Historiebevidsthed hos demente Erindringsforløb, velvære og identitetsdannelse på museer (original) (raw)

2018, Kulturstudier

Martin Brandt Djupdraet er cand.mag. i historie og religionsvidenskab. Siden 2011 overinspektør i Den Gamle By og før det ansat som museumsinspektør ved blandt andet Moesgaard Museum og Vikingeskibsmuseet. Har stået bag flere større udstilling-og formidlingsprojekter. Skriver om museumspraksis i tidskrifter og i sin egen blog om museumsformidling: Martins Museumsblog. HISTORIEBEVIDSTHED HOS DEMENTE Erindringsforløb, velvaere og identitetsdannelse på museer Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. 1 Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forløb på museer for aeldre, der har et so-cialt-og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmaessigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forløb. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forløb har en positiv indvirkning på de aeldres velbefindende. Et saerligt fo-kuspunkt er observationer ved en raekke forløb i Den Gamle By for aeldre ramt af demens. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan vaere gaeldende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svaekkede. I Den Gamle By er en trevaerelses lejlighed saerligt indrettet til aeldre ramt af demens. Når de ser sig omkring på lamperne, tapetet, gardinerne, flødekanden, soldaterbilledet og stilehaefterne dukker der i glimt erindringer frem fra et liv, de 1 Gilles 1994, s. 5.

Noget at tale om! Museet som katalysator for ensomhedsforebyggelse hos ældre

Nordisk Museologi

In recent years, there has been an increase in cooperative projectsbetween the cultural and the healthcare sector. International research shows thatthere is a good reason for that. From a holistic approach to the body and mind,it appears that the arts in various aspects can have significant impact on mentalhealth, and that it can improve the individual’s quality of life. This text describesa collaborative project between The Frederiksberg Museums and FrederiksbergHealth Centre. The purpose of this project is the prevention of loneliness in seniorcitizens. The survey questions are based on the potential significance of the museumcollection as a catalyst for conversation and thus relationship formation. Inaddition, we have wished to examine the degree to which a museum’s interventioncan strengthen the social networks of the participants.

Kirke, opera og stormoske: Retskulturelle overvejelser over monumentalarkitektur

Politik, 2010

The article analyses the notions of legal culture and monumental architecture. It is presumed that symbolic monumental architecture can be interpreted as legal cultural representations and thereby illustrate legal cultural changes. It is exemplified by the Opera and the debates on grand-mosques in Copenhagen. The claim of the article is that these buildings, the opera and the grand-mosques, can be understood as the growth of a post-national marked based legal culture in contrast to a post-national religious based legal culture.

Erindring i Det Gamle Testamente

Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift

Literary texts are paths or tracks into cultural memory, not direct access to unmediated memory. Cultural memory studies are about how the past is mediated, how memory is produced and circulated. It is not about history “as such”. The Old Testament was created in periods of globalization. The writing is a piece of memory work meant for creation of national or local identity, and particularity in a global world. Memory as counter-activity is always present, focusing on the local, small tradition, the particular narrative, and creating its own way of coherence. Memories are not ready-prepared refl ections of the past. They are both eclectic and selective reconstructions. Remembering and forgetting the past refl ects the needs in the present. It is an active and ongoing, not predetermined process. Memory studies do not represent a coherent field, but are coming from different disciplines and discursive areas. It is an analytic instrument and a heuristic tool focusing the socio-cultural...


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