The Stae of Clobal Civol Society: Before and after September 11 (original) (raw)

The idea of global civil society

International affairs, 2003

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“Universal” Civil Society

This paper proposes a further expansion in the meaning horizons of the notion of Global Civil Society. The notion of Global Civil Society presupposes an existence of a global public sphere that was made available by the technologies of globalisation. The semantic field of civil society expanded with the change in societies that sought not only political rights but also social and economic rights in the western realm. My aim in this paper is to discuss what would an idea of “universal” civil society add to the discussion of Global Civil Society? Universal here includes the universe and tries to point at the existence of other types of creatures who act in civil ways. Civility is not only observed in human to human interaction but also human to other creatures relationship and also the interaction of other living and nonliving creatures between themselves. Here we take civility to be not only a behaviour observed in cities, likewise in Ibn Khaldun it is taken to be an action that is also observed in the bedouin life. Civility in its essence is marhama shown to others and to self. This paper will try to instigate the unilateral worldview of secularism-western perspective with a multilevel perspective that fits this epoch. A perspective that doesn’t only look at the world with the lenses of someone looking from the ground upwards but looking down at earth and pondering what came before the very existence of this earth we call world and what is after it. As this is a tremendously bigger point of view, it will shake the very grounds of the notion of Global Civil Society is standing on.

Conclusion: A Shifting Recognition of Global Civil Society?

Emerald Publishing Limited eBooks, 2022

In the final chapter of this edited book, the authors provide a summary of the key messages of civil society in a globalized world. To do this, the authors firstly discuss the future direction of civil society, and then examine the enhancement of social movements in contemporary society. In the final part of this chapter, the authors provide some observations regarding the recent global health crisis (COVID-19) and why civil society is vitally important in a globalized world. Global civil society, drawing upon the classic illustrations of Edwards ( ) and Keane (2003), can be described as a collective delineated societal space that sits between government, market and the family unit that hosts similar interests, values and goals. However, it is not, as traditionally presented within the literature, solely the domain of western cultures. Examples of these groups, as illustrated by the World Economic Forum, include:  "NGOs, non-profit organizations and civil society organizations (CSOs) that have an organized structure or activity, and are typically registered entities and groups.  Online groups and activities including social media communities that can be "organized" but do not necessarily have physical, legal or financial structures  Social movements of collective action and/or identity, which can be online or physical.  Religious leaders, faith communities, and faith-based organizations.  Labour unions and labour organizations representing workers  Social entrepreneurs employing innovative and/or market oriented approaches for social and environmental outcomes  Grassroots associations and activities at local level.  Cooperatives owned and democratically controlled by their Members." (2013, p. 8) Globally, civil society organisations such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Unicef, and the World Wildlife Fund have become increasingly involved in global affairs and played a role in law and policy making, agenda setting and diplomacy in tackling global social, political and environmental issues. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immeasurable and catastrophic effect on global society and groups; it has in one way or another affected every individual's life. The pandemic has presented global society with a distinct challenge in order to

Global Civil Society as Concept and Practice in the Processes of Globalization


The latest discussions about civil society have been reconsidering the globalization processes, and the theoretical discourse has been broadened to include the notion of the global civil society. The notion and the practice of a civil society are being globalized in a way that reflects the empirical processes of inter-connecting societies and of shaping a world society. From the normative-mobilizing perspective, civil society activists and theoreticians stress the need to defend the world society from the global threat of a nuclear war, environmental catastrophes, crime and violence, domination of world powers over the fate of individual countries and societies, i.e. the need to oppose the tendency of “power policy” on the world level, and to defend the autonomy of the (world) society as one compatible primarily with the expansion of policies based on the rule of law worldwide, and incompatible with the policy of force, state reasons, and domination of world power-centers. The globa...

Introducing Global Civil Society

Anheier, Helmut. K and Glasius, Marlies and Kaldor, Mary, (eds.) Global Civil Society 2001. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9780199246441, 2001

Revisiting the Idea(l) of Global Civil Society in the Light of Human Rights


espanolEn las ultimas decadas, la proliferacion de un “tercer sector” conformado por organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro que trascienden las fronteras ha propiciado una reformulacion del concepto de sociedad civil. Una serie de estudios contemporaneos sostienen que la sociedad civil estado-centrica se esta volviendo internacional, transnacional o global. Si la aparicion de una esfera autonoma de ciudadanos universales no es mas que la proyeccion de un ideal cosmopolita o un fenomeno real es una fuente de controversias. El presente ensayo problematiza la idea de una sociedad civil global a traves de una valoracion de su utilidad descriptiva y sus implicaciones normativas. En base a un enfoque constructivista, el articulo propone el termino “infraestructura ideacional” para analizar sus fundamentos discursivos e interpretativos. El analisis concluye que la sociedad civil global es una reificacion que tiene sus raices en el discurso de los derechos humanos como un id...