Jurnal Usabilitas Fix (original) (raw)

Jurnal Fix

This research is motivated by competitive conditions industrial business laptop from time to time that is more strict, so the company must create a new marketing strategy to maintain and achieve a higher market share that is by creating and encouraging product innovation based on community needs and current market developments. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of brand image and product quality to the purchasing decision. In this study refers to the community in the city of Semarang who buy and use the Acer brand laptop products.

Jurnal Matkul FIX

The aims of this reseach are to know marketing margin and to analyse the effect of some changes: productivity, tradeable input price, the price of chili, the labor wage and the exchange rate of rupiah toward comparative advantage of chili commodity. Village Sukoanyar-Wajak and Village Bocek-Karangploso is chosen as the research location due to they are the production center of big chili in Malang regency. The analysis used in this study are market margin and sensitivity analysis. The results of this study show: (1). In distribution margin, the retailer gaines the biggest proportion (38,89%) and the collector merchant gaines 12,50% of the marketing institution's total profit. The price difference among consumer (household) and producer (farmer) is 1.800,00 IDR per Kg. (2). The sensitivity analysis of input-output change toward comparative advantage: by the assumption of one variable changes and the other one is constant are as follows: (a). Big chili productivity and social output price have positive correlation with the comparative advantage (b). Tradeable input social price change and labor cost have negative correlation with DRC and DRCR (c). Sensitivity of shadow exchange rate has positive correlation with DRC and DRCR. By assuming 3 variables (input social price, output social price, and labor cost) increase in wholly coincide, they have positive correlation with the comparative advantage.

Jurnal Ahmad Fix

Corak pendidikan yang dikehendaki oleh Islam adalah pendidikan yang mampu membentuk manusia yang unggul secara intelektual, kaya dalam amal, serta anggun dalam moral dan kebijakan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, pendidikan Islam perlu merekonstruksi kembali konsep dan sistem pendidikannya sesuai dengan moral dan nilai-nilai Islam sehingga dapat membangun peradaban sesuai dengan misi Islam. Salah satu konsep pendidikan yang fundamental, integral dan ianggap mampu membangun peradaban serta dapat dijadikan sebagai kerangka ataupun landasan pendidikan dalam perspektif Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas adalah konsep ta'dib. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yakni melalui penelusuran kepustakaan. Kajian difokuskan pada konsep pendidikan Islam Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas tentang ta'dib, dan implikasinya dalam pendidikan Islam. Data primer iambil dari karyakarya Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Sedangkan data sekunder iambil dari karya orang lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah penelitian. Data yang diperoleh didekati dengan pendekatan filosofis. Kemudian ianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis dan membandingkan dengan pendapat tokoh lain atau komparasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menjukan bahwa konsep ta'dib dalam pendidikan Islam seperti yang di dorong oleh Al-Atas memberikan implikasi baik akan lahirnya manusia yang beradab, yaitu manusia yang mampu mengintegrasikan ilmu, amal dan akhlak. Ketiga dimensi tersebut dapat mengantarkan manusia pada kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Dalam aktifitas pendidikan, aspek moral/akhlak sangat signifikan dalam proses pengembangan pendidikan Islam.

Jurnal new fix

Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a commodity that has a high economic value and the prospective to be developed in Indonesia. In the dry season, the rising temperature make high soil temperature, soil moisture is low and to loss of water through evaporation. One of techniques can increase production of red pepper by modify the microclimate around the plant is to use mulch. The purpose of this research were 1) to study the effect of kind of organic mulch on the growth and yield of red pepper, 2) Determine the best mulch for the growth and yield of red pepper. The research used Randomized Block Design with 7 treatments of organic mulch and each treatment was repeated 4 replications. The treatment are without mulch (M0), paddy straw mulch (M1), Sunhemp mulch (C. juncea) (M2), Pistia stratiotes mulch (M3), E. crassipes (Mart.) Solm. mulch (M4), corn stalk mulch (M5) and Mucuna pririens mulch (M6). Observations on experimental plots were divided into two kinds, namely observation of plant and environmental monitoring. Observations performed nondestructive plants when the plants were 14 DAP, 28 DAP, 42 DAP, 56 DAP, 70 DAP and 84 DAP. Parameter observation plant plant height, leaf area, number of leaf, total number of fruits, fresh weight of fruit per plant , fresh weight of fruit, length fruit (cm), and diameter fruit. Environmental parameters include soil temperature and soil moisture, weed density (%) and dry weight weeds (g). Testing the effect of treatment is done by using the F test (analysis of variance) with a level of 5%, the event significant effect between treatments, the comparison test performed using LSD 5%. The results showed that organic mulching significant effect on plant height, leaf area, leaf number, number of fruits, fresh weight of fruit per plant and fruit diameter. Corn stalk mulching can improve yieldt of 79%, paddy straw mulching can improve yield of 64% and C.juncea mulch can improve yield of 56% compared with control.

Jurnal efektivitas

This research aim to know result of engineering learning achievement of student of Elektronic technical Department, that taught by using audio-visual aid (media), and result of student learning taught by using conventional method. Research subject is student of Elektronic technical Department which programming Computer network study subject in school year 2008/2009, that divided into experiment group and control group. Every group consisted of 17 mans and 16 mans, that fixed randomly. Experiment group that taught by using audio-visual aid, whereas control group that taught by using conventional method. Student achievement in Computer network engineering was evaluated by using cognitive summative test. Based on descriptive analysis indicates that result of student computer network engineering learning that taught by using audio-visual aid to stay at very high category, while student that taught with conventional approach resided at high category. Result of research indicates that there are difference significantly result of computer network engineering learning between students taught by using media audio-visual compared to student taught by using conventional method at Elektronic technical Department, where result of student learning taught by using audio-visual media ( 16,25) is higher than result of student learning taught by using conventional method ( 9,25). Implication of this research finding is that the lecturers or teacher need to allow for applies technology-based media in teaching, as audio-visual aid (media), so that result of learning in an optimal fashion, especially for engineering area learning.