Un observatoire des mobilités en Méditerranée: Tunis à la fin du XVIème siècle (1582-1600)_Hespéris-Tamuda (2018) (original) (raw)
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Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Khaznadār, a Mamluk born in the Greek island of Chios, became the most influential public figure of the Ottoman province of Tunis between 1837 and 1873. Both his ascendancy and the consecutive marginalization of his sons in the immediate afterwards of his fall may be analyzed as an example of the emerging relationship forged between an important family of the time and the provincial beylical authority. This new political balance was itself profoundly transformed both by the Ottoman reforms and the French colonial domination. Surely, the Khaznadār did take great advantages from the beylical power, especially through its patrimonial dimensions. But he also knew how to deal with the new constitutional regime established in 1861. However, his elder sons, although prepared for administrative careers, hardly found their ways in the beginnings of the French protectorate. Interestingly enough, their names and their ascendancy were not of blessed memory in the Modern Tunisian records.
DES TURCS AUX HANAFIYYA. La construction d'une catégorie métisse à Tunis aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
Dans l’historiographie de la Tunisie ottomane, les Kūlûghlī-s, métis issus de pères turcs et de mères indigènes, forment une catégorie intermédiaire dont le destin politique contribue à expliquer l’avènement du fait national. Un retour plus attentif aux sources et aux catégories des acteurs, montre que les Turcs nés dans la régence, créoles plutôt que métis, ont continué à se désigner comme tels jusqu’aux début du XVIIIe siècle. Ils se sont inventé alors un nom particulier, Hanafiyya, qui les distingue des Turcs de naissance et des Arabes indigènes. Ils se sont également forgé des institutions particulières et une mémoire propre, liée à la fois à l’histoire ottomane et à celle de la province. English Turks and Hanafiyya. The formation of a social category in the Ottoman Tunis In the historiography of the Ottoman Tunisia, the Kūlughlī-s, half-breeds born of Turkish fathers and native mothers, constitute an intermediate category, whose political destiny contributes to explain the apparition of the national fact. A more attentive examination of sources and actors’ categories shows that the Turks born in the Regency, creoles rather than half-breeds, continued to designate themselves as such until the beginning of the 18th century. Then, they invented for themselves a particular name, Hanafiyya, which distinguished them from Turks born outside the country and native Arabs. They also forged their particular institutions and their own memory, linked as well to the province history and to the Ottoman one.
Etudes et documents berbères, 2020
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