نضال الأمة المصرية ضد الهكسوس / الجزء الثانى : سقنن رع وبداية النضال (original) (raw)
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المنافی فی مصر عصر سلاطین الممالیک دمیاط نموذجًا 648- 923ه/ 1250- 1517م
During the Mamlukids' era, the exile punishment was imposed without a juridical verdict, but by the Sultans' decrees, or through the de facto ruler in the state. This exile was enforced for several reason mostly political, which reflects the nature of Muamluk rule, who rely on fights and competition for power. This paper will not examine the exile as punishment and its reasons, but rather will illustrate the degrees of exile punishment, and the cities utilized by the Mamluk sultans as a place of exile, weather these cities were in Egypt or Syria or Hejaz, within the Mamluk sultanate. At the same time, it will focus mainly on Egyptian cities, especially Damietta. This will not be a mere description but rather an attempt to answer the most significant question, i.e. what are the variances between these cities in their function as exile places? Was the exile punishment was merely deportation?. If so the case, why the exile was mainly towards Egyptian cities as a place of exile? Key words: exile-Damietta-prison-Alexandriabanished princes-restriction-freedom of movement.
الخلافة الأموية بالأندلس في عهد الناصر والمستنصر: ما بين التحديات الداخلية والعلاقات الخارجية
دراسات تاريخية, 2013
Iurn 1'j,E *affi HISTORY STUDIES rianill "-to t^,üig üHrcly'l :Il+ yJ:luit iL;lÈrll lg\ll ..1o +rlg+@ ôÉ=trriJl ôr.ôrÉYl P-tiillg gu:LurJl ÜFJl ü+f lo pbful rU,-nJ! tÛ;lôall ç1!hâïrrrl ül9r ,{-j1-:**, p!-*=-*jl ls üur+.cJI ç1[rrill ü# 6) pituroJIg JEtiJI rarr gs! ürdJi,l{ ÊiJgri,l tiô)l.5JI@ (o++lUlt üLo\loll 9 drhl JI §llâl\ll çno riclp :ULrdrii,l rgi ürotu.otlg dro:Jl ,Jôi ü+l \IriJJl 119:JlS ,=-li ::Ç ";.esUl §&âd3-"i3 e"LiiJlg ùIlIlrJlg hl*gJt ,re-ajl Jll: üdriillg .lfisJl+ ôj+!lg ô/a+!l@ *"4L*-***:=: :x:-*às-ru .:r-h ôlày'1 Égrili lltn àjÔ.o o+.rtu clFreJl übriy r.{tô!ôi grr',g.u,rJl üàa.ll@ \FL**l#, LL*-+ P*&t-h Ji (tg:0-t 519),-nit.'ï'crll rtr.oll ul)S;l;:tl gra ü++:+ustl Sp!l Ërlgl#l+ae P-.:*L*k-.:â:à:*** g*-* Ji niJI nor ; dr+rl{ g1 rrnrll a;r plo},! $c cL.ullu,llg n#Ël ü+{ èIl.l:},| oËn@ **hL-* §l-x-**<s*i /-x m تارخيية دراسات