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Post-Excavation. The Dividend

The aim of this paper is to briefly examine some of the practical and philosophical issues around post-excavation. I will try to illustrate some of my points with recourse to the development and practice of post-excavation in England; but I am not doing this to hold up English practice as exemplar of best practice. For the purposes of this paper, I want to get away from contrasting national post excavation practices between Council of Europe states. I think what we need to consider are underlying principles. What is post excavation? What is its purpose? What is its point? I use the example of England because that is the area I know best having run projects in the public, private and university sector before and after the introduction of the market to archaeology in the UK. Thinking about defining underlying principles is necessary, not because it is a worthy exercise in its own right, which it is, but because post-excavation is underpinned by the theoretical paradigms and practices that underpin the excavations they are post of. There are many practices of archaeology in Europe, differing excavation traditions, differing theories of method. There is no consensus on what might constitute European best practice in excavation, we all dig and record differently. Why should post excavation be any different? Are common P a p e r a s p r e s e n t e d a t E u r o p e a n A s s o c i a t i o n o f A r c h a e o l o g i s t s c o n f e r e n c e i n O c t o b e r 2 0 1 0


Scottish archaeological internet reports, 2023

Anth.106 Ppt. lecture-20c: Summary guide for End-of-term test/Take-Home no.2 assignment: Key concepts, in post-excavation analysis (by G. Mumford; May 2022)


SUMMARY: This pdf of a power point summary lecture serves as a guide for either TEST no.2 (end-of-term) for the in-class version of Anth.106 (Introduction to Archaeology), or TAKE-HOME no.2 (end-of-term assignment) for the online class version of the same course. It provides a summary of 25 selected, key concepts and an example extracted from the textbook (Renfrew and Bahn, 2019 [8th edition]), in part-1, and the summary notes from the special lectures in part-2. The summary covers such post-excavation analysis options, including assessing (a) technology, (b) trade, contact, and exchange, (c) cognitive aspects (religion; language; art; etc.), (d) appearance (bio-archaeology; health; diet; clothing; etc.), and (e) processes of change. It also considers some benefits of archaeology for people today. POSTED: May 3, 2022.

Anth.106 Ppt. lecture-10c: Summary guide for mid-term test/Take-Home no.1 assignment: Key concepts, survey, excavation, and post-excavation analysis (by G. Mumford; May 2023)


SUMMARY: This pdf of a power point summary lecture serves as a guide for either TEST no.1 (mid-term) for the in-class version of Anth.106 (Introduction to Archaeology), or TAKE-HOME no.1 (mid-term assignment) for the online class version of the same course. It provides a summary of 25 selected, key concepts and an example extracted from the textbook (Renfrew and Bahn, 2019 [8th edition]), in part-1, and the summary notes from the special lectures in part-2. The summary covers such things as research design, finding sites (regional survey), how to select where to excavate on a given site, some excavation and recording techniques, and some post-excavation analysis options. POSTED: May 2023.

Excavation reports as primary source material

Some of my thoughts on the value of excavation reports for the archaeological profession and research. I argue that these should be our primary source and used in favour of published papers and books. Published in the Proceedings of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland 2013 Spring Conference http://www.iai.ie/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Proceedings-of-the-IAI-Spring-2013-Conference.pdf


Implementing Innovative Ideas in Structural Engineering and Project Management, 2015

For excavation in sites often many firms proceed without effective and preventive estimates. The frequent accidents that occur indicate that we have not yet reached, especially in many sites of private clients, to a careful programming that allows reaching acceptable levels of security. The indications arising from the results of the inspections at construction sites and the reports drawn up following incidents highlight how often the work began without having first considered the factors potentially dangerous not only for workers but also for goods. The execution of the excavation by mechanical means or by hand requires an estimate of risk assessment process that, in addition to the specific characteristics of the site area, must consider the interference occurring with the conditions of the site and the neighboring areas (roads, presence of buildings, etc.) and the knowledge related to more general environmental context. The operating procedure, which has been initiate ted through some research undertaken in recent years by the "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria is based on the comparison of experience in construction of knowledge. Through preventive observation (geological analysis, observations on morphological characters of area), project procedures that are being tested in some yards directly involving businesses and workers involved in specific processes.