This paper aimed to describe the students' problems in narrative writing. The population of this research involved 38 students of senior high school students at one of senior high school in Riau province. This research employed purposive sampling method as it selected one student's writing as the sample. The sample was chosen based on the consideration that it covered the general problem of the whole population. This study employed the descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained were analyzed using systemic functional perspectives that involved there metafunctions. The result showed that the student's major problem in writing a narrative text was in interpersonal and experiential metafunction. Students' mostly employed simple present form in describing the finite. Besides he also has problems with some problems are also happened in determining the participants or subjects, pronoun, modality, and empty theme. To cover these problems it was proposed problem-solving approach as the pedagogical implication. Problem-solving approach is believed to be appropriate for students as it not only improves student cognitive aspects in terms of communicative skills, but also empower students' psychology aspects to be an active learner that create their own solution towards the problems they faced.