Analysis of Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit RATIO (FDR), Third Party Funds And Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) Murabahah of Funding in Indonesia

Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)

This study was conducted to determine the effect of NPF, FDR, deposits, and DER to Islamic banking financing in Indonesia. This study uses the annual financial statements population of the entire Islamic Banks (BUS) in Indonesia in 2010-2014. The samples in this study using purposive sampling, that the sampling method using specific criteria. The amount of data used by 30 the annual financial statements of six Islamic banks which fulfill the criteria as a sample. The results showed that the NPF, FDR, deposits, and DER simultaneously affect the murabaha financing. The magnitude of the effect of the four independent variables against murabaha financing amounted to 95.9% and the remaining 4.1% is influenced by other variables outside of this study. For partial results, variable DPK and DER positive effect on murabaha financing. As for the variable FDR and NPF no significant effect on the murabahafinancing.

Influence of Third-Party Funds, Car, NPF and FDR Towards the Return on Assets of Islamic Banks in Indonesia

JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Manajemen, 2017

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of third party funds, capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non performing financing (NPF) ,financing to deposit ratio (FDR) Of return on assets (ROA) during period of 2008-2013 syariah banks in indonesia. About 3 syariah banks in indonesia was taken as sample for this research. The data used for this research were obtained from the data of Quarterly Published Financial Report Period 2008 up to 2013. The analysis technique used is Linear Regression that aims for estimating the relationships among variables. The results of F test showing that Third Party Funds, CAR, NPF and FDR simultaneously influential to ROA. While The result of t-test showing Third Party and NPF has significant positif effect to ROA, CAR and FDR has a negative effect on ROA syariah banks in Indonesia.Keywords: ROA, Third Party Funds, CAR , NPF, FDR


This study aims to examine the influence of capital adequacy, third party funds, non-performing financing on profitability through financing either simultaneously or partially. The influence on one endogen variable that is profitability will be tested by fourth exogenous variables. This study is a census study, which includes all existing Sharia Banks in Indonesia into observational data. Observation period of research data from 2009-2015 amounted to 71 observations. The method of analysis used is path regression. The results of this study found that the adequacy of capital, third party funds, and non-performing financing simultaneously and partially influence the financing at Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia. The fluctuation in both the increase and decrease in financing of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia is influenced by the three independent variables. Capital adequacy, third party fund, non-performing financing and financing itself also simultaneously and partially influ...

Analysis of Funding Strategy, Credit Performance, and Banking Profitability. (Case Study of CIMB-NIAGA Bank in Indonesia)

The Journal Studies of Applied Economics, 2021

This study is to analysis funding strategy and credit performance, and its effect on Banking Profitability. The indicator of funding strategy measured with the ratio of time deposits with a total of third-party funds (DTPF) or a third-party fund structure (TPFS), credit performance measured by credit growth (CG) and non-performing loans rate (NPL), while banking profitability with return on assets (ROA). The descriptive and verification methods with the quantitative approach will be used in this research. Secondary data sources are from the quarterly published financial statements of the CIMB Niaga Bank in Indonesia of 2012 – June 2020 period, and multiple regression used for data analysis. The study results found TPFS partially has a negative but not significant effect on ROA. CG partially has a positive but not significant effect on ROA while NPL partially has a negative and significant effect on return on assets. Simultaneously TPFS, CG and NPL have a significant effect on ROA. The ROA is influenced by TPFS, CG, and NPL of 71.2% while the remaining 28.8% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Banking Profitability, Credit Performance, Credit Growth, Non-Performing Loans, Return on Assets, Third-Party Funds.

The Impact of Capital Adequacy, Efficiency, Size, Equity, Liquidity and Fee Based Income to Behavior of Funding and Financing of Islamic Banking in Indonesia

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

Bank as the financial intermediary institution take a role to facilitate the channeling between the parties who have excessive fund and distribute to the parties who need fund. This study aimed to see the implication of CAR, efficiency, size, equity, liquidity and fee based income to the behavior of funding and financing. This study used Data Envelopment Analysis to measure efficiency value through intermediary approach and Multiple Regression Analysis. The samples are 11 Islamic Banks listed in Financial Service Authority database in years period January 2010 until December 2014. The result indicates that CAR has positive and significant impact to funding behavior, however some other determinants such as efficiency, asset, equity, liquidity and fee based income do not affect funding behavior. Meanwhile asset and liquidity has positive and significant impact to financing, equity has negative impact to financing, however other determinants such as CAR, efficiency and fee based incom...

Analysis of Factors Affecting Financial Performance of BUKU 3 Banks with Growth of Third Party Funds as Moderating Variable\_Vol.8\_Issue.12\_Dec2021/IJRR-Abstract083.html, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the factors affecting financial performance of BUKU 3 banks with growth of third party funds as moderating variable. This study uses a causality research design. The population in this study is the Banking Service Industry Company which is all Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which consists of 46 Banks. The year of observation is 2010-2020. 12 Banking Companies that have met the requirements with 11 years of research in order to obtain 132 observations. In this research, the technical analysis used is panel data regression analysis technique. The results showed that capital adequacy ratio has no effect on financial performance. Operating expense to operating income has a negative effect on financial performance. Net interest margin has a positive effect on financial performance. Non performing loan has no effect on financial performance. Loan to funding ratio has no effect on financial performance. Minimum statutory reserve has no effect on financial performance. Female board of directors has no effect on financial performance. Third party funds cannot moderate the relationship between capital adequacy ratio and financial performance. Third party funds can moderate the relationship between operating expense to operating income on financial performance. Third party funds cannot moderate the relationship between net interest margin and financial performance. Third party funds cannot moderate the relationship between non performing loan and financial performance. Third party funds cannot moderate the relationship between loan to funding ratio and financial performance. Third party funds cannot moderate the relationship between minimum statutory reserve and financial performance. Third party funds can moderate the relationship between female board of directors and financial performance.

Comparative Analysis of Banking Financial Performance: Evidence From Indonesia

İlköğretim online, 2021

This research empirically explores the financial performance results of Indonesia Stock Exchange listed companies for seven years for the period 2010 to 2017 between PT BTN,Tbk (Persero) and PT BRI,Tbk (Persero). The financial ratio used consists in the ratio of capital adequacy, net profit margin, returns on assets, non-performing loans and deposit-related loans. This study only used a sample of two conventional banking companies in Indonesia, namely PT BTN,Tbk (Persero) and PT BRI,Tbk (Persero). Results from this research show that the PT BRI,Tbk (Persero) variabel Net Profit Margin, variabel Return on Asset Ratio, variabel Loan on Deposit, and variabel Capital Adequacy Ratio is better than PT BTN,Tbk (Persero). However, for variabel Non-Performing Loans, PT BTN,Tbk (Persero) is better than PT BRI,Tbk (Persero).

An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Capital Structure, Liquidity, Growth Opportunity, and Company Size on the Profitability of Financial Sector Service Companies at Financing Institutions Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)

The study was carried out with the aim of examining the effect of capital structure, liquidity, growth opportunity, and company size on the profitability of financial institutions listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020. This study's sample consisted of ten companies chosen using the target sampling method. Using the E-Views 10 software, multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the independent factors and the dependent variable. The findings revealed that capital structure and liquidity had no effect on profitability, whereas growth opportunity and company size had a significant effect. The research's limitations include the limited number of data units and the inclusion with only financial sector enterprises in the financial institutions sub-sector. This study reflects investors and business management in making financial decisions based on the variables examined.

The Influence of Financing to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Financing, Return on Assets and Capital Adequacy Ratio to Mudharabah Financing (Case Study in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia)


This study aims to determine how much influence Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Return on Assets (ROA), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) to mudharabah financing at Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. This type of quantitative research is a descriptive statistical approach. The research methodology used is the method of documentation and literature study. Source of data comes from secondary data with purposive sampling technique. The data used in this study is the 2013-2017 annual data published by Bank Indonesia in the Sharia bank's annual financial statements. The analytical tool used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that partially FDR, NPF, and CAR have no effect on mudharabah financing, while ROA has a significant effect on mudharabah financing. And simultaneously the FDR, NPF, ROA and CAR variables significantly influence mudharabah financing, with a determination coefficient of 35%, while the re...