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Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education. 25, 189-202. Published by Penerbit Universitis Sains Malaysia, 2010
This study investigated peer group pressure as a determinant of adolescents' social adjustment in Nigerian schools, with a focus on the Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State. Two null hypotheses were tested using a random sample of one hundred and twenty adolescents from four secondary schools in the Ikeja Local Government Area. The instrument was a self-designed questionnaire. The collected data were analysed using an independent t-test and a Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results of the analysis showed that peer group pressure among adolescents is related to their social adjustment and that the gender of the adolescents affects their social adjustment as well. Based on these findings, the following recommendations are made: parents should serve as role models for their children to emulate; parents should be watchful of the types of friends kept by their adolescent children; and parent-child relationship should be cordial enough to permit adolescents in discussing their problems with them. In addition, the management of adolescents (secondary school students) should be the joint responsibility of parents, guidance counsellors, school administrators and society at large.
The study investigated the influence of parenting styles and peer pressure on social adjustment of in-school adolescents in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo state Nigeria. The population of the study comprises students in senior secondary school one and two (SS1-SS2). The participant’s age ranged from 12 years to 18 years. 150 questionnaires were administered out of which 149 students participated and this amount to 98% of total respondents. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire consisting of Parenting Style Scale, Peer Pressure Scale and Social Adjustment Scale. The data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Statistics Method. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Three research instruments were used they are: Measurement of Parenting Style (MOPS) contained fifteen questions in total for the students to answer pertaining to their primary caregiver, Peer Pressure Scale (PPS) contained 10 questions and the popularity subscale contained 12 questions and Social Adjustment Scale (SAS) is a six items scale with responses anchored base on the four likert points. The results revealed that there was significant relationship between the independent variables (Parenting Style and Peer Group Pressure) and the dependent variable (Social Adjustment) in the following order of magnitude: Parenting Style (r = 0.658; P < 0.05) and Peer Pressure (r = 0.760; P < 0.05). Similarly, the result also indicated that the two independent variables (Parenting Style and Peer Group Pressure) when pulled together have significant effect on Social Adjustment of in-school Adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis. The result shows that Peer Pressure made the most significant contribution to Social Adjustment of in-school Adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis. (β = 0.704) to the prediction follow by Parenting Styles (β = 0.136). The findings of this research provide reasonable information that can be applied in counselling and social psychology to the better understanding of social adjustment of in-school adolescents considering the fact that a keen observation of what is happening in Nigeria today seems to indicate that social behaviour is on the increase among in-school adolescents despite the fact that the manifestation of anti-social behaviour could hinder their ability to concentrate in classroom teaching and learning situation and prevent them from developing required functional competencies for academic success. It is recommended that additional research examine the influence of peer group acceptance on the social adjustment of adolescents in the context of other potential influences, including the nature of the parent-children relationship, the academic culture in the home setting, and the support and encouragement that students receive from teachers at school. Keywords: Parenting Style, Peer Group Pressure, Social Adjustment and Adolescence
Tujuan studi:Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan peristiwa kehidupan penuh tekanan dengan depresi pada siswa sekolah menengah atas. Metodologi:Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan data April - Mei 2019. Berdasarkan rumus Daniel didapatkan jumlah sampel 575 siswa SMA dan SMK di Kota Samarinda usia 14 -19 tahun, direkrut dengan teknik Cluster Stratified Random Sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah Negative Life Events Scale for Students (NLES) dan Center for Epidemiological Study Depression (CES-D).Analisa statistik menggunakan Spearman Rho. Hasil:Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya hubungan dandidapatkan nilai hubungan peristiwa kehidupan penuh tekanan dengan depresi pada siswa sekolah menengah atas yaitu r = 0.111 yang artinya menunjukkan korelasi sempurna positif atau searah dan p-value = 0.007 yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara hubungan peristiwa kehidupan penuh tekanan deng...
Journal of Education and Practice, 2020
The study investigated the relationship between peer group influence, parental psychological support and student's academic performance in junior secondary schools in Jega educational zone, Kebbi state. The study used expost factor design. Cluster and simple random sampling were used to select the sample size. Four junior secondary schools with a total population of 504 and a sample size of 217 students were drawn and used for the study. The study made use of instruments adapted from Azua, (2016). The instrument is known as Peer support inventory and parental support inventory. The academic performance was obtained from the scores in English language and mathematics from the students' end of term examinations. Two hypotheses were formulated for this study and tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The findings of the study show that there is a significant relationship between peer support and academic performance of junior secondary school students (r=0.731, p=0.004), also a significant relationship exist between parental psychological support and academic performance of junior secondary school students (r=0.743, p=0.002). It is recommended that parents should actively participate and offer psychological support to their children by way of interacting with their children about peer group influence and thus, repositioning them skillfully towards excellent academic performance.
The study aimed to analyze child's perception on parenting style, level of emotional intelligence and academic achievement of high school students at SMA 3 Sukabumi. Results showed that more than 60 percent student perceived that parenting style is classified as emotional coach. In general level of EQ of the students classified as moderate (62.8%) while the rest classified as high. There was significant difference in term of duration of student activities based on classes (IPA or IPS) while by gender there was not significance. Academic achievement of girls was significantly higher than boys, also their motor achievement. Parenting style of the parent was significantly correlated with EQ of student, particularly in term of emotional awareness, self motivation, social relationship, and total EQ. In line with this total EQ and social relationship have positive and significant correlation with cognitive achievement, while empathy, social relationship and total EQ also have significant associations with motor achievement. Only self motivation was significantly related to attitude of students. ABSTRACT: A pro-social behavior refers to a complex behavior, and requires theoretical apparatus to explain the occurrence of pro-social behavior for adolescence, to allow adolescence having behavior in accordance with social responsibility norm. The aim of this research is to reply the issues whether there are correlations of moral reasoning, emotional intelligence, religiosity, and authoritative parenting with adolescence pro-social behaviors. Whether there are difference formations of male and female adolescence pro-social behaviors. The subject of the research are 439 adolescence, comprised of 189 males, and 250 females, age of 12 – 15 years old, 9 th grade taken randomly of 12 SMP (Junior High School) in Jombang city. Data collection applies psychology scales, namely pro-social behavior; emotional intelligence, religiosity, authoritative parenting scales, and Defining Issues Test. Data research are analyzed by applying multiple regression analysis, partial correlation, and t-test. The research findings represent that there are correlations between moral reasoning, emotional intelligence, religiosity, and authoritative parenting with adolescence' pro-social behaviors. Each variable of moral reasoning, emotional intelligence, religiosity, and authoritative parenting positively correlate with adolescence pro-social behaviors. The fourth
NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan asertivitas untuk meingkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah interpersonal pada suami atau istri dalam keluarga luas (extended family). Analisis data menggunakan statistik nonparametrik Mann Whitney U Test yaitu dengan melihat Gained Score (skor selisih) yang diperoleh dari skor pretest dan posttest. Hasil uji beda pada pretes dan posttest menunjukkan koefisien Z sebesar -2.956 p<0,005. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah interpersonal antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol setelah pemberian perlakuan, dimana kelompok eksperimen memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah interpersonal lebih tinggi (mean rank= 12,00) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (mean rank= 5,00). Selanjutnya, uji beda Wilcoxon terhadap skor pretest dan posttest pada kelompok eksperimen pada koefisien Z sebesar -2,527, p<0,005, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara fase prete...
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing)
Pendahuluan: Anak usia sekolah sangat sensitif terhadap stimulus sehingga pada usia ini mudah diberikan bimbingan dan dibiasakan dengan perilaku hidup sehat. Rendahnya kesadaran dan kurangnya pengetahuan menyebabkan cuci tangan yang tidak benar banyak ditemukan pada anak-anak. Storytelling merupakan salah satu metode untuk menyampaikan pendidikan kesehatan dan mengembangkan aspek kognitif (pengetahuan), afektif (perasaan), sosial dan konatif (penghargaan) pada anak. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas mendongeng terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap cuci tangan pada anak usia sekolah. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Pre-Experimental One Group Pre-Posttest Design, dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Mei 2021. Responden setuju untuk berpartisipasi. Instrumen penelitian berupa data demografi, angket yang diisi sendiri terkait pengetahuan dan sikap mencuci tangan dengan reliabilitas baik Cronbach's alpha > 0.881 (pengetahuan) dan...
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2019
ABSTRAK Pada tahun 2008-2014 pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan untuk berobat jalan di Indonesia mengalami penurunan. Menurut data BPS, pada tahun 2008 pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan untuk berobat jalan sebesar 33,4%, pada tahun 2012 sebesar 30% dan pada tahun 2014 sebesar 27,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan untuk berobat jalan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, yaitu data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) tahun 2017. Responden penelitiaan adalah 22.955 kepala rumah tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan menggunakan metode Binary Regression, yaitu dengan model logit dan model probit. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa faktor pendapatan dan status pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga mempengaruhi secara positif dilihat dari nilai koefisien. Pendapatan dan status pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan. Nilai p-value untuk pendapatan adalah 0,001 (p-value<0,05), sedangkan p-value untuk status pekerjaan adalah 0,08 (p-value<0,1). Faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan di Provinsi Jawa Barat adalah pendapatan dan status pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga. Kata kunci : Utilitas, sosial, ekonomi, pendapatan, pekerjaan
This study investigated the relationship among peer group influence and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Sokoto metropolis. A total sample of 378 students and parents participated in the study from the population of 24,683(203 students and 175 parents). One (1) research question and one(1) research objective and one research hypothesis were formulated to guide this study. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. purposive sampling method was used in drawing samples from the population. The person product moment correlation coefficient (r) statistical method was used to test the hypothesis. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between peer group influence and academy performance of students.Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that during P.T.A meetings parents should be assisted to understand the importance of Peer group Influence on their children, so as to have good academic performance.
Efficacy functions to enhance the desire of learning through mediations of motivations and confidence. The present study is designed to achieve two main objectives. First, to identify the level of learning efficacy of public and religious secondary school students. Second, to examine the significant difference level of learning efficacy between public and religious school students. This study involved 242 students sampled from four schools in district Ledang. The sampled participated in the survey, employing a twelfth item questionnaire measuring Learning Self-efficacy (LSE) and Peer Self-efficacy (PSE). The data are analysed quantitatively using descriptive statistics and independent-samples t-tests. The result showed that the majority of students experience a moderate level of learning efficacy. Generally, for the selected public school students the mean is 2.75 and religious school students the mean is 2.97. Regarding the comparison level of learning efficacy between the two types of students, the findings of the current study show that there is no significant differences (p=.47), while peers self-efficacy revealed that there are significant differences (p=0.001). Abstrak Efikasi berfungsi untuk meningkatkan keinginan belajar melalui pengantaraan motivasi dan keyakinan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mencapai dua objektif utama. Pertama, untuk mengenal pasti tahap efikasi pembelajaran para pelajar sekolah menengah kebangsaan dan agama. Kedua, untuk mengkaji tahap perbezaan yang signifikan berkaitan efikasi pembelajaran antara pelajar sekolah kebangsaan dan agama. Kajian ini melibatkan 242 sampel pelajar dari empat buah sekolah di daerah Ledang. Semua sampel akan mengambil bahagian dalam kaji selidik yang menggunakan dua belas item soal selidik yag mengukur tahap efikasi pembelajaran dan efikasi rakan sebaya. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan sampel t-test. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti pelajar mempunyai tahap efikasi yang sederhana. Secara amnya, bagi pelajar-pelajar sekolah awam yang terpilih min ialah 2.75 dan sekolah agama pelajar min ialah 2.97. Mengenai tahap perbandingan efikasi pembelajaran antara pelajar sekolah kebangsaan dan agama, dapatan kajian menunjukkan yang tidak ada perbezaan yang signifikan (p = .47), manakala efikasi kendiri rakan sebaya menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan (p = 0.001). Kata kunci: Efikasi Pembelajaran, Sekolah kebangsaan, Sekolah Agama, Pendidikan.