Tribological behavior of thin film coating-a review (original) (raw)
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Multilayer TiN/TiCN/TiCN/TiC/TiN and TiN/TiCN/TiCN/TiC/Al 2 O 3 hard coatings with total thicknesses of 15.7 μm and 9.3 μm were deposited on WC-10Co substrates using a chemical vapor deposition system. Evaluation of surface, cross-section morphologies, chemical composition and phases of coatings were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses respectively. Corrosion properties were evaluated in 3.5 wt% NaCl medium using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Tribological properties of fabricated multilayer hard coatings were evaluated using pin-on-disk tests. Results show that active dissolution of the WC-10Co occurred while the coated samples showed more anodic slopes as well as lower corrosion current densities. The corrosion current densities of 3.3 × 10 −7 A/cm 2 and 7.5 × 10 −8 A/cm 2 were obtained for the TiN/TiCN/TiCN/TiC/TiN and TiN/TiCN/TiCN/TiC/Al 2 O 3 coated specimens which are much lower than 4 × 10 −6 A/cm 2 of substrate. EIS analysis confirmed the results of potentiodynamic polarization curves. Delamination of the TiN coating and formation of titanium oxide compounds on the surface of the TiN/TiCN/ TiCN/TiC/TiN coating revealed that oxidative wear mechanism is dominant for this sample, while adhesive wear mechanism was dominant for the TiN/TiCN/TiCN/TiC/Al 2 O 3 coated sample.
Comparison of hardmetal and hard chromium coatings under different tribological conditions
Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006
Electroplated hard chromium and thermal spray hardmetal coatings are widely used in a variety of applications for wear protection of component surfaces. The two protective coating types are tested in direct comparison for tribological conditions of dry abrasive wear (Taber Abraser test) and dry oscillating wear load. Oscillating wear tests are carried out both with hardened 100Cr6 steel and alumina balls as counterbody. Different types of hardmetal coatings are imparted. Besides HVOF sprayed coatings also coatings sprayed by an APS gun with axial powder feed are tested. For HVOF spraying besides standard WC/Co(Cr) feedstock also coarse (d 50 = 5 μm) and fine carbide feedstock (d 50 = 0.8 μm) and ultrafine powders, i.e. 2 μm b d b 12 μm, are considered. Use of ultrafine powders is particularly interesting from the economical point of view, as belt grinding can be sufficient for finishing in many cases. The optimum coating solution for wear protection depends on the specific tribosystem. The choice of feedstock, spraying process, equipment and processing conditions does not only depend on the resultant tribological properties. Therefore simultaneous influence on corrosion protection capability and thermal conductivity might have to be considered.
Ceramics International, 2015
High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) is an excellent approach to prepare a good, wear-resistant lamella of Chromium Carbide-Nickel Chrome (Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr) on carbon steel for high temperature application. This research investigates the effect of a thin, deposited layer of Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr on carbon steel in terms of wear and corrosion properties. The microstructure of the HVOF-sprayed Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr coating was characterized at each step by scanning electron microscopy. Wear testing was performed with a pin-on-disk tester. Wear weight loss was examined by applying different loads over a 9048.96 m sliding distance. Experimental results show that the wear resistance of the coated sample reduced the risk of seizure compared to the uncoated sample. An electrochemical test was also performed and the behavior of the substrate in the coated sample was investigated in 3.5% NaCl for 27 days. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) showed that the HVOF coating has high corrosion resistance and protects the substrate from NaCl electrolyte penetration. So deposition this layer of ceramic composite is protected oil piping from synergistic attack of seawater during the transport of crude oil to the refinery.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016
The aim of the investigations was to compare the microstructure, mechanical, and wear properties of Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni and Cr 3 C 2-NiCr coatings deposited by HVOF technique (the high-velocity oxygen fuel spray process) on ductile cast iron. The effect of nickel particles added to the chromium carbide coating on mechanical and wear behavior in the system of Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni/ductile cast iron was analyzed in order to improve the lifetime of coated materials. The structure with particular emphasis of characteristic of the interface in the system of composite coating (Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni)/ductile cast iron was studied using the optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopes, as well as the analysis of chemical and phase composition in microareas. Experimental results show that HVOF-sprayed Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni composite coating exhibits low porosity, high hardness, dense structure with large, partially molten Ni particles and very fine Cr 3 C 2 and Cr 7 C 3 particles embedded in NiCr alloy matrix, coming to the size of nanocrystalline. The results were discussed in reference to examination of bending strength considering cracking and delamination in the system of composite coating (Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni)/ductile cast iron as well as hardness and wear resistance of the coating. The composite structure of the coating provides the relatively good plasticity of the coating, which in turn has a positive effect on the adhesion of coating to the substrate and cohesion of the composite coating (Cr 3 C 2-NiCr+Ni) in wear conditions. Keywords Cr 3 C 2-NiCr coating, HVOF, thermal spraying, wear resistant This article is an invited submission to JMEP selected from presentations at the Symposium ''Metal-Matrix Composites,'' belonging to the topic ''Composite and Hybrid Materials'' at the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2015), held September 20-24, 2015, in Warsaw, Poland, and has been expanded from the original presentation.
Structure and wear behaviour of HVOF sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr and WC–Co coatings
Materials & Design, 2003
Hard chrome plating is used to restore the original dimensions to worn surfaces of gas turbine shafts. However, its use is about to decrease due to some intrinsic limitations of its deposits and the toxic and carcinogenic characteristics of the hexavalent chromium. During the last decade high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal sprayed cermet coatings play an important role in industrial applications where exceptional friction and wear resistance are required. The purpose of this study is to investigate and to compare the microstructure, wear resistance and potentials of HVOF sprayed Cr C -NiCr and WC-Co coatings for a possible 3 2 replacement of hard chromium plating in gas turbine components repair. It has been shown that coatings exhibit high hardness with a high volume fraction of carbides being preserved during the spraying, and have different wear behaviour. ᮊ
Tribological behavior of HVOF- and HVAF-sprayed composite coatings based on Fe-Alloy+WC–12% Co
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014
Fe-based coatings are promising alternatives to Ni-based ones, because of lower cost and lower toxicity. Following a previous research, where the sliding wear resistance of HVOF-sprayed Fe-Cr-Ni-Si-B-C alloy coatings was found to compare favorably with that of a Ni-Cr-B-Si-C alloy and of electroplated chromium, the present study investigates the wear resistance of Fe-Cr-Ni-Si-B-C + WC-Co composite coatings. The Fe-alloy feedstock powder was therefore blended with 0, 20 and 40 wt.% of a WC-12 wt.% Co powder and sprayed by HVOF and HVAF processes. HVAF-sprayed coatings exhibit less structural alteration than HVOF-sprayed ones, which results in lower intrinsic nanohardness of both Fe-alloy and WC-Co splats; however, HVOF-and HVAF-sprayed coatings exhibit similar Vickers microhardness. Somewhat poorer interlamellar bonding in HVAF-sprayed coatings results in a greater tendency to microcracking during dry sliding wear testing at room temperature; however, dry sliding wear rates of HVOF-and HVAF-sprayed samples never differ significantly. The reinforcing effect of WC-Co decreases the wear rate of composite coatings (≈10 −6 mm 3 /(Nm)) by more than order of magnitude, compared to unreinforced ones (≈1-2 * 10 −5 mm 3 /(Nm)). As the test temperature is increased to 400°C and 700°C, the dry sliding wear rates of all samples increase (up to 10 −4 mm 3 /(Nm) or greater). The greatest changes are observed when the WC-Co content is larger, as it suffers from oxidation and thermal alteration more than the Fe-alloy matrix. The abrasive wear resistance of the Fe-based coatings, evaluated by rubber-wheel testing, is also significantly improved by the addition of WC-Co.
sized chrome carbide-nickel chrome (75:25) and tungsten carbidecobalt (88:12) are coated on LM 9 aluminium alloy substrate using high-velocity liquid fuel (HVLF) spray technique. The results indicate that multi-layered coatings have shown enhacement in mechanical properties with significant improvements in the hardness and porosity with the necessary coating strength as prescribed for use in IC engines. The mechanical properties of multilayered coating are greatly affected by number of coating layers.
Microstructural Characterization of WC and CrC Based Coatings Applied by Different Processes
Numerous mechanical structures and assemblies have frequent outages because of wear of machine parts due to the effects of abrasion and erosion. There are several methods to protect parts from wear and one of them is by applying a protective coating on the endangered area. It is well known that the coatings with carbide distributed in a metallic matrix have an excellent wear resistance. In this paper characterization of three coatings were carried out: coating with tungsten carbide (WC) in NiBSiFe matrix, coating with chromium carbides (CrC) in FeNiSi matrix deposited by plasma transferred arc method (PTA), as well as, coating with WC carbide in CrNiBSi matrix deposited by oxy-acetylene thermal spray process. The above mentioned alloys, before application to the base material, were in a powder state. This paper describes applied coating technologies on a substrate -S235JR steel, powders characteristics, microstructure and properties of coatings, phase composition, and micro hardness of different microconstituents.