JURNAL WATI 2017.pdf (original) (raw)

Abstact: language, al-lughah al-mutarjam minha) into the target language (target language, al-lughah al-mutarjam ilaiha). the meaning of language is always associated with lafaz (tenses), structure (takrib), and context (Siyaq) circumstances. Meaning of words of a language can not be separated from the root word, appointment, and the context of its use. therefore in 'ilm al-dilalah found at least nine theory of meaning, namely: al-nazariyah al-isyariyah, al-nazariyyah al-tashawwuriyyah, al-nazhariyyah al-Sulukiyyah, al-nazhariyyah al-siyaqiyyah, al-nazhariyyah al-tahliliyyah, al-nazhariyyah al-taulidiyyah, al-nazhariyyah al-wadh'iyyah al-munthiqiyyah fi al-meaning, al-nazhariyyah moore-Quine, in the process of translation, a translator needs to pay attention to some basic elements in translating both language elements and non-language. the aim of research is to compare the result of two different data translatios from google translate and al ashiry arabic dictionary. the results showed that 40% of google translation results are not as they should be according to the Urn dalalah theory. Abstrak: terjemah adalah suatu upaya mengalihkan makna teks (wacana) dari bahasa sumber (lughah al-ashl) kebahasa sasaran (al-lughah al-mustahdafah) atau mengalihbahasakan dari bahasa asal (source language, al-lughah al-mutarjam minha) kebahasa sasaran (target language, al-lughah al-mutarjam ilaiha). makna bahasa selalu terkait dengan lafaz (Bentuk Kata), struktur (takrib), dan konteks (Siyaq) situasi dan kondisi. makna kata suatu bahasa tidak dapat