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The article formulates the key task for activists and politicians at the nation state level: to design and create legal constitutional political organizations – i.e. managing subsystems of sufficient complexity aimed to govern the state as a system and neutralize external influences. It is important that the complexity of such managing subsystems should grow faster than the complexity of other subsystems within this system, the system itself and external systems. It demonstrates that a successful (effective and efficient) modern political organization should be able to distinguish external influences and generate its own managing influences simultaneously at all four levels of management: organizational, structural, conceptual, informational and directive. The paper provides insights into the technological process of political parties as a set of operations that involve processing of “raw material” (information) into semi-finished products to produce “finished products” (managing influences) of a given complexity and intensity. This technological process must properly bring together the “work processes” of political party members during regular meetings and in the intervals between them with the natural processes of group dynamics, which cannot be subject to deliberate manual regulation by “workers” and the management (members of the party and its leaders). It is shown that the methodology of political party activity and the methods of team work in large groups of its members are two independent factors available for the initiators of new or leaders of already existing political organizations who are intent on introducing changes. Two criteria for making a good choice are formulated. First of all, it is the conformity of the chosen methodology and methods of activity with the type of the organizational structure of political parties as recommended by the theory of organizations for the given conditions of the environment. The second criterion is the ability to cope with the increasing complexity in the process of the political organization’s quantitative growth without losing the predetermined set of emergent qualities. The paper demonstrates that only the political parties that will be able to generate internal ethics can have a future in Ukraine. This can be achieved only in large groups, where interaction is arranged by means of technologies that bring together the processes of teamwork of political party members and the natural processes of group dynamics within the framework of a well-chosen methodology of activity and methods of teamwork in large groups.
The article examines political parties as complex, multidimensional collective agents that require an interdisciplinary approach to their analysis, design, and improvement. It presents the main scientific approaches to the study of political organizations: political, legal, social, organizational, and systemic. The necessity of forming a unified theory of political organizations that integrates concepts from various disciplines based on the organizational approach is emphasized. Four fundamental components of building political parties of the next generation are identified: the type of ideology, the type of organizational agent, the methodology of activity, and the method of collective activity. An approach to political parties as an industrial production aimed at producing governing influences at various levels of management in informational and physical spaces is substantiated. A method of collective activity in a dynamic network of members of different-level subdivisions of political parties is proposed, which adapts their organizational structure to the conditions of the modern postmodern information society. This, in turn, will ensure the stability, coherence, efficiency, and effectiveness of political organizations of the next generation.
In the process of considering the construction of the new generation of political parties in the context of transactional analysis, it is established that the latter defines stroking and recognition as basic and biologically determined human needs at the level of food needs, breathing or reproduction, the implementation of which can lead to the release of significant amounts of social energy. It is shown that if the leaders of an existing (or initiators of the creation of a new) political party choose the method of collective work of members of party divisions in a dynamic network, defined by its algorithms, the system exchange of stroking will become an effective means of social self-control, which can guarantee the consolidation of a qualitatively different state of the political party as a social system that was created as a result of the radical structural transformation of the traditional party. The research conducted gives grounds to assume the existence of a relationship between the manifested Ego-states in each specific situation of interaction and the archetypes of the unconscious activated by the same situations and, at the same time, the values actualized by these archetypes. Thus, the change in the situation of interaction and its contexts can be considered a trigger for activating the archetypes of the unconscious psyche of participants and at the same time a trigger for switching their Ego-states and, accordingly, a trigger for mutual changes in roles, which allows us to consider the main motivations of members of a new generation of political parties (competitive motivation and recognition motivation) in their relationship. It is established that overcoming the economy of stroking due to the continuous and algorithmically conditioned exchange of them at the system level by members of different levels of the new generation of political parties with a variable structure: a dynamic network will ensure that these members develop and maintain a stable motivation to participate in the work of party divisions, formed by the basic need to satisfy incentive and structural hunger. A promising direction for further research has been identified: it should be the consideration of scenarios for the development of political parties in the framework of transactional analysis in the context of the impact on them of the law of ‘oligarchization’ by Robert Michels.
The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new generation political parties-i.e., parties with a variable structure (a dynamic network). It elaborates on the theoretical and technological principles of their activity and describes the procedure for their creation and deployment. The author developed organizational and technological tools that make up the basis of the variable organizational structure (dynamic network) and tested them in practice at more than 170 different events in various environments consisting of Ukrainian politicians, civic activists and businessmen in large groups of different sizes (10 to 200 participants).
Political Organisation as a Result of Development of the Subjectivity of a Large Group
Based on Roberto Assagioli’s model of personality, a model of the collective subject in the archetypal dimension was developed, and its basic parameters were determined in the process of its creation. In particular, it was found that the role of the collective conscious for such a subject is performed by a communication platform, where those involved in interaction can focus on objects located there. Important factors that contribute to and restrict the functioning of such a communication platform include the number of participants, intensity and duration of their interaction. The key factor that determines the direction of the synchronisation processes of mental activity of individual members of the base community is the nature of relationship of their interaction positions resulting from their formal and informal group statuses. The biological nature of people launches and supports the process of their status ranking, which leads to regression of the collective subjectivity of the group to the individual subjectivity of its leader. This led to the conclusion that a necessary condition for the creation of subject political organizations as a part of larger groups is the availability of safeguards that do not allow them to transform into a crowd. Thus, communication platforms can be seen as an intermediate link that connects a real collective subject and its model developed by us, and makes it possible to modify its qualities by organizational tools and their corresponding social technologies. To successfully construct subjective political organisations – i.e. social model multi-intelligent systems consisting of large groups of people – based on the presented model and analysis of its basic aspects, we developed the variable structure – dynamic network and a corresponding integral set of social technologies of organisational activity. The dynamic network integrates the method of brainstorming, cross-group method and technologies of project management.
Groups matter in our ordinary folk psychology because a part of our social interactions is done with collective entities. In our everyday life, we indeed sometimes ascribe mental states to social groups as a whole or to individuals as members of groups in order to understand and predict their behavior. The aim of this paper is to explore this aspect of social interactions by focusing on the concept of ‘collective belief’ in a non-summative sense and, more precisely, on collective belief of a specific kind of group: the political party. How can the concept of ‘collective belief’ help to understand the interactions which involve these kinds of collective entities? After providing an epistemic description of political parties, this paper focuses on the collective belief in a non-summative sense. As Gilbert says, a group believes that p, if its members are jointly committed to believe that p as a body. It is argued, with the help of an example from the political history of France, that this view can enable us to understand the interaction between political parties. More precisely, it can help clarify the way in which a political party use the rational constraints on the party as a whole and/or the social and epistemic constraints on the behavior of the group's members in order to destabilize or weaken other political parties.
Party Politics, 2003
While the literature already includes a large number of party typologies, they are increasingly incapable of capturing the great diversity of party types that have emerged worldwide in recent decades, largely because most typologies were based upon West European parties as they existed in the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries. Some new party types have been advanced, but in an ad hoc manner and on the basis of widely varying and often inconsistent criteria. This article is an effort to set many of the commonly used conceptions of parties into a coherent framework, and to delineate new party types whenever the existing models are incapable of capturing important aspects of contemporary parties. We classify each of 15 ‘species’ of party into its proper ‘genus’ on the basis of three criteria: (1) the nature of the party’s organization (thick/thin, elite-based or mass-based, etc.); (2) the programmatic orientation of the party (ideological, particularistic-clientele-orient...
The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of conflict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of competitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated. When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmentation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and integrating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sacralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisations under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions. It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implemented through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society.
While the literature already includes a large number of party typologies, they are increasingly incapable of capturing the great diversity of party types that have emerged worldwide in recent decades, largely because most typologies were based upon West European parties as they existed in the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries. Some new party types have been advanced, but in an ad hoc manner and on the basis of widely varying and often inconsistent criteria. This article is an effort to set many of the commonly used conceptions of parties into a coherent framework, and to delineate new party types whenever the existing models are incapable of capturing important aspects of contemporary parties. We classify each of 15 'species' of party into its proper 'genus' on the basis of three criteria: (1) the nature of the party's organization (thick/thin, elite-based or mass-based, etc.); (2) the programmatic orientation of the party (ideological, particularistic-clientele-oriented, etc.); and (3) tolerant and pluralistic (or democratic) versus proto-hegemonic (or anti-system). While this typology lacks parsimony, we believe that it captures more accurately the diversity of the parties as they exist in the contemporary democratic world, and is more conducive to hypothesistesting and theory-building than others.