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Observational Study on Myopia Progression in Children
This review examin the trend toward greater rates of myopia as well as possible reasons for this increase rate in children. A lots of basic factors are responsible for myopia progress in children. An attempt to control childhood myopia progression have included various type of spectacles correction and contact lence use. Historical evidence indicates that corneal reshaping contact lenses may slow myopia progression in children. Like these there are various other factors which are responsible for myopia progression, likegenetic defect, axial length ,food habit ,sex ,race, hobbies.
Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2022
To study the causes and risk factors for development of myopia and to see short term progression in children of 0-15 years. Settings and Design: A prospective observational study was conducted among children attending the Ophthalmology department of a Tertiary care centre in Central India, from October 2019 to September 2021. Methods and Material: In order to determine the refractive status of the eye, all subjects underwent visual acuity tests, anterior and posterior segment examinations, and various other investigations. Data was collected during the first year concerning their parents' use of spectacles, duration of indoor activity near work, and outdoor activity, and progression was tracked during the second year. Statistical software SPSS 23.0 version was used to tabulate and analyze the data. Results: Amongst 714 children between the age 0-15 years, myopia was seen in 19.9% subjects. Amongst those with myopia, 28% showed progression. In those showing progression, 50% belonged to 11-15-year age group, a female predilection of 64.3%, 50% with parental history of refractive error, 71.4% subjects were involved in > 2 hours/day of indoor active near work and 57.1% subjects were involved in < 2 hours/ day of outdoor activity. In subjects with progression of myopia, 71.4% had an increase in axial length of < 1 mm. While in subjects less than 10 years of age, steeper cornea was a more common factor for progression as compared to increase in axial length, seen in 57.1% cases. Conclusion: Myopia progression in the growing age group is inversely correlated with time spent engaging in outdoor activity, on the other hand, it shares a strong positive correlation with time spent on indoor active near work. Corneal curvature plays a more significant role in progression of myopia as compared to axial length in younger age group. This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
An analysis of high myopia in a pediatric population less than 10 years of age
Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association, 2005
The purpose of this article is to document a comprehensive clinical profile-including the prevalence of amblyopia, strabismus, and anisometropia-of a pediatric population less than 10 years of age who manifested 6.00 diopters or more of myopia. Method: A retrospective record review was performed on all pediatric patients less than 10 years of age, examined at the State University of New York (SUNY) State College of Optometry between 1998 and 2001, and with a spherical equivalent of 6.00 diopters or more of myopia. Results: One hundred seventy-eight patients met the criteria. Amblyopia or reduced corrected visual acuity was present in 75.8% of the patients. Strabismus was present in 31.5% of the patients, with essentially equal numbers of esotropes and exotropes. Anisometropia was present in 35.4% of the patients. One hundred forty-five patients had high myopia in the absence of significant ocular or systemic compromising conditions. In this sample of 145, strabismus or anisometropia was an etiology for amblyopia. There was a greater prevalence of bilateral high myopia (64.8%) than unilateral high myopia. Anisometropia was present in 10.6% of the bilateral high myopes, and 78.4% of the unilateral high myopes. Conclusion: Children less than 10 years of age with high myopia have a high risk of having amblyopia, strabismus, and ani-I n general, high myopia is categorized as myopia of 6.00 or more diopters (D).'-6 LOW myopia has a refractive range of 0.25 to 3.00 D, and intermediate myopia is from 3.00 to 5.00 D, and frequently manifests a scleral crescent f~r m a t i o n .~ Congenital high myopia manifests some increase in axial length and can be essentially nonprogressive. It can also manifest retinopathy of prematurity, abnormal ocular refractive components (i.e., keratoconus, lenticonus, and spherophakia), systemic conditions, and synd r o m e~. ' ,~ Prematurity and associated low birth weight are major contributors to increased incidences of high myopia and myopia in general.' Pathologic myopia is high myopia, with the presentation of progressive myopic changes in childhood that include increased axial length and fundus changes. Close to 50% of these children become legally blind as a result of retinal detachments or ma~ulopathy.~ Deller et al.9 believed that at 5.50 D of myopia, the eye starts to depart from its normal spherical shape. Grosvenor and Goss10 and Curtin1 suggested that high myopia of 6.00 D is the borderline for pathologic myopia, with accompanying ocular complications, especially posterior segment changes. sometropia.
Factors Affecting of Myopia : A Literatur Review
Myopia as refractive error will be the most common cause of visual impairment over the world until half of the world's populations are suffer from myopia in 2020. All of age groups can get it, from adolescents and even adults. This study aimed to determine the risk factors that increase the incidence of myopia. Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley Online using the appropriate key words “Myopia”, “Increase Factors” dan “Effecting Factors”. The results of the search for articles after being screened through inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were found as many as 7 research articles. Myopia can be caused by several factors such as heredity, environmental factors, and habitual factors such as work and outdoor activities, intensity of gadget use and sleep time
Relative Peripheral Refractive Error and the Risk of Onset and Progression of Myopia in Children
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2011
for the CLEERE Study Group PURPOSE. To investigate whether relative peripheral hyperopia is a risk factor for either the onset of myopia in children or the rate of myopic progression. METHODS. The risk of myopia onset was assessed in 2043 nonmyopic third-grade children (mean age Ϯ SD ϭ 8.8 Ϯ 0.52 years) participating in the Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicity and Refractive Error (CLEERE) Study between 1995 and 2007, 324 of whom became myopic by the eighth grade. Progression analyses used data from 774 myopic children in grades 1 to 8. Foveal and relative peripheral refractive error 30°in the nasal visual field was measured annually by using cycloplegic autorefraction. Axial length was measured by A-scan ultrasonography. RESULTS. The association between more hyperopic relative peripheral refractive error in the third grade and the risk of the onset of myopia by the eighth grade varied by ethnic group (Asian children odds ratio [OR] ϭ 1.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] ϭ 1.06-2.30; African-American children OR ϭ 0.75, 95% CI ϭ 0.58-0.96; Hispanics, Native Americans, and whites showed no significant association). Myopia progression was greater per diopter of more hyperopic relative peripheral refractive error, but only by a small amount (Ϫ0.024 D per year; P ϭ 0.02). Axial elongation was unrelated to the average relative peripheral refractive error (P ϭ 0.77), regardless of ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS. Relative peripheral hyperopia appears to exert little consistent influence on the risk of the onset of myopic refractive error, on the rate of myopia progression, or on axial elongation.
The effect of parental history of myopia on eye size of pre-school children: a pilot study
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, 2005
To evaluate parental history of myopia as a predictor of refractive error and eye size in Chinese preschool children. Methods: A total of 514 preschool children (aged 2.3-6.4 years) were examined. Parental history of myopia, amount of near work performed, refractive status and ocular biometry were recorded. Results: There was no significant difference in spherical equivalent refraction (SER) among children with no myopic parents (mean + 0.94 ± 0.05 D), one myopic parent (mean + 0.77 ± 0.07 D) and two myopic parents (mean + 0.79 ± 0.12 D) (p = 0.102) after controlling for age and amount of near work. Further, children with more myopic parents did not have longer eyeballs (p = 0.335). Conclusions: In this study in Chinese preschool children, parental history of myopia was not found to be associated with a myopic refractive error or increased eyeball length. Further studies with larger sample sizes would help to confirm these results.
Relationship of the Incidence of Myopia in Adolescents with Family History
1st Annual Conference of Midwifery
The shadow of the far away object will be focused in front of the retinais known as myopia. Genetic and environment are the risk factors of myopia. The aim of this study is to analyzed relatioship of the myopia incidence in adolescents with parents myopia history. This study was a case-control study design. Samples were selected using a random sampling technic. The study was carried on at Junior High School 1 Padang Panjang from March to July 2018. Seventy students were included in this study, consist of 35 students with myopia and 35 students with emmetropia. The samples were grouped into two groups; myopia group which used the glasses, and control group with normal vision. The parent histories were taken by using the questionnaire. Chi square test was carried out to analysed the data. In this study, 20% of myopia groups having parents histopy of myopia, and 14% of control group having parents history of myopia, with pvalue = 0.314. In this study myopia casehave not assosiation with genetic family histories, other factors can be came influences develoment of myopia in adolescents. Further studies are need to explore other factor that influence for myopia incidence in adolescent that can be modified to reduced the incidence.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2018
Background : The axial length of the eye is one of the factor that determine a person's refractive status beside the curvature and strength of the corneal dioptre. In myopia, the axis of the eye is longer than normal and so is the dioptre of corneal and it was said that the elongation of the axis is directly proportional to the degree of myopia. Aim : To determine the relationship dioptre power of the cornea with axial length of Myopia in children at Adam Malik General Hospital Medan. Method :This research is observational analytic with total sampling method. Total sample of 59 children with 118 eyes who came to the ophthamology polyclinic Pediatric Ophthalmology subdivision of Adam Malik General Hospital from March to May 2017. All children were assessed visual acuity, corrected and examined with slit lamp (Appasamy) to assess the anterior segment. Then calculated the average axial length each eye, then the result is compared. Result : The average curvature of the cornea and the axial length of the eye to the degree of myopia is curvature of the cornea with myopia mild 43.121 diopters ±0.722, myopia was 43, 887 diopters ±0.807, myopia weight of 44.400 diopters ±0.823 and the long axis of the eyeball with the degree of myopia is mild myopia 23.120 mm (SD 0.664 mm), myopia was 24.256 mm (SD 0.661 mm), severe myopia 25.038 mm (SD 0.762 mm). Conclusion : there is a relationship between Mild, Moderate and Severe Myopia to Corneal Curvature with axial length of Myopia in children
Clinical and Experimental Optometry
Clinical relevance: Investigation of refractive errors amongst Swedish schoolchildren will help identify risk factors associated with myopia development. Background: Genetic and hereditary aspects have been linked with the development of myopia. Nevertheless, in the case of 'school myopia' some authors suggest that environmental factors may affect gene expression, causing school myopia to soar. Additional understanding about which environmental factors play a relevant role can be gained by studying refractive errors in countries like Sweden, where prevalence of myopia is expected to be low. Methods: Swedish schoolchildren aged 8-16 years were invited to participate. Participants underwent an eye examination, including cycloplegic refraction and axial length (AL) measurements. Predictors such as time spent in near work, outdoor activities and parental myopia were obtained using a questionnaire. Myopia was defined as spherical equivalent refraction (SER) ≤ −0.50D and hyperopia as SER ≥ +0.75D. Results: A total of 128 children (70 females and 58 males) participated in this study with mean age of 12.0 years (SD = 2.4). Based on cycloplegic SER of the right eye, the distribution of refractive errors was: hyperopia 48.0% (CI95 = 38.8-56.7), emmetropia 42.0% (CI95 = 33.5-51.2) and myopia 10.0%. (CI95 = 4.4-14.9). The mean AL was 23.1 mm (SD = 0.86), there was a correlation between SER and AL, r = −0.65 (p < 0.001). Participants with two myopic parents had higher myopia and increased axial length than those with one or no myopic parents. The mean time spent in near work, outside of school, was 5.3 hours-per-day (SD = 3.1), and mean outdoor time reported was 2.6 hours-per-day (SD = 2.2) for all the participants. The time spent in near work and outdoor time were different for different refractive error categories. Conclusion: The prevalence of myopia amongst Swedish schoolchildren is low. Hereditary and environmental factors are associated with refractive error categories. Further studies with this sample are warranted to investigate how refractive errors and environmental factors interact over time.