The Internet (original) (raw)


The Internet has been effective in assisting English language acquisition mainly by enhancing interest and motivation among learners. (Akhdiat Abd Malek, 2007). Therefore, paper is to create awareness among English Language Teaching (ELT) practitioners and learners of the usefulness of the Internet English language acquisition. Several related issues are looked at, namely; common uses of the Internet in ELT, evaluating the World Wide Web for ELT, the educational benefits and challenges of integrating the Internet in English language teaching, and finally looking at some of the learning resources available in the Internet.

Internet- A Multifaceted Teacher

TJPRC, 2014

The present paper focuses on the technology-based learning of English language with particular reference to internet resources and how they help enthusiastic language learners enhance their language skills from the very basics to an advanced level with some aid of a language teacher in the initial stages. The paper informs of the journey of a language teacher who fervently keeps on trying to provide wholesome information in the process of making an amateur language learner into a perfect one. This is an outcome of the two teachers’ expertise with relevance to the understanding of difficulties that language learners face in becoming successful speakers and the effective utilization of technology in this regard.

Exploring the Process of Integrating the Internet into English Language Teaching

Paper presented at the First Academic Conference for Young Researchers (Assiut, Egypt, 24 April, 2007) ERIC (ED498887). Available at: , 2007

The present paper explores the process of integrating the Internet into the field of English language teaching in the light of the following points: the general importance of the Internet in our everyday lives; benefits of using the Internet in the field of education in general; reasons for, and benefits of, using the Internet in English language teaching in particular; how the Internet can be useful for developing language skills, with special focus on the reading skills. The paper details examples of many studies conducted in the field of using the Internet in English teaching in general and reading instruction in particular.

The Use of Internet Sites in Teaching English

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

The global Internet offers opportunities for foreign language teachers to use many useful resources, distance-learning courses in teaching English. These are special programs for teaching foreign languages, as well as authentic materials that the teacher can select, adapt and use them for educational purposes. Key words: global network, Internet, websites, resources, teaching English, intercultural interaction, computer technologies. Аннотация: Глобальная сеть Интернет предлагает учителям иностранных языков возможность использовать множество полезных ресурсов, дистанционных курсов по обучению английскому языку. Это специальные программы для обучения иностранным языкам, а также аутентичные материалы, которые учитель может отобрать, адаптировать и использовать в учебных целях. Ключевые слова: глобальная сеть, Интернет, веб-сайты, ресурсы, обучение английскому языку, межкультурное взаимодействие, компьютерные технологии. One of the goals of using modern communicative approach in teaching foreign languages is to develop the ability of using foreign language in the process of communication as a form of intercultural interaction within the framework of human-computer interaction. Computer technologies became an integral part of the educational process and help language teachers in teaching a foreign language. Let us dwell on the following possibilities of computer technologies: 1) the use of a number of Internet sites in teaching English; 2) the use of Zoom, Google Classroom in teaching English; 3) students search for additional (to the textbook) information on the Internet under the instructions of the teachers; 4) search for additional (in relation to that given in the textbook) information by the teacher on the Internet for use in English classes; 5) the role of blogs in self-study of the English language. The use of Internet resources in education already has rich experience as one can find the necessary information in global networks. There are a number of websites to solve a number of didactic tasks, which help for effective teaching of English: students can enhance reading skills and research skills using the materials of the global network, replenish vocabulary, motivation for learning English, expand horizons and develop communicative competence. These factors `


This paper is intended to give a brief overview of the potential benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use in education and the ways by which different ICTs have been used in education thus far. An example of making use Internet resources for teaching English for young learners is also performed in this paper. Then this paper concludes with an expectation of future ICT-based education in Indonesia. Globalization and technological change have created a new global economy. The emergence of this new global economy has serious implications for the nature and purpose of educational institutions. As the half-life of information continues to shrink and access to information continues to grow exponentially, schools cannot remain mere venues for the transmission of a prescribed set of information from teacher to student over a fixed period of time. Therefore, Information and communication technologies (ICTs)—which include radio and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the Internet—have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. When used appropriately, different ICTs are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, helping make teaching and learning into an engaging, active process connected to real life. National vision that related to the development of human resources in the ICT sector is: " Implement Longlife Learning Paradigm ". In order to increase the level of life quality, in which ICT is positioned in this context as a resource to achieve " Make Ict As The Tool To Achieve Longlife Learning Paradigm ". Rather, schools must promote " learning to learn " ,i.e., the acquisition of knowledge and skills that make possible continuous learning over the lifetime. However, the experience of introducing different ICTs in the classroom and other educational settings all over the world over the past several decades suggests that the full realization of the potential educational benefits of ICTs is not automatic. The effective integration of ICTs into the educational system is a complex, multifaceted process that involves not just technology—indeed, given enough initial capital, getting the technology is the easiest part!—but also

Internet-based Activities in Developing Students' English Skills 1

The development of Information Technology (IT) challenges the teacher to use the facility to create interesting and motivating activities in learning English. This article explores how the teachers can use various materials and facilities supported by the new IT to support their students in learning English and to practice their English in authentic environment. The activities incorporate internet-based activities as media to practice integrated-skills in the foreign language. The study seeks to determine the usefulness of using email, blogs, and facebook as current communication media that are available in the internet to facilitate students in learning English both inside of outside the classroom. These activities are aimed at encouraging students to take advantage of authentic environments outside the classroom in order to practice language skills and communicate with others.


Many English teachers recognize the potential of the Internet for long-distance communication. It enables English learners to communicate with others across the globe. However, many teachers fail to realize that the Internet can be of great benefit not only for long-distance exchanges but also for linking students in a single classroom. Three types of electronic communication are possible within a single class: teacher-student communication, out-of-class electronic discussion, and in-class, real time electronic discussion. This lesson plan focuses on integrating four different courses under my instruction: English Composition, Journalism English, Word Processing, The Application of Computer Software. It consists of several learning modules, each of which has two teaching aims: one is in the realm of reading and writing skills (content aim), whereas the other focuses on using the Internet as a tool (instrumental aim) .

Internet-Based Activities in Developing Students’ English Skills

Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa, 2012

The development of Information Technology (IT) challenges the teacher to use the facility to create interesting and motivating activities in learning English. This article explores how the teachers can use various materials and facilities supported by the new IT to support their students in learning English and to practice their English in authentic environment. The activities incorporate internet-based activities as media to practice integrated-skills in the foreign language. The study seeks to determine the usefulness of using email, blogs, and facebook as current communication media that are available in the internet to facilitate students in learning English both inside and outside the classroom.