A New Dimension to Time Dilation (original) (raw)

A Study of Redundancy of Time Dilation in Theory of Relativity

Indian Journal of Science and Technology , 2017

Background/Objective: The great scientist of 20th century, Albert Einstein, through his Theory of Relativity, related time with space as a fourth dimension and introduced time dilation. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the absolute nature of time. Method: The technique used is division of the space-time fabric into individual components of spacefabric and time and evaluating the effect of motion of a rigid body through the space-fabric. The effect is then assimilated in speed of light to establish the speed of light through the space-fabric while keeping the time invariable. Finding: It is found that the belief of variable time in the Theory of Relativity has its roots in variation of the speed of light due to the alteration of the space-fabric, when either a rigid body moves through it or there is a change of gravity. When this variation of the speed of light is incorporated in the proofs of the Theory of Relativity, such as the measurement of time dilation in the Hafele and Keating experiment, The Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury, The Bending of Starlight by the Sun and the measurement of time dilation by radio signals in traveling from Earth to Mars and back, it is found that they do not require variable time. This finding brings into the open the hidden factors which are instrumental in the adoption of time dilation. Application/Improvement: This finding has the potential to make the Theory of Relativity straightforward by eliminating the time paradox and further research on the space-fabric can help in understanding the source of gravity.

A Critical Analysis of Time Dilation

TIJER, 2024

Time is the part of consciousness, and not the part of the so-called "Spacetime" created especially for Special Relativity Theory (SRT) by Albert Einstein and extended for General Relativity Theory (GRT) by welding time and space together and making time rge fourth dimension of Einstein's new aether. Einstein

Time dilation 1 Time Dilation

Time Dilation Def. Sciencewise, 2016

The new method for time correction from the author is based on measuring variables already described in De Broglie's waves, lambda based momentum (Agravat 2012 SJP), and photoelectric effect. The method involves time correction or time dilation from the simple harmonic oscillator. First the author derives the Special relativity equation based on time correction. V­c/c based in "Time Correction Energy and Momentum" also produced a value in magnitude or power of slower by ­ 4.67E­5 (Carroll, 2011) while others say faster than speed of light by 10­5. The formula includes Ec or energy correction (Agravat 2012) and the new time correction (Agravat 2012 SJP) method for neutrinos. 1.1 Introduction Dilation and Similarity is relevant to acceleration. The short distant method (Valdimir Kalitivianski) for integrating distance is relevant today because there are important needs to observe why distance matters. 2V0= v and 5V0 =V are observations setting people off then what they know. As predicted by Einstein there were different relations of distance and velocity. The effect of distance is not linear with velocity. The rate law mechanics do work but require some help with mathematics. For higher distance in dilation may mean there were less velocity which is a principle similar to acceleration. The physics measures do show that time dilation is possible and that not all velocity is linear. More distance is like the less velocity. The inverse nature of time and velocity is proof which shows the rates. More momentum can be from less velocity. More velocity can lead to less momentum. Time correction is a new approach that explains a fourth dimension parameter value of time that is now capable of being involved in special relativity calculations of energy and momentum (Agravat 2012 SJP) and is provided in this paper. Momentum calculation now includes the author's time correction or wavelength based method as well as relativistic momentum, and Newton's linear momentum. Time correction and newer methods for calculation of time exist that includes probability algorithms (Agravat 2011, Agravat 2012, Agravat 2012 SJP). The author is now suggesting new methods for the time based calculations of time dilation from angular momentum, energy, as well as acceleration and time formulations based on time correction and describe the similarities. A new time dilation formulation formula shows time calculation to behave differently from time correction. Special relativity (Einstein, 1905) is also derived based on the time correction method (Agravat 2012 SJP); however Newton's linear momentum formula is required. A new derivation of complex equations related to the rate times time equation is demonstrated for angular quantum mechanics and energy of new Psi wave function. Lorentz contraction states there is a symmetry transformation as evidenced in for time and velocity. Einstein states likewise there was no absolute time or space in accordance with Newton. Based on the authors time and energy correction method while not violating the "three body mass problem" of Poincairè. Time is proportional to the square root of c or speed of light, hence or speed of light is equivalent to time squared based on the relationship derived above. Else based on the 'Ec 'and ' tc' or energy correction and time correction time is also proportional to square root of energy over P, momentum also assuming independence (Agravat 2012). 1.2 Time symmetry Time when proportional to speed of light is behaving as a wave in a dual pattern. Time is symmetric with respect to speed of light for negative and positive scales for time values as based on the Opera experiment at CERN for neutrinos that are dark matter particles. Also, Time with respect to energy and momentum is demonstrating a band pattern for light where red hues are darker for lower speeds and lower time values for blue. The red is in the minus 1 phase, while blue is in the +1 phase with respect to sine of speed of neutrinos. In contrast the double slit experiment shows that visible light may have both particle and wave nature that are dark and light bands prove the existence of waves that is in comparison. The transform and derivation involve different methods of Energy and momentum calculations such as: special relativity, Lambda based momentum, energy correction, time correction, angular energy and momentum. The Plot in splines for energy vs. momentum or momentum vs. energy produces something that looks like a 'particle in a box.' The dot for the first observation that is different from linear momentum of Newton. The difference is that the second state has a 2π transform for time and velocity. The first level is the dot, while the second produces the box. Angular energy by uncertainty for based on times observed from time corrected for times including 2pi transformation. P1 and E1 in the time correction problem of the Opera experiment 2011 can have 0, 0 coordinates for particle in box.

Time dilation derivation from light clock experiments of a one-way light of arbitrary angle, a multi-leg light, and an ensemble number of lights

The most cited light clock experiment used to derive the time dilation employs a roundtrip light bouncing vertically between mirrors in a moving train. This bouncing light clock method is able to derive the time dilation equation, t/T = ⁄ (the Lorentz factor), first derived by Einstein in his special theory of relativity (STR). It shows that the time dilation in STR is only a function of the relative velocity v/c where c is the velocity of light in vacuum. The derivation shows that the time, t, taken by the light to travel one roundtrip according to a stationary observer is longer than the time, T, taken by the same light to travel one roundtrip according to a person on the moving train. Here we derive the time dilation by using light experiments of a one-way light, a multi-leg light where the light is reflected more than once by more than one mirror before returning back to the light source, and an ensemble number of lights. The derivation shows that an abnormal time dilation may occur even in a closed path light experiment when the angle is not 90°: it depends on both angle and v/c. To arrive at a normal time dilation of STR, an ensemble number of light clock experiments with all possible angles have to be used. The derivation also shows that the elapsed time is accumulative during a multi-leg event. In conclusion the time dilation in

An Analysis of the Basic Principles of Relativity and the Elaboration and Demonstration of Different Space-Time Concepts

Through a brief analysis of the basic principle of relativity, it is found that there is a contradiction in principle between general relativity and special relativity in solving the specific problem of the clock moving around the earth, and one of them must be wrong. Through comparative analysis of five physical phenomena and experiments, it is proved that there are serious problems in the space concept of relativity theory and classical physic. At the same time, the different concept of absolute airspace is further expounded and demonstrated, and the related space-time physical phenomena and experiments are perfectly explained by this concept. According to this idea, a new time transformation relation is deduced and its correctness is demonstrated. It is proved that the principle of special relativity and special relativity are wrong, and a series of physical laws and physical explanations generated by special relativity may also be wrong, and a series of amendments or new interpretations need to be made.

DIMENSIONAL QUANTIZATION OF TIME DILATION: Analysis of time dilation using dimensional geometry:-G Deeraj Kumar DIMENSIONAL QUANTIZATION OF TIME DILATION Analysis of time dilation using dimensional geometry

The term time dilation is somewhat seems to be a very difficult to understand whether the dilation is because of relative masses or relative velocities under same gravitational field. The thing interesting here is that, where the theory of relativity explains time dilation is due to gravity well which states that it occurs either because of the relative velocity of motion between two observers, or the difference in their distance from a gravitational mass. Now my contribution to this theory is that the time dilation not only due to because of theory of relativity but also due towave interaction loss of electromagnetic fields in gravitons because of the coordinate transformation in space which is explained by using Euclidean dimensional geometry. The theme of the paper is to produce the theoretical results using dimensional geometry to study the approximation of time dilation and time dimension.

Generalized Velocity Time Dilation at Arbitrary Angles-Revised

The time dilation value,  = 1/(1-v 2 /c 2) 0.5 , in Einstein's theory of special relativity (SR) experienced by a stationary observer was derived from a thought experiment involved a light clock in a moving frame (a train) where the light path forms a 90ångle with the moving direction of the train. 90ångle was all Einstein considered and time dilation was shown to be only a function of the relative velocity v/c where v is the velocity of the train and c the velocity of light. Using a similar thought experiment in this paper, the author derives a generalized time dilation equation at any arbitrary angles. It shows that the time dilation equation derived by Einstein at 90˚is only a special case in the generalized time dilation equation and that the result of time dilation is physically self-contradicting and illogical. The generalized time equation shows that (1) time dilation depends on angle (or the direction of the light path) in addition to the relative velocity v/c; (2) at angles between 90ånd 180˚, the time dilation has a minimum (i.e., it is non-monotonic) when the relative speed is > 0; and (3) time dilation fluctuates from near 0 to near ∞ at any instance if the light path angle is around 180˚.

Time Dilation

The explanation of Time in Einstein‟s Special Theory of relativity¹ is different from the explanation of Time in Classical Mechanics. In Relativity¹, Time is considered as fourth dimension. But, I would argue against Einstein‟s concept of Time as I do not see Time as a separate dimension. In this paper, I would explain Time Dilation and details of when and why it happens.

The conceptualization of time and the constancy of the speed of light

European Journal of Physics, 2005

In this work, we show that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in vacuum is deeply connected with the notion of time. It can be deduced, without any mathematics, from the assumption only that all good clocks can be used to measure time with the same results, independently of the machinery involved in their manufacturing. A second important assumption, intrinsic to the very notion of time, is that clocks measure time in the same way in different frames, i.e., the notion of time is the same in all inertial frames. Under this assumption, we point out that the 'postulate' of constancy of the 'two-way' speed of light in vacuum in all frames independently of the state of motion of the emitting body is also strongly related to the concept of time, together with the existence of a limit speed in the 'rest frame'. This postulate simply results from the construction of clocks where 'tic-tacs' are made by objects travelling with the limit speed, taken to be the speed of light.

Time Dilatation: Real or Apparent


In contemporary physics the relativity theory states that the length of moving bodies contracts and the local time of a moving system dilates. This paper discloses an analysis of basic relativity equations which show that length contraction and time dilatation are apparent.