Reflections on Studying the Digital Media Technologies and Social Network: A Dialogue with the Award-Winning Media Sociologist Dr. Chen Wenhong 數位媒介與社會網絡的研究反思: 與知名媒介社會學學者陳文泓對話 (original) (raw)

應用隱喻抽取技術(ZMET) 探討陽光基金會病友參與臉書支持團體之心智模式ψ

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2020

With popularizing the Internet, more and more resources and services have emerged along with social networking sites. The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation's online support group on Facebook was set up for patients with burn and scald injuries. It provides a platform for patients to possibly restart a new life via support groups. The purpose of this study is to explore the participants' mental model of Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation Support Group on Facebook, and to understand the underlying thoughts and needs of patients of burn and scald injuries by using the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET). This study recruited 8 patients as research participants and collected a total of 72 pictures. The ZMET was applied to understand each participant's thoughts, while metaphor analysis was used to investigate the results and core values, which were then drawn into consensus map for further analysis. In conclusion, three main findings are as follows: (1) The mental model of participants on online support group is to get back to their normal life, participate in education and learning, and need spiritual support. (2) Patients receive hope and goal of life from online support group. (3) The participants need the online support group for enhancing themselves, to promoting social values and developing future. According to these results, some suggestions are made for patients of burn and scald injuries and social welfare organizations and departments.

Hong Kong Students' Digital Citizenship Development: Initial Findings (with Patrick Lam, Elizabeth Ka Yee Loh, Nancy Law)

Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship, 2020

This publication is a report summarizing findings from the first wave of the Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (e-Citizenship) project, funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, under its Theme-based Research Scheme [Project No. T44-707/16-. It was jointly conducted by researchers from The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.



This study investigated early and recent news reports on typhoons and typhoon-related disasters released by United Daily News from the perspectives of language construction, core meanings, and reporting trends. This study collected news reports from January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1996, and from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016, representing early and recent news respectively. The study employed text mining and frame analysis methods and studied the "frame" difference of news media over the past three decades. An analysis of the language construction of the news reports revealed that, concerning the subject of social communication, recent typhoon reports often utilized opinions from different social "actors" to increase the conflicts and violations of norms and human rights. From early to recent period, it is found that news frame are transiting from the early "response to nature" to the recent "response to society". The former focuses on the information transmission of natural ...

評論40篇臺灣學者發布於國際期刊的數據相似論文 Comment on 40 Taiwanese Scholars' Papers Published in International Journals with Common Numerical Research Results

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021

If the editor-in-chief of a Taiwanese academic journal receives papers filled with numerical data, equations, and tables submitted by European or American scholars, he/she would likely publish them without hesitation. The same mentality characterizes Indian, Pakistani and African academic journals, when they receive and publish Taiwanese papers. In particular, the titles of these papers are decorated with buzz words, such as cloud computing, electronics, smart capital, and elderly nursing homes, etc. As for American periodicals, it is because they charge an expensive publication fee. This study reveals that these papers share common numerical research results, some of which are self-contradictory. In addition, they usually cite Taiwanese master-degree thesis or self-citing controversial papers. International journals treat these papers with the mindset of reading Taiwanese experiences. However, with the advances in Internet communication and the diffusion of intellectual knowledge, third-world scholars will eventually find such papers controversial. These low-quality papers not only convey false knowledge, but also spread an improper mode of massproducing publications and academic misconduct.

國中生參與線上遊戲經驗與自我概念、生活適應與幸福感之研究 Analyses of Junior High School Students’ Online Gaming Experience and its Relationship with Self-concept, Life Adaptation and Well-being


The purpose of this study was to explore junior high school students’ online gaming experiences and its relationship with self-concept, life adaptation and well-being. 887 participants from 10 junior high schools in the Kaohsiung area were obtained. Analysis was based on the scales of Online Game Experiences, Motivations for Play in Online Game, Self-concept, Life Adaptation, and WellBeing. Results showed that 68.5% of junior high students presently play online games. Among them, most students choose to play free online games from home. Boys exhibit significantly higher online gaming play rate, player experiences, daily average time of playing online games and motivations for play compared to girls. When compared to non-game players, students who have online gaming experiences show poorer “family self” and “life adaptation”, but display better “physical self”. Additional results showed that three factors of motivations for playing online game (self-affirmation, social interaction as...

機器人文獻之合著網絡及熱門主題分析 Analysis of the Co-authorship Network and Hot Topics in the Robotics Literature

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011

本研究主要探討機器人文獻之合著情況及高被引文獻之熱門研究主題,以科學引文索引擴充版(SCIE)資料庫中14種機器人學核心期刊文獻為研究資料來源,樣本資料共計9,571篇研究論文,分布於1983-2009年間。研究分析結果顯示,機器人學每年研究論文篇數由96篇成長至746篇,整體之合著率為82.71%,以2至4位作者為最主要的合著型態。在國家層次方面,整體跨國合著率為11.98%,美國是跨國合著篇數最高且最具資源控制能力之國家,但其跨國合著率(22.79%)不及瑞士跨國合著率(48.51%)。在機構層次方面,整體跨機構合著率為29.24%,美國卡內基美隆大學是跨機構合著篇數最高之機構,然而,日本國際電氣通信基礎技術研究所的跨機構合著率達85.71%,高於美國任一機構。另外,美國麻省理工學院為最具有資源控制能力之機構。高被引文獻之關鍵字分析結果呈現六大研究主題,包括無固定路線之機器人、智慧型機器人、視覺機器人、固定路線或固定點之移動機器人、時域機器人、夾爪機器人。<br>The purpose of this study is to explore the co-authorship and the hot topic from the most highly cited articles of robots literature. The research targets are 14 journals of robotics from the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) database. A total of 9,571 articles were collected from 1983 to 2009. The conclusions are as follows. The total number of articles from robots literature increased gradually from 96 to 746 each year. The percentage of co-authored articles was 83% and the most frequent numbers of authors per article ranged from 2 to 4. ...

教育資料與圖書館學四十年之論文特徵剖析 The Profile of the Papers Published on the Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2012

Research is the important process of knowledge exploration. Domain knowledge development can be improved by using research design and proper statistical methods meticulously as well as clearly and systematically displaying research results. In order to find out the evolving trend of Library and Information Science, its research design and statistical method is a topic worth exploring. By applying bibliometric and content analysis, this study investigates the 1,540 research papers published in the Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences (JoEMLS) in the last 40 years. According to its history and mission statement, the researchers separate time span from 1970 to 2010 into four period, exploring the features of those published papers, including the type of articles, article languages, topics, structures, research designs and statistical methods. The results show as follow. During period 1, the type of articles are diversities. In addition , Chinese papers are dominate. Moreover, the top 3 categories of research papers are the study of "Library and Information Science"(66%), follows by the "Education"(15%). As for the paper structure, there are 2.73% papers applying ILMRAD and only 8 papers of them applying IMRAD. The most commonly adopted research design is Survey Method, among them, the study of "Library and Information Science" used more often (46.63%). As to the most commonly used statistical method is Descriptive Statistics (60.11%), secondly the T-Test (9.27%).


教育資料與圖書館學, 2019

The studies of research productivity and authorship of theses published apply the method of bibliometrics. Through the method, the studies utilize the results of quantitative analysis to discuss and explore the results and trends of research activities and the direction of manpower development in academic communities. Through the exploration and analysis of the authors' productivity and the distribution of manpower structure, the potential of research and development of a particular field or subject and the current situation of research talents of the field or subject can be revealed. In this study, LISA and EBSCOhost-Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts databases were selected and we got a total of 219 English articles in the field of library and information science published from 1961 to 2016. With the content analysis and bibliometric approach, this study investigates the results include published years, research methods, research designs and samplings, subjects of literatures, content items of research and analysis. Moreover, this study conclude authors' patterns, institutional affiliations, degree of collaboration between institution and countries and core authors.

龍樹語言策略之哲學詮解 -- 從漢譯《中論》之「說」字作線索

法鼓佛學學報, 2008

This article takes various expressions using the Chinese term "speak" (shuo) as the basis for its investigation of Nāgārjuna's linguistic strategy. These include speak, unspeakable, unspoken, and spoken by prajñapti in the Chinese version of the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā. I first point out the two background causes that make the Buddha withdraw from preaching and remain in silence: the profundity of the Dharma and the limits of people's capacities. In response, the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā seems to reveal a two-sided strategy, i.e., confirmation and negation. On the one hand, it emphasizes the unspeakable to get rid of people's attachment, until at last all prapañcas have ceased, and one arrives at the unspoken. On the other hand, Mūlamadhyamakākarikā positively approves of the conventional truth and prajñapti to express that conventional linguistic cognition is necessary. The Mūlamadhyamakākarikā's theory of pratītya-samutpāda and śūnyatā, therefore, reveal double the aspects of negation and confirmation in Buddhist Philosophy and lead people to the way of nirvāṇa.

Bloom 認知與技能教育目標應用於快速數位教材製作流程與設計研究 The Development of Procedure and Design Principle of Using Rapid E-learning Tools in Bloom's Taxonomy

Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011

近年來,數位學習(E-learning)在網路應用領域中快速成長,成為主流。然而,許多組織顧及節省人力資源與縮短時程的因素,利用簡易的教材製作工具來解決問題,因此「快速數位學習」順應產生,將教材製作的時間縮短,其中教學設計仍是開發過程中重要的一環。 有鑑於此,本研究目的旨在經由文獻分析之歸納,提出 Bloom 教育目標分類與教學設計原則、快速數位學習教材設計內涵與快速學習製作工具分析,藉此發展出快速數位學習教材製作流程。另透過教材開發者問卷調查與專家訪談,進行流程的修正,建立流程之可行性與實用度。本研究結果為縮短教學設計分析階段之流程,將教學目標分析與資源分析整合,直接運用 Bloom 教育目標將教材內容分類後,找出合適的呈現方式,再根據每項工具之特性與專有的功能,挑選出適用的工具來進行教材製作。本流程的建置能協助學科內容專家加快尋找製作工具之作業,提供快速數位學習教材製作之應用與參考。<br>As the development of internet, the speed of information update is faster than ever. E-learning has rapidly become the mainstream for the corporation training and instruction. In order to reduce the cost of human resources and time spending, "repaid e-learning" has been developed for the simple and easy to produce training materials. Therefore, this study reviews the related literature and analyzed the Bloom's taxonomy, rapid e-learning instructional design, and rapid e-learning production tools to develop a procedure and design principle of rapid e-learning materials...