Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. The platform of cloud computing gives peoples the opportunity of sharing and storing resources and information among the people across the globe. Most of organizations, individual and end users are making use of such online storage services to store their important information for the backup purpose. This new paradigm brings about many new security challenges. At present ensuring security in cloud computing platform has become one of the most significant concerns for the researchers. Many any new frameworks and technologies are used to preserve data that are stored in clouds. In this paper, a new data security scheme is developed for cloud computing platform. This scheme ensures data security in both the ways i.e., data storage security and data retrieval security. For data retrieval security, multi-level authorization technique is applied. Authenticity of user is done in 3 levels which includes registered key, one-time password (OTP) and image-based security mechanism. For data storage security, data partitioning is done along with the application of serialization concept. Both data retrieval security and data storage security provide a strong foundation that not only restricts the unauthorized user to access the data stored in cloud but also ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data. In the recent years, cloud computing has grown from a business concept to one of the fastest emerging sector in It industry to a basic need for people across the world. Cloud computing is everywhere. More and more people are, now days, depending on it. Cloud is the biggest buzz in the world of computers these days. The concept " cloud computing " is one of the most developing and evolving concept in the history of technological advancement. It provides resources, services and utilities to the user and stores their crucial data and information to make their life easier in this busy and hectic world. Due to cloud computing, we can utilize deployable and scalable resources within the confines of Internet. It uses system's hardware and software as computing requirement and provides services through the internet. Despite all these capabilities and potential advantages achieved from cloud computing, many organizations are still reluctant in adopting it due to the security and privacy issues associated with it. These issues hamper the growth of cloud computing. At present scenario, important data and documents are the only thing without which your life comes to a standstill and loosing such important data is no more than a horror experience! So, here the need of security and privacy of user's data rises. In cloud computing environment, all data or files of an individual stored in cloud are open to all. Thus, these data or file becomes more prone to attack. As a result, an intruder can easily access, misuse and destroy the data. The need of security becomes so vulnerable that now people and even though organizations look for security that cloud provider provides before they look for cloud services. There should be a strong security mechanism used by cloud service provider. The security mechanism should be strong enough to handle the basic concept of security i.e., integrity, confidentiality and authenticity. Any security mechanism covers these concept guarantees the security and privacy of user's data. Integrity ensures that the content of the data is not disturbed or changed by any intruder at all and originality of data is confirmed. Confidentiality ensures that the file or data is confidential and cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person. Only the authorized user can access or use it. Authenticity ensures that the person requesting for access is the one whom he claims to be and does not have any false identity. The users with false identity might act as an intruder. In this research paper, new security technique for cloud computing platform is proposed. Here, security is applied on both the sections i.e., while retrieving or accessing data from cloud called as data retrieval security and while storing data in cloud called as data storage security. It makes this security architecture stronger than ever. This proposed technique strictly follows the integrity and confidentiality of stored data as well as authenticity of users accessing cloud. Multi