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Australian International Academic Centre PTY. LTD. (AIAC PTY.LTD.), 2018
Speaking in a foreign language can be influenced by such psychological aspects as anxiety and self-confidence. The students who have high level of anxiety, worry, fear and low level of self-confidence in foreign language classes may have difficulties in developing their speaking ability. The objective of this research was to find out whether there was a significant correlation between students' speaking anxiety, self-confidence, and their speaking achievement. The research used correlation design. The data were collected through interviews that were scored by two raters and two questionnaires that were administered to fifth semester students (n = 28) from a Teacher and Training Faculty in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational analysis. The results indicated that speaking anxiety has no significant correlation with speaking achievement. Self-confidence has a significant correlation with speech achievement (p = .01). That is, students with self-confidence have higher achievement. So, it is important for teachers and lecturers to encourage students and practice speaking English in front of class, especially to improve the self-confidence when the students are communicating in English.
The Correlation between Students’ Self-Confidence and Speaking Performance
LETS, 2020
The research aims to examine the correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking performance in SMAN EX Palopo. The researcher implemented quantitative as the research design because the data in this research was correlation design. The sample of this research consist of students MIA 1, MIA 2, MIA 3. The researcher took five samples from each class. The researcher used the students score from spoken test to categorize as samples of this research. To collect the data, the researcher employed two kinds instrument, such as: Speaking Test and questioners. The result of correlation analysis shows that there is no correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking performance in SMAN EX Palopo. It proofed from p-value (0.088) is higher than α (0.05). Therefore H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.
The aims of this study were to investigate whether there is a correlation between Self-Confidence with EFL students’ speaking achievement. The participants of this study were the Undergraduate EFL Students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. purpose. The participants that were chosen can meet certain criteria from this study. In this study, the student’s self-confidence and their speaking achievement are correlated. Therefore, in order to know the students’ speaking achievement, a group of students who had already taken the informal speaking courses from the population were considered as the sample. Nonetheless, most of the third semester students have already finished the informal speaking class on last semester and they are on the next level of speaking class on this semester. Quantitative method was used in this study. The data gained from self-confidence questionnaire and the list of students’ speaking achievement was analyzed by using SPSS. The result of the study showed that there i...
Abstract: Speaking is a productive skill which leads the ones have an effective communication. Then, Self-confidence is a psychological factor which plays a supportive role in speaking performance. The current study was aimed to know whether there is a significant correlation between self-confidence and speaking performance. The researcher used quantitative approach in which correlation research design was used. The total number of participants was of 30 students from the fourth semester of English Department. To obtain the data, the researcher used Confidence in Speaking English as a Foreign Language (CSEFL) questionnaire in order to know the students’ level of self-confidence and speaking performance score was used to measure the level of the students speaking performance. The finding of the present study showed that the r observed of the students’ self-confidence and speaking performance was .261 with level of significance was .163 which is greater than .05. It means that the co...
Self-confidence is believed can be the factor on affecting students’ speaking ability because it plays the important role in speaking as well. This study is aimed to know the correlation between the students’ self-confidence and their speaking ability at English Department of University of Islam Malang. In this study, the researcher used correlational research design and there were two variables, X variable and Y variable, where the X variable was self-confidence, and the Y variable was speaking ability. The total numbers of the population in this study were 120 students at English Department of University of Islam Malang, and take 20 students of speaking class A at the fourth semester as the subjects of this study. The instruments of this study were self-confidence assessment questionnaire which used to measure the students’ level of self-confidence, and speaking midterm test score that obtained from speaking lecturer which used to know the students’ speaking ability. The result of...
Academic Speaking Students’ Efforts in Minimizing Their Lack of Self- Confidence
The existence of self-confidence is needed and related with students’ academic achievement, which in this context of the study is speaking skills. Speaking skills are the language learning aspects that are also crucial for students to master to have good communication. Unfortunately, speaking skills cannot be mastered because of the lack of self-confidence that is commonly faced by EFL learners. By seeing this reality, the researcher tried to identify the causes of the lack of self - confidence faced by Academic Speaking students (FLA-UKSW) and the efforts that the students implemented to overcome their lack-of self-confidence. This study used a qualitative method in collecting data. The data were collected from thirty-three Academic Speaking students using open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated the causes of the lack of self-confidence were fear of making mistakes, lack of speaking skills formally, public speaking anxiety and personal experience...
The study was particularly aim an investigating the correlation between self confidence and academic achievement in speaking skill. The participants were 20 pairs freshmen undergraduate students from Kanjuruhan University of Malang. SPSS was used to analyze the data from self Confidence questionnaires and compared to the final score of speaking skill. The result of the computation revealed a negative, significant correlation between self confidence and academic achievement in speaking skill. Finally, it presented that the evidences found in the field of study fail to reject the Null Hypothesis. INTRODUCTION In learning second language, some people make faster progress than some others do. Some students try hard and get many difficulties. They seem stuck on something that make them really hard to reach the learning goal. They make struggle along the learning and get only very slow progress. It is clearly when someone learn a new language, they will have factors that contribute to the success of language learning. Learning is a process that involve in it, not only cognitive factors but also affective factors. The researcher realizes that cognitive factors are easy to show while affective factors are difficult to describe scientifically. But it does not mean that the affective factors give less contribution than the cognitive do. Cognitive factors defined as the something immaterial as the circumstance or influence that contributes to producing a result. Cognitive factors refer to characteristics of the person that affect performance and learning. In this way, cognition has to do with how the world will be understood by a person and act in it. Messick's (1993: 199) says that cognitive styles are characteristic modes of perceiving, remembering, thinking, problem solving, decision making that are reflective of information processing regularities that develop in congenial ways. Affective factors defined as emotional factors which influence learning. They can have a negative or positive effect. Because affective factors also produce negative effects, the lecturers or the instructors in the classroom should build the learning atmosphere to decrease the negative effects. These factors involve cognitive functions like attention, memory, and reasoning (Danili & Reid, 2006). Thus, from those affective factors we know, learning foreign language is not a simple thing to do. It is a complex process when a learner speaks language which is not spoken in his mother tongue. Learner will get some obstacles and difficulty to do. As Bialystok, E. (1991) suggests that Language learning is a complex process. That affective factors play important role, it should contribute to the progress of learning. Some of those affective factors clearly mentioned by Brown (2000) He says that the affective domain is the emotional side of human behavior and it involve a variety of
JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan)
This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ self-confidence and their fluency in speaking at eleventh graders students of SMAN 01 Jereweh and to find out what is the correlation between students’ self-confidence and their fluency in speaking at Eleventh graders’ of SMAN 01 Jereweh. This research was correlation research is to clarify our understanding of important phenomena by identifying relationship among variables. There are two variables in this research, the independent variable is students’ self-confidence and the dependent variable is fluency in speaking. The sample of this research was XI IPA of SMAN 01 Jereweh. The students consist of 24 students. They were chosen by random sampling. The instrument was used subjective test. The scores were analyzing by use likert scale for fluency and questionnaire. Based on the analysis of data above, it was found 0.999 for the correlation between students’ self-confidence and their fluency in speaking at eleventh gra...
Teachers' Strategies to Improve Students' Self-Confidence in Speaking
Speaking become one of the important skills among other skills such as listening, reading and writing. However, some students felt not confident to deliver words or sentences in English. The purpose of this study was to find teachers' strategies to improve students' self confidence in speaking at SMK 1 and SMK 2 in Tamiang Layang. This study used qualitative study. All data were analyzed qualitatively. Instruments used were interview questions and observation protocol. In this study, there are no statistical calculations. Participants' ideas, feelings, and stories were accommodated and then analyzed descriptively. The participants were four teachers from two different schools which are SMK 1 and SMK 2 in Central Borneo, Indonesia. Data were audio-recorded, then transcribed. After the transcription, themes were then drawn based on the transcribed interviews. Participants' statements which answered the research questions were highlighted and coded or classified accordi...
This research was conducted at SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang. The aim of this research to whether there was the correlation between students' self-confidence and speaking ability. The population of this research was the tenth grade students at SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang. The samples are 40 students of X Social 2. This research used correlational research. The researcher used Questionnaire and speaking test to collect data. Based on test hypotheses, it has been found that the correlation coefficient between students’ self-confidence and speaking ability is 0,460. It shows that the variable has correlation from 40 students which their speaking ability is influenced by their self-confidence. The result of hypotheses is alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted and the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected. In addition, the research was seen if the students’ self-confidence and speaking ability have a significant positive correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking ability at t...