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The key principles of corporate governance include transparency, accountability and risk management. Successful implementation of these principles in public organisations is dependent on the availability of information. In Kenya today many government organisations do not have qualified records professionals and the result is the existence of poor records management that are characterized as fraudulent and corrupt. This paper discusses the role of records management professionals in fighting corruption in Public Sectors of Kenya. The paper argues that qualified Records management professionals are crucial in the fight against corruption because a good records management programme ensures availability of information that can serve as evidence to identify abuse or misuse of resources and noncompliance with legal and regulatory requirements. In addition, good records management practices promote efficiency in the operations of an organisation by eliminating bureaucracies and other loopholes that underpin corruption. Using examples from public sectors in Kenya, this paper attempts to demonstrate the extent to which records management professionals supports the fight against fraud and corruption. The paper also includes literature review that corroborates the examples cited. Recommendations are provided in the conclusion.
Records Management Journal, 2018
The study aims to establish the records management practice, in support of governance in Nyamira County. The objectives were to determine the types of records managed in Nyamira County, to establish the contribution of records management in the running of Nyamira County, to determine the adoption of records management policies in Nyamira County and to assess strategies that will lead to sound records management in Nyamira County. The sample population comprised 27 respondents who were drawn from different categories of staff through census sampling as follows: 4 records officers, 3 record clerks, 10 chief officers and 10 secretaries. The study used a qualitative research approach where interview schedules and observation were used for data collection. It was established that Nyamira County generated various types of records including policy related records, financial records and auditing records. It was submitted that records management is essential in support of governance as it forms a basis for equity in resource distribution, hence fostering confidence among the public, which results in good will from the people on County government projects. The study noted various challenges including inadequately trained staff on records management, lack of records disposal and retention schedules, inadequate equipment and space and inadequate policies and standards. The study concluded that poor records management practiced in Nyamira County was a great hindrance to good governance and recommended that county governments should formulate and implement records management policies, standards and guidelines and provide adequate budgetary allocations to ensure that the records management practice that is in place supports governance.
Record management in the Nigerian public sector and freedom of information act: The horn of dilemma
International Journal of Development and Management Review, 2013
The importance of records and information management in the fight against corruption and promotion of good governance, transparency and accountability cannot be overstated; the three cannot be achieved without available, accurate and accessible records and information. To demonstrate transparency and accountability to its citizens, government relies upon policy documents, budget papers, procurement records, property and fixed assets, registers, accounting records etc. With the use of public management theory, the paper analyzed issues of records and information management and the role it can play in administrative efficiency and success of Freedom of Information Act 2011. Drawing experience from the developed and developing countries in this globalized era, it concludes that the Nigerian Freedom of Information Act cannot successfully address the challenges of corruption in high places, bad governance, lack of transparency and accountability, unless public servants embrace and cultivate global best practices in records and information management as x-rayed in the paper.
Record management is one of the key success factors in any organization; poorly managed records have a devastating consequence such as delayed service delivery, corruption and dishonesty. Therefore, this study assessed the usage of Information Communication Technology in record management practices in prevention of corruption in the University of Eldoret. The study adopted a case study design and the target population was 64 respondents. Purposive sampling was used to select deans of schools and heads of department and then census method was applied to the remaining administrative staff. Data was collected through questionnaires given to all members of staff in each department except the head of department, observation schedule and interview schedule was used for the heads of departments and Deans of schools, documentary evidences was also used. Qualitative data from interview schedule and observation checklist was analyzed thematically and reported in narrative form while the data from questionnaires was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and presented in form of tables and percentages. The finding of this study indicated that the usage of ICT in record management practices will help in preventing corruption since automated record management process provides evidence and track each action. The study recommends that, the university institution should invest heavily in the use of technology on record management in terms of creation, maintenance, use and disposition of records.
The role of records management in ensuring good governance in Africa
Journal of the South African Society of Archivists
Proper records management is central to the promotion of good governance. Africa is a continent which has generally been riddled with poor governance. Principles of good governance such as accountability, transparency and the rule of law are ascertained with available records. Poor records management practices promote bad economic practices such as corruption and fraud. An assessment of the performance of government can thus be realised through proper records management and access to information. Good records management practices therefore lead to good governance and vice versa; thus, the role of records management in promoting good governance cannot be overemphasised. However, there are some likely impediments that may hinder the promotion of good governance through records management in the African context. This paper explored the role played by records management in ensuring good governance in Africa. It then suggests strategies to promote good governance through proper records m...
National Archives and the effective Management of Public Sector Records in Kenya
The article presents the findings of a study which examined the role of Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (KNADS) in the management of records in 18 government ministry headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Data was collected (in 2005) through questionnaires sent out to 157 registry staff, and through interviews conducted with 10 senior government officers and six archive personnel from Nairobi Records Centre and KNADS headquarters. The research findings revealed that, even though KNADS provided records management advice to government departments, the record creating agencies did not adequately implement this advice. The study established that KNADS faced various challenges in providing records management advice to government departments and that this may compromise public service delivery and the effective management of government information. The chal- lenges that were identified included: inadequate human and financial resources, lack of support from senior government o...
The article presents the findings of a study which examined the role of Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (KNADS) in the management of records in 18 government ministry headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Data was collected (in 2005) through questionnaires sent out to 157 registry staff, and through interviews conducted with 10 senior government officers and six archive personnel from Nairobi Records Centre and KNADS headquarters. The research findings revealed that, even though KNADS provided records management advice to government departments, the record creating agencies did not adequately implement this advice. The study established that KNADS faced various challenges in providing records management advice to government departments and that this may compromise public service delivery and the effective management of government information. The chal-lenges that were identified included: inadequate human and financial resources, lack of support from senior government of...
THESIS, 2024
Records are byproducts of business transactions and provide evidence of actions and decisions. They are key for enabling accountability and transparency which are key principles of good governance. Without records organization face a challenge of accounting for their actions and establishing transparent dealings. They are therefore critical for good governance. To a dismay, Records Management (RM) has not received the attention it deserves by majority of organizations both public and private which has hindered good governance efforts. This study therefore aimed at investigating the contribution of RM to good governance at Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) to reveal how RM is critical for good governance in the Ugandan public sector. The study was guided by four research objectives namely; To identify the records generated at MoFPED and their formats, To establish the contribution of RM in the governance of MoFPED, To identify the challenges hindering effective RM in MoFPED and their impact on good governance, To develop strategies for enhancing RM practices in MoFPED to support good governance and improve public sector performance. Mixed research methods were utilized by using both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data from 43 participants. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 33 participants who were randomly selected, and also 10 participants selected purposively took part in qualitative interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the results were summarized in tables and charts giving the frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was transcribed, coded in excel and analyzed thematically. The study found that the MoFPED heavily relies on a manual records management (RM) system, with paper records being the dominant type of records generated and managed by the ministry. This manual system is not sustainable and poses a number of challenges including delays in records retrieval, mishandling of records by some staff. Therefore, by addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by modern technology, the ministry can transition towards an advanced and resilient RM system that not only safeguards historical data but also empowers decision-makers, enhances transparency, and bolsters accountability, thereby contributing substantively to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the ministry's operations. MoFPED and the government of Uganda at large should put RM at the forefront by including RM in the government MDAs strategic plans. They should invest in RM of all ministries, construct and purchase modern storage space and equipment for RM respectively, recruit skilled staff and carryout continuous trainings in RM to all staff of the ministry so that good RM practices are exercised to preserve the organization information assets inform of records.
Improving records management to promote transparency and prevent corruption
Improving records management to promote transparency and prevent corruption, 2018
This paper pursues to show how regulation can facilitate the incorporation of transparency obligations into a record's lifecycle (transparency by design) to prevent the occurrence of any risk of corruption associated with the management of the information created by a public administration (missing or disappearance of information, lack of evidence, modification of documents, etc.). The paper analyses the mechanisms available to Spain's public administrations for managing these irregularities in records management though the raft of regulations and protocols that have been approved in the country. It assesses how the lack of specific regulations providing for transparency by design currently represents a limitation on the role of records management as a tool for preventing and fighting corruption. The paper shows that there is a need to guarantee proper records management , which includes transparency throughout a record's lifecycle. It concludes that legislation assessed does not properly reflect these ideals. Nevertheless, this concern is only partially and insufficiently reflected in legislation. Legislators usually ignore the instrumental and methodological fundamentals of records management. Therefore, there is a need to update legislation on archives and records management with regard to access to information, transparency and accountability.
First and foremost I wish to thank God for the good health and his grace without which I would have not completed this project on time. The completion of this work was made possible due to assistance, encouragement, constructive criticism, prayers and guidance of the following people, my father Mr. John Abuki and my mother Elmelda Abuki whose selfless support, love and support have been my main inspiration, their continued encouragement being my main push in other times I almost wanted to give up. I owe the success of this project to my supervisor Dr. Charles Nzivo and Dr. Grace Irura who tirelessly read my work, provided their very helpful constructive criticism and relentlessly pushed me throughout the entire process. I would also like to acknowledge the help accorded to me in form of support, encouragement and provision of information materials made available to me courtesy of University of Nairobi department of Library and Information Sciences without which I would have been stuck. The support of my lecturers was immense during my undertaking of the course and the project. I cannot fully mention everyone who offered me support or assistance but I will say thank you to those mentioned and those that have not been mentioned. Thank you and God bless you.