Internet of Things - New Paradigm of Learning. Challenges for Business, [w:] Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering Proceedings of the AHFE 2018, Volume 775, Hasan Ayaz, Łukasz Mazur (red.), ISBN 978-3-319-94865-2, ss. 307-318, Wydawnictowo Springer, Cham 2018 (original) (raw)
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How IoT (Internet of Things) Can Shape Education
I CICEN, 2019
Resumen Este documento se centra en la investigación relacionada con varios beneficios del e-learning en el sistema educativo inteligente. Este artículo presenta un análisis teórico. La aplicación de la tecnología de Internet de las cosas (IoT) como un fenómeno prevalente está creciendo y desarrollándose rápidamente en el mundo de la computación ubicua y digital. Una de las aplicaciones más visibles del IoT como conceptos emergentes, es la educación y el sistema de aprendizaje. IoT debido a sus ramas exclusivas, como la conectividad permanente entre las cosas (receptores IP), está cambiando el esquema actual del e-learning y la versión anterior del sistema de aprendizaje. Se desarrolla un modelo teórico multidimensional del sistema de aprendizaje inteligente para analizar cómo el IoT puede actualizar radicalmente el sistema de aprendizaje mediante la participación del elemento de inteligencia en la estructura de aprendizaje electrónico. Este trabajo finalmente describe los mayores impactos del uso del IoT en la plataforma de e-learning. La inteligencia, la cadena conectada, el acceso ilimitado en línea al aula (plataforma) más grande del mundo, son elementos destacados entre otros componentes que están configurando los enfoques reales de aprendizaje electrónico en una forma novedosa, eficiente, de alto rendimiento, en tiempo real e inteligente. La conclusión se puede utilizar como tema central para el estudio futuro de los investigadores. Abstract This paper focuses on the research concerned the various benefits of the smart e-learning in the Educational learning system. A theoretical analysis is presented in this article. Application of internet of things (IoT) technology as a prevalent phenomenon is quickly growing & developing in the ubiquitous computing and digital world. One of the most visible applications of IoT as emergent concepts is education and learning system. IoT because of their exclusive feathers such as permanent connectivity between things (IP receivers) is changing the current scheme of e-learning and previous version of learning system. A smart learning system theoretical multi-dimensional model is developed in order to analyze how IoT can update radically the learning system through involvement the smartness element into the e-learning structure. This work finally outlined the most impacts of the using IoT in the e-learning platform. The smartness, connected chain, unlimited online access to the biggest classroom (platform) in the world, are outstanding elements amongst other components that are shaping the actual e-learning approaches in a novel efficient, high performance, real time and smart form. The conclusion can be used as the focal topics for the future study for the researchers.
Modern Internet of Things as a Challenge for Higher Education
This paper is designed to study the acceptance of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Industry (so-called Industry Internet of Things, shortly IIoT) and the necessities for higher education in the period of the fourth industrial revolt. The accumulation of the fourth letter, "P" in face of the "IoT" coins the name of the novel idea, "IIoT" in next of kin with another term, "Industry 4.0". Because these ideas have no specific and broadly conventional definitions, we offered some well thought-out significant by scientific literature. The paper also draws attention to the most significant similarities and differences between these ideas. PIoT is a very self-motivated idea and it will continually bring revolutionizes in digital technologies, necessities and markets, and will also renovate industries and Industry practices. According to various studies, presently, there is a proficiency gap which may amplify in the future if no stroke is taken. Higher education must approve the most recent associated technologies and must get used to to the novel ways in which people, machines, services and information can interrelate. As a result, employees, students, graduates, etc. have to be uniformly vibrant in learning and obtaining novel skills. The evolution from higher education to service is a challenge that could be further simply addressed during the hard work of all stakeholders, from individuals to organizations, and from industries to governments. As revolutionize in higher education take time, every stakeholders will now have to be active in getting ready for the Industry Internet of Things.
Can we make Schools and Universities smarter with the Internet of Things
TEM Journal, 2017
Schools and universities stand up to the challenge the Internet of Things, which has the potential to significantly change teaching and learning. The learning and administrative processes and the relationships between all participants in education may benefit from the Internet of Things since the linked physical devices ensure connectivity of people and ensure their activity. The implementation of the Internet of Things in education, unlike other spheres, has a very important and difficult task. The Internet of Thing has to guarantee the creation of an environment that supports the acquisition of knowledge in a new, natural and effective way, consistent with the new realities and learners' expectations. The questions of how and in what direction the Internet of Things will lead to changes in educational activities and processes have many answers and need discussions and debates. The objective of the current work is to answer these questions by presenting the concept the Internet of Things and consider its possible applications in education.
A survey: the role of the internet of things in the development of education
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020
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The Potential of the Internet of Things for Supporting Learning and Training in the Digital Age
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Role of Internet of Things (Iot) in Higher Education
With enormous development and cumulative role of technology in all walks of life, conventional and classical methods of education in classroom are no more attractive and efficient for the learners of the 21 st century. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT), small gadgets are gaining wide popularity, especially, when students use wearable devices with small sensors for connectivity with learning systems. Modern interactive devices are equipped with IOT sensors, which can connect to end users devices and provide them limited access to download data as based on types of accounts they are using. The Internet of Things enables connection of devices to the Internet, is in the process of transforming numerous areas of our everyday lives. The online learning system with the help of Internet has deeply rooted itself into our schools, and e-learning has become a common practice in modern schooling systems. But the applications of the IoT in education are numerous, and the...
In the coming years, technology will impact the learning experience in many ways. Internet of Things (IoT) continues to confirm its important position in the context of Information and Communication Technologies and the development of society. With the support of IoT, institutions can enhance learning outcomes by providing more affluent learning experiences, improved operational efficiency, and by gaining real-time, actionable insight into student performance. The purpose of this study is to find out the potential of IoT in higher education and how to maximize its benefits and reducing the risks involved with it. Further efforts are necessary for releasing the full potential of IoT systems and technologies. Therefore, this paper presents a study about the impact of IoT on higher education especially universities. IoT stands to change dramatically the way universities work, and enhance student learning in many disciplines and at any level. It has huge potential for universities or any other educational institutions; if well prepared to ensure widespread and successful implementation by leadership, staff, and students. IoT needs development where universities can lead. Academics, researchers, and students are in a unique place to lead the discovery and development of IoT systems, devices, applications, and services. Moreover, this paper provides an evidences about the future of IoT in the higher education during the next few years, which have offered by a number of research organizations and enterprises. On the other hand, IoT also brings tremendous challenges to higher education. Hence, this paper also presents the perspective on the challenges of IoT in higher education.
Develop This -Education in the Age of the Internet of Things
Proceedings of the EADiM Academic Network Conference 2012. The Social University: Towards a Higher Education with Students as Producers. 22-24 November 2012, University of Graz, Graz, Austria., 2012
Introduction Developments in the area of Media Technology proceed very fast, and perhaps, revolutionary; where the day before yesterday the internet ruled, yesterday the web arrived, this morning it was the web 2.0 and after lunch, we enter the Internet of Things. The main implication for ICT curricula, such as Media Technology, is that factual knowledge, book knowledge and the know-how to use particular programming languages and tools are gradually becoming less important whereas the ability to keep track of developments in the research area (and not just 'on the market'), the ability to do research, how to develop conceptual solutions and how to translate concepts into software are becoming more and more important.