The ParisNLP entry at the ConLL UD Shared Task 2017: A Tale of a #ParsingTragedyÉric (original) (raw)
Related papers
SyntaxNet Models for the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task
ArXiv, 2017
We describe a baseline dependency parsing system for the CoNLL2017 Shared Task. This system, which we call "ParseySaurus," uses the DRAGNN framework [Kong et al, 2017] to combine transition-based recurrent parsing and tagging with character-based word representations. On the v1.3 Universal Dependencies Treebanks, the new system outpeforms the publicly available, state-of-the-art "Parsey's Cousins" models by 3.47% absolute Labeled Accuracy Score (LAS) across 52 treebanks.
The SLT-Interactions Parsing System at the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task
This paper describes our system (SLT-Interactions) for the CoNLL 2018 shared task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. Our system performs three main tasks: word segmentation (only for few treebanks), POS tagging and parsing. While segmentation is learned separately, we use neural stacking for joint learning of POS tagging and parsing tasks. For all the tasks, we employ simple neural network architectures that rely on long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for learning task-dependent features. At the basis of our parser, we use an arc-standard algorithm with Swap action for general non-projective parsing. Additionally, we use neural stacking as a knowledge transfer mechanism for cross-domain parsing of low resource domains. Our system shows substantial gains against the UDPipe baseline, with an average improvement of 4.18% in LAS across all languages. Overall, we are placed at the 12th position on the official test sets.
In-House: An Ensemble of Pre-Existing Off-the-Shelf Parsers
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014), 2014
This submission to the open track of Task 8 at SemEval 2014 seeks to connect the Task to pre-existing, 'in-house' parsing systems for the same types of target semantic dependency graphs.
The importance of precise tokenizing for deep grammars
We present a non-deterministic finite-state transducer that acts as a tokenizer and normalizer for free text that is input to a broad-coverage LFG of German. We compare the basic tokenizer used in an earlier version of the grammar and the more sophisticated tokenizer that we now use. The revised tokenizer increases the coverage of the grammar in terms of full parses from 68.3% to 73.4% on sentences 8,001 through 10,000 of the TiGer Corpus. 9 9 9
From Raw Text to Enhanced Universal Dependencies: The Parsing Shared Task at IWPT 2021
We describe the second IWPT task on end-to-end parsing from raw text to Enhanced Universal Dependencies. We provide details about the evaluation metrics and the datasets used for training and evaluation. We compare the approaches taken by participating teams and discuss the results of the shared task, also in comparison with the first edition of this task.
Predictive Incremental Parsing Helps Language Modeling
Predictive incremental parsing produces syntactic representations of sentences as they are produced, e.g. by typing or speaking. In order to generate connected parses for such unfinished sentences, upcoming word types can be hypothesized and structurally integrated with already realized words. For example, the presence of a determiner as the last word of a sentence prefix may indicate that a noun will appear somewhere in the completion of that sentence, and the determiner can be attached to the predicted noun. We combine the forward-looking parser predictions with backward-looking N-gram histories and analyze in a set of experiments the impact on language models, i.e. stronger discriminative power but also higher data sparsity. Conditioning N-gram models, MaxEnt models or RNN-LMs on parser predictions yields perplexity reductions of about 6%. Our method (a) retains online decoding capabilities and (b) incurs relatively little computational overhead which sets it apart from previous ...
Is the End of Supervised Parsing in Sight?
How far can we get with unsupervised parsing if we make our training corpus several orders of magnitude larger than has hitherto be attempted? We present a new algorithm for unsupervised parsing using an all-subtrees model, termed U-DOP*, which parses directly with packed forests of all binary trees. We train both on Penn's WSJ data and on the (much larger) NANC corpus, showing that U-DOP* outperforms a treebank-PCFG on the standard WSJ test set. While U-DOP* performs worse than state-of-the-art supervised parsers on handannotated sentences, we show that the model outperforms supervised parsers when evaluated as a language model in syntax-based machine translation on Europarl. We argue that supervised parsers miss the fluidity between constituents and non-constituents and that in the field of syntax-based language modeling the end of supervised parsing has come in sight.
MorphPiece : Moving away from Statistical Language Representation
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
Tokenization is a critical part of modern NLP pipelines. However, contemporary tokenizers for Large Language Models are based on statistical analysis of text corpora, without much consideration to the linguistic features. I propose a linguistically motivated tokenization scheme, Mor-phPiece, which is based partly on morphological segmentation of the underlying text. A GPT-style causal language model trained on this tokenizer (called MorphGPT) shows comparable or superior performance on a variety of supervised and unsupervised NLP tasks, compared to the Ope-nAI GPT-2 model. Specifically I evaluated Mor-phGPT on language modeling tasks, zero-shot performance on GLUE Benchmark with various prompt templates, massive text embedding benchmark (MTEB) for supervised and unsupervised performance, and lastly with another morphological tokenization scheme (FLOTA (Hofmann et al., 2022)) and find that the model trained on Mor-phPiece outperforms GPT-2 on most evaluations, at times with considerable margin, despite being trained for about half the training iterations.
SEx BiST: A Multi-Source Trainable Parser with Deep Contextualized Lexical Representations
We describe the SEx BiST parser (Semantically EXtended Bi-LSTM parser) developed at Lattice for the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task (Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies). The main characteristic of our work is the encoding of three different modes of contextual information for parsing: (i) Treebank feature representations, (ii) Multilingual word representations, (iii) ELMo representations obtained via unsupervised learning from external resources. Our parser performed well in the official end-to-end evaluation (73.02 LAS – 4th/26 teams, and 78.72 UAS – 2nd/26); remarkably, we achieved the best UAS scores on all the English corpora by applying the three suggested feature representations. Finally, we were also ranked 1st at the optional event extraction task, part of the 2018 Extrinsic Parser Evaluation campaign.
We describe the architecture we set up during the SANCL shared task for parsing usergenerated texts, that deviate in various ways from linguistic conventions used in available training treebanks. This architecture focuses in coping with such a divergence. It relies on the PCFG-LA framework (Petrov and Klein, 2007), as implemented by Attia et al. (2010). We explore several techniques to augment robustness: (i) a lexical bridge technique (Candito et al., 2011) that uses unsupervised word clustering (Koo et al., 2008); (ii) a special instanciation of self-training aimed at coping with POS tags unknown to the training set; (iii) the wrapping of a POS tagger with rulebased processing for dealing with recurrent non-standard tokens; and (iv) the guiding of out-of-domain parsing with predicted part-ofspeech tags for unknown words and unknown (word, tag) pairs. Our systems ranked second and third out of eight in the constituency parsing track of the SANCL competition. 1 Putting aside speech specificities, present in some known data sets such as the BNC (Leech, 1992). 2 Cf. (McClosky et al., 2010) for numerous evidences of the non-triviality of that task.