Perhaps the most dangerous impact of neoliberalism is not the economic crisis but the political crisis it has caused. As the rule of the state is reduced, so it is the possibility of changing the course of our lives through voting. On the contrary, according to neoliberal theory, people can exercise the choice for consumption. But some have more than others to spend: in large consumer or shareholder democracy, votes are not equally distributed. The result is a disempowerment of the poor and the middle classes. As right-wing and ex-left parties adopt similar neoliberal policies, disempowerment becomes a deprivation of civil rights and a failure of Democracy and Sovereignty. In Neoliberalism only money circulates freely, not people. Besides, money dominates people. A free market without the interference of the government causes Monopoly, without doubts. In this situation the rich man runs behind money without limitations and over time the balance breaks and the imbalance between rich and poor increases. It might be an exaggeration to say that Neoliberalism can take us back to Feudalism, but we can at least observe some points in common in these two political systems: • Feudalism - decentralized power, economy based on subsistence agriculture, subservient labor, and non-trading economy, where exchange predominates (barter, according to Wikipedia). I would like to add the lack of social mobility as a feudal characteristic. • Neoliberalism - decentralized power, a strong and sophisticated economy, low income wage labor with limited union or State support, and little or no social mobility, since power is concentrated in the hands of a small group. To conclude, I take the words of Emilio Garraztazu Medici, former president of the Republic when he was asked about the situation in Brazil. He said: "The economy is going well, but the people are not." This would be an appropriate citation to explain what Neoliberalism means. But, there is still an unanswered question in my mind: If people are not well, what is the purpose of an economy that is well? If the Economy is done to do well to benefit people. Or not?