orbital Angular Momentum calculated based on distance of 65 from VSC and orbital speed of ~400 −1 , which far exceeds rotational angular momentum of MW; 4) Mass-to-light ratio of VSC is ~300 times larger than that of Solar ratio. Similar ratios are obtained for other superclusters. These ratios are main arguments in favor of presence of significant amounts of Dark Matter in World. 5) Astronomers discovered the most distant galaxy HD1 that is ~13.5 away. WUM predicts discovery of galaxies with distance ~13.8. Medium of World, Dark Matter, and Angular Momentum are main Three Pillars of WUM.
Hypersphere World-Universe Model
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2021
Dirac's themes were the unity and beauty of Nature. He identified three revolutions in modern physics: Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology. In his opinion: "The new cosmology will probably turn out to be philosophically even more revolutionary than relativity or the quantum theory, perhaps looking forward to the current bonanza in cosmology, where precise observations on some of the most distant objects in the universe are shedding light on the nature of reality, on the nature of matter and on the most advanced quantum theories" [Farmelo, G. (2009) The Strangest Man. The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom. Basic Books, Britain, 661 p]. In 1937, Paul Dirac proposed the Large Number Hypothesis and the Hypothesis of the variable gravitational "constant"; and later added the notion of continuous creation of Matter in the World. The developed Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) follows these ideas, albeit introducing a different mechanism of matter creation. In this paper, we show that WUM is a natural continuation of Classical Physics and it can already serve as a basis for a New Cos-mology proposed by Paul Dirac.
On the Nature and Origin of Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Part 1, Fundamentals
ViXra.org, ResearchGate, 2023
A theoretical model (Model OMG, Ongoing Mass Genesis) is presented that explains the nature and origin of matter, dark matter and dark energy and calculates energy densities matching the Planck mission data. The model is based on the FLRW cosmology but with continuing creation of equal amounts of positive and negative matter in a Null universe. Dark Energy is gravitational repulsion caused by negative matter, Dark matter is non-normal positive matter, including antimatter, in bosonic form but gravitationally attractive to normal matter The model proposes a unified description of gravity and electric potential calculated using Bessel functions for the natural masses and electric charges of fermions, with mass quantisation correct to 2-4 significant figures. Apart from the mass of the electron there are no free parameters used in the theory which is essentially geometric. Matter is generated in a "chronoverse" containing eight orthogonal time-like directions, three describe the non-neutrino leptons residing on the surface of a unit radius "chronosphere", and encode mass, gravity, charge and an electroweak force. The fourth dimension governs the strong force and defines the quarks. Photons and neutrinos involve an 8D chronoverse. Each "chronotype" of particle is the same matter, differing only in chronosphere coordinates, possibly representing background-independent, intrinsic timelike quantum signatures. The gravitational behaviour of matter is attributed to a preon-like quarkconstituent of mass 0.5766 MeV. The Planck fine structure constant is calculated and evidences the tritoelectron and tritopreon. Quarks have a substructure of constituent preons each consisting of three tritopreons creating a superposition of a greater number of virtual preons. The Model embodies a descriptive unification of the 4 forces in an overall 11-D spacetime. The continuing creation of matter proceeds from tritopreons via compound bosons dubbed Careyons and is statistically-controlled. The mass creation model is supported by correct prediction of the primordial H:helium-4 ratio.
Hypersphere World-Universe Model: Evolution of the World
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2021
The main objective of this paper is to discuss the Evolution of a 3D Finite World (that is a Hypersphere of a 4D Nucleus of the World) from the Beginning up to the present Epoch in frames of World-Universe Model (WUM). WUM is the only cosmological model in existence that is consistent with the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. To be consistent with this Fundamental Law, WUM introduces Dark Epoch (spanning from the Beginning of the World for 0.45 billion years) when only Dark Matter (DM) Macroobjects (MOs) existed, and Luminous Epoch (ever since for 13.77 billion years) when Luminous MOs emerged due to Rotational Fission of Overspinning DM Superclusters' Cores and self-annihilation of Dark Matter Particles (DMPs). WUM envisions that DM is created by the Universe in the 4D Nucleus of the World. Dark Matter Particles (DMPs) carry new DM into the 3D Hypersphere World. Luminous Matter is a byproduct of DMPs self-annihilation. By analogy with 3D ball, which has two-dimensional sphere surface (that has surface energy), we can imagine that the 3D Hypersphere World has a "Surface Energy" of the 4D Nucleus. WUM solves a number of physical problems in contemporary Cosmology and Astrophysics through DMPs and their interactions: Angular Momentum problem in birth and subsequent evolution of Galaxies and Extrasolar systems-how do they obtain it; Fermi Bubbles-two large structures in gamma-rays and X-rays above and below Galactic center; Missing Baryon problem related to the fact that the observed amount of baryonic matter did not match theoretical predictions. WUM reveals Inter-Connectivity of Primary Cosmological Parameters and calculates their values, which are in good agreement with the latest results of their measurements. In 2013, WUM predicted the values of the following Cosmological parameters: gravitational, concentration of inter-galactic plasma, and the minimum energy of photons, which were experimentally confirmed in
A Designed Model on the Nature of Dark Matter
By implementing the concept of classical physics in higher dimensional world, we may get some effect of higher dimensional space in our known three dimensional space.A bit flavor of this process has been described in this paper. Anew model has been designed here to relate higgs field with dark matter. Though it has not been proved yet, it can be said that if experiments proof this theory, higher dimensional universe may be shaped like the model drawn in this paper. Otherwise , we can say that dark matter does not have any relation with mass and a new parameter will be required to explain the conventional observation. It has been presented in Children Science Congress-2016 in Bangladesh.
Hypersphere World-Universe Model: Digest of Presentations John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society
Today, a growing number of researchers share a sense of stagnation in the field of Physics. In many ways, this situation is reminiscent of the late 19th century when it was widely believed that the body of Physics was nearly complete. It may be an opportune moment to propose new fundamental models that are not only simpler than the current state of the art but also open up new areas of research. Several ideas presented in this Digest are not new, and I do not claim credit for them. In fact, many of these ideas, originally proposed by classical scientists, are revisited here with fresh insights. This Digest aims to describe the World by unifying and simplifying existing models and results in Cosmology into a single coherent picture. Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) is proposed as an alternative to the prevailing Big Bang Model. The main advantage of WUM is its elimination of the "Initial Singularity" and "Inflation," providing explanations for many unresolved problems in Cosmology. This Digest offers an overview of WUM covering the period from 2013 to 2024 (detailed in Part 2 and the referenced materials) and explores various themes of the World (Presentations 1-8). It concludes a series of articles published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology [3]-[39]. Many results obtained in those articles are referenced here without full justification; interested readers are encouraged to consult the referenced articles (Part 2) for more details. WUM is a classical model and should be described using classical notions, which define emergent phenomena. An Emergent Phenomenon is a property that is a result of simple interactions that work cooperatively to create a more complex interaction. These simple interactions occur at the microscopic level, while their collective outcomes can be observed at the macroscopic level. WUM introduces classical notions from the moment the first ensemble of particles was created ≅ 10 −18. Classical Physics is dealing with ensembles of quantum objects!
Mathematical Overview of Hypersphere World – Universe Model**.2017.***** **** **, 2017
The Hypersphere World -Universe Model (WUM) provides a mathematical framework that allows calculating the primary cosmological parameters of the World that are in good agreement with the most recent measurements and observations. WUM explains the experimental data accumulated in the field of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics over the last decades: the age of the World and critical energy density; the gravitational parameter and Hubble's parameter; temperatures of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the peak of the far-infrared background radiation; the concentration of intergalactic plasma and time delay of Fast Radio Bursts. Additionally, the Model makes predictions pertaining to masses of dark matter particles, photons, and neutrinos; proposes new types of particle interactions (Super Weak and Extremely Weak); shows inter-connectivity of primary cosmological parameters of the World. WUM proposes to introduce a new fundamental parameter Q in the CODATA internationally recommended values. This paper is the summary of the mathematical results obtained in [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].
Hypersphere World – Universe Model. Overview***.2016
This paper provides an overview of the Hypersphere World -Universe Model (WUM). WUM unifies and simplifies existing cosmological models and results into a single coherent picture, and proceeds to discuss the origin, evolution, structure, ultimate fate, and primary parameters of the World. WUM explains the experimental data accumulated in the field of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics over the last decades: the age of the World and critical energy density; the gravitational parameter and Hubble's parameter; temperatures of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the peak of the far-infrared background radiation; gamma-ray background and cosmic neutrino background; macrostructure of the World and macroobjects structure. Additionally, the Model makes predictions pertaining to masses of dark matter particles, photons, and neutrinos; proposes new types of particle interactions (Super Weak and Extremely Weak); shows inter-connectivity of primary cosmological parameters of the World and the rise of the solar luminosity during the last 4.6 Byr. The Model proposes to introduce a new fundamental parameter Q in the CODATA internationally recommended values.