Las fuentes hispánicas de los papeles epigráficos de Antonio Agustín (BNE, ms. 5781), «Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos» 38:1 (2018), 109-137 (original) (raw)

Las fuentes hispánicas de los papeles epigráficos de Antonio Agustín (BNE, ms. 5781)

Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 2018

Resumen. A través del análisis de su síloge epigráfica manuscrita (BNE, ms. 5781, ff. 72r-82v; 84r), se identifican las fuentes manuscritas que Antonio Agustín (1517-1585) utilizó para su elaboración, las cuales casi nunca cita e incluso llega a menospreciar: los Epigrammata antiquae urbis

Antonio Agustín y las fuentes de Sanloutius para las inscripciones hispanas

J. Carbonell (ed.), Antonio Agustín, arquebisbe i humanista, 2020

The present contribution examines a manuscript from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. Lat. 17545, a 16th century epigraphical codex attributed to L. Sanlout or Sanloutius where there are different handwritings. We focus in the problem of a series of inscriptions from Hispania whose informers are mentioned by the author. The study provides a hypothesis of the transmission of these inscriptions. Keywords: Antonio Agustín, Sanlout, Pere Galès, Arias Montano, inscriptions from Hispania.

“Catulo 5 en el epigrama latino de Juan Gómez a Santa Helena (1555)”, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 36.2 (2016), 291-310.

We present the first edition, translation and commentary of the epigram to Saint Helen presented by Juan Gomez to the literary contest held in Seville on June 29th 1555. We express some hypotheses about the identity of its author, and we identify the two theologians who provided their approval to the poem: Doctor Francisco Sanchez, Rector of St. Mary of Jesus College, and Dominican friar and preacher Andres Romero, professor of St. Thomas College. We analyse the techniques of imitation of famous Catullus’ fifth poem on the countless kisses, and its meaning in the social, historical and literary context of this epigram. Other literary sources both ancient and modern, the content and the main stylistic and metric features of these verses are discussed too. In addition, we mention the poets who had imitated in Latin verses, translated or commented the poems in hendecasyllables and other Catullus’ poems from the late fifteenth century to the mid-sixteenth century in Spain, especially in Seville and Alcala de Henares, but also in Salamanca and in some cities of the Kingdom of Aragon.

Notas de epigrafía hispánica

Archivo Español de Arqueología 67, 1994 [1995], pp. 281-287.

Este breve articulo contiene correcciones y adiciones a un conjunto de inscripcioiies latiiias de Hispania (provincias de Alicante, Badajoz. Burgos, Cáceres. Cucnca. Guadalajara, Orense. Valeiicia y rerriroriirni de Aquae Flauiae). Salvo un grafito, aún inédito. y un texto prácticamente desconocido de Sagunto. las observaciones que se Iiacen se refieren a lecturas o bibliografia de textos ya publicados. SUMMARY This brief paper coiitains corrections and addeiida toa collection of Latin itiscriptions of Hirpaniu (provinces of Ali