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The Electromagnetic Universe : Paper 5 : Gravity
This paper gives an account of the Gestalt Aether Theory of gravity. Gestalt Aether Theory clearly establishes the connection between electromagnetism and gravity and is able to account for every known or observed property of gravity. It offers a format for extremely precise calculations on the force of gravity.
Today, theoretical physics focuses on speculative theories in the 14th dimension, such as strings and Higgs bosons. That is the wrong approach. The path forward is about finding the way back to the physics of the natural world. The following two statements by Einstein have been forgotten: "Meanwhile a closer reflection teaches that this denial of the aether is not necessarily demanded by the special principle of relativity». . «But even if these possibilities mature into real theories, we will not be able to do without the aether, i.e., the continuum endowed with physical properties, in theoretical physics». The following discussion shows that according to Einstein's statements, the acceptance of the real properties of space could massively advance the scientific community. The following analysis results in a model of natural physics in three dimensions that provides a basis for the long-sought unification of the basic forces.
The Electromagnetic Universe Paper9 On the Nature of Light.docx
Academia.Edu, 2019
Abstract We live in an age where the concept of atoms, molecules and sub-atomic particles are a part of everyday life, yet disconcertingly, many of the laws of physics that we use today were formulated in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries when the idea of atoms had not even surfaced on the consciousness of man. In many cases this omission is not important but in a majority of others the overlooking of these fundamental aspects is debilitating to the cause of science. Everyone knows, from experience that it is not possible to walk through walls, the reason for this is the electrostatic repulsion that takes place between the electrons in the atoms in our bodies and the electrons in the atoms in the wall. The very fact of walking is made possible due to the forces of electrostatic repulsion. Sadly these concepts have not been applied to things such as the propagation of waves. Here for the first time, waves are treated as particles moving through a medium as waves. For the first time the Gestalt Aether Theory on the Nature of Light is put on a sound mathematical basis and a new mathematical concept entitled the Planckian method is introduced.
Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International), 2021
Hypothesis of the progressive establishment and growth of the Universe, strictly from electromagnetic considerations, as suggested by Einstein towards the end of his life. Discussion of the conflicting relations observed between the various current black holes and Big Bang theories. Discussion of the possibility of a progressive adiabatic energy increase in the universe from a hypothetical zero energy level in vacuum at the beginning of the universe, as an alternate solution to the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) postulated stable conservative zero-point energy level in vacuum. Proposal of an alternate process for the origin of the Universe grounded on an expanded space geometry emerging from Maxwell's initial interpretation of the relation between the electric and magnetic E and B fields, leading to a new perspective on the objective and subjective aspects of the time dimension.
The concept of a universal medium pervading everything, the aether, has been long ago rejected by mainstream science as a speculative one, especially after the famous Michelson-Morley experiment that failed to confirm the reality of a luminiferous essence invoked for the propagation of E.M. waves. Nevertheless, the concept has been re-established as a serious, experimentally proven one, by the work of Nicola Tesla, the genial physicist widely recognized in modern academic circles. His achievements are quite unparalleled in experimental physics, and recently recalled to public attention by Serbian researcher Goran Marjanovic-whose papers have been published in various academic editorial outputs of high credibility.
Proposing a Reintroduction of Aether into the Scientific Debate
Academia, 2021
Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity stems from the constancy of the speed of light, regardless of the speed of an observer. In addition, the theory of special relativity postulates that it is impossible to define absolute speeds. The speed of a body always needs to be specified as being relative to some other body. Time is also found to be relative between two observers moving relative to each other. In particular, as the speed of an observer increases, time dilates relative to a ‘stationery’ observer. In this paper, it is postulated that all these characteristics of relativity theory are inherent in all wave systems when the measurement of time and distance is made utilizing measuring instruments that are themselves waves within those systems. A wave existential reference frame is defined as a way of formalizing this concept. Based on these findings, it is postulated that ‘rigid matter’ is part of the electromagnetic wave existential reference frame and suggests that space is not vacant as proposed by Einstein but is composed of an aether that is the fundamental fabric of the universe.
The existence of the electromagnetic aether is argued from two standpoints. Conceptual, based on the nature of physical waves. And practical: the various experiments that demonstrate it. Possible reasons for the strange nullification of the positive 1887 Michelson-Morley aether-wind result are discussed.
Dynamic Theory of the Aether [DRAFT]
Dynamic Theory of The Aether, 2022
This work is a synthesis of functional aether theories produced in the 19th century by pioneers in electrodynamics including Tesla, Russel, Steinmetz, Heaviside, and others. It dispels the nihilistic, materialistic, and inherently atheistic theories which have held reign over middle earth’s citizens entire cosmological and physical system for centuries; the heliocentric, atomistic, and and relativistic theories from the time of Democritus to that of Lorentz and Einstein. The mathematical and metaphysical conjugate theories from which stem from the experimental and theoretical efforts of their predecessors; Faraday, Maxwell, Huygens, Newton, Ptolemy, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. An exploration into suppressed, ancient, timeless advanced cosmological concepts and metaphysical systems is also presented. It must be noted that prior to approaching the content within this book, the reader must understand that a new physical and cosmological model may only be presented, let alone accepted, after errors and shortcomings of the current leading models are addressed. It is my hope that in this process, as the fat is trimmed; uncertainties polished away, the absolute truth shall stand in its raw glory. This in turn renders the formulation of a new model passive, as the outcome of reductionism always stands firm in its foundations. All one must do is interpret it with discernment and without any preconceptions, mental sedimentations, or other forms of prejudice. The conceptual principles of this work may seem extraneous, extreme, or outright incorrect at times, but it is urged that the reader pay mind to the experimental foundation of same, which herein stands before the former. Only through juxtaposing theory and experience, while yielding to no mental autoimmunity that would otherwise inhibit one from pondering this information without external projections and preconceptions, will the truth present itself. The reader must embrace their sense of rationality and logic. Once armed with strong discernment and disinterestedness, one may begin to read this book. Avoiding all attachment; either to the ideas presented herein or to your own. Reading something that affirms one’s set of beliefs and as a consequence understanding them deeply and hence becoming intelligible in that material is to be intelligent. However, wisdom is a different crop to cultivate. Intelligence, as wisdom, requires the intake of new information. What must take precedent in the latter is the abolition of the brick wall of ignorance that many of us hold between our hearts and our minds; because to truly believe and inner-stand anything which contradicts and imperatively overthrows one’s own beliefs, one must feel that change toward truth in their heart before they even read the material. This is granted they are neither put off by its appearance nor experience conflict when first approaching it. Thus, when looking to entertain the ideas in this book, the reader should first focus on the quantitative, empirical information laid out herein, so to dispel any baseless preconceptions. Only subsequently should they interpret the qualitative, philosophical concepts. This is so that an emphasis is placed on the importance of experimental data in the formulation of theoretical hypotheses; something that, although impersonated far and wide as such, is not common practice among high-ranking academic institutions and other organizational bodies of knowledge of today. Most scientists of today, as Tesla is quoted saying, are very smart, and may think deeply, but they can’t think clearly. They are able to compute complex integrals, differential equations, and other forms of arithmetic to describe theoretical phenomena; such as that of curved space,—of which Tesla was an adamant critic— and despite being ultimately perplexed, even mesmerized by the counter-intuitiveness and lack of experimental basis for that which they believe; as also evident in many physics forums, university classrooms, and even lectures from so-called ‘experts’ in this field, very few of today’s scientists can muster the willpower or philosophical tenure to question it. Pre-Print: 01/01/ 2022 Publish Date: 08/08/2024
Doctrine of the Aether and Cosmology for the Modern World
Doctrine of the Aether and Cosmology for the Modern World, 2023
The following is my English translation of Massimo Melli papers I-II-III: L'idea dell'Etere Nel Pensiero Ebraico Medievale The idea of the Ether in Medieval Jewish thought
Reconsidering Maxwell's aether
Physics Essays, 2014
In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell developed a theory of aether to explain electromagnetic phenomena. In that era, the existence of aether was generally accepted. In the 20th and 21st centuries, science has moved away from the notion of the existence of aether and into the age of photons and quanta. This article suggests that the scientific community revisit the concept of Maxwell's aether as the fundamental substance that might underlie electromagnetic phenomena.