Изотопный состав стронция в шерстяном текстиле эпохи бронзы из могильников Березовый рог (лесная зона Восточной Европы) и Черняки II (Южное Зауралье) (original) (raw)

Антропологические материалы эпохи поздней бронзы и раннего железного века из могильника Барцрял (провинция Лори, Армения)//Экология древних и традиционных обществ.Выпуск 6, Тюмень, 2–6 ноября 2020 г., Тюмень, «ТюмНЦ СО РАН, 2020, стр. 419-422.

The work is devoted to the studying of the bone material received as a result of excavation of the Bardzryal burial ground of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. A series consists of 39 skeletons. The rite of public exhibiting of corpses was spread among a part of the population of the Bardzryal burial ground. The body of individuals was left on a hill for the breakdown of soft tissues and eaten by birds of prey, and only then buried in burials. The methods used of macroscopic examination and x-ray analysis. A striking feature of the studied sample is traces of trepanation on two skulls. Trepanations low-ranking burials are described. Trepanations were apparently medical rather than ritual. The probable motives behind such operations are discussed, their efficiency is assessed. As a result of the conducted work it was possible to establish the important features of life-activities of the studied samples, to define sex-age indicators and specificity of spreading of diseases. The data on sex and age structure of the population indicate, that despite a sharp gender imbalance, the group had a high standard of living. The population can be described as settled, which is confirmed by the high frequency of occurrence of inflammatory processes, signs of iron deficiency anemia. Our materials show that she, like many other agricultural communities, was not free from various types of pathologies (tooth enamel hypoplasia, etc.), but their prevalence did not seriously affect life expectancy. Study results show, that Bardzryal population of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, had in many respects similar features of biological adaptation and similar health indicators with synchronous groups from the territory of Armenia.

Изотопный состав шерстяного волокна эпохи бронзы: первые результаты и обсуждение.Шишлина Н. И, Орфинская О. В., Севастьянов В. С., Кузнецова О. В., Леонова Н. В., Медведева П. С., Усманова Э. Р., Кукушкин И. А.

ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF bRONZE AGE WOOL FIbERS: FIRST RESULTS ANd dISCUSSION N. I. Shishlina, O. V. Orfinskaya, V. S. Sevastyanov, O. V. Kuznetsova, N. V. Leonova, P. S. Medvedeva, E. R. Usmanova, I. A. Kukushkin, 2019

This article highlights the results of studies on the isotopic composition (δ13C, δ15N) of textile samples from the Bronze Age of northern Eurasia. Woolen textiles retain an isotopic signature, deciphering of which makes it possible to obtain information related to its origin and, as a result, to outline possible resource ranges with different geochemical signals where this textile could have been produced. In this work, 19 samples of wool fiber (presumably from sheep and/or goat) and 1 sample of sheep skin from 13 archaeological sites of the Bronze Age (Yamnaya, Potapovskaya, Alakulskaya, Pozdnyakovskaya, and Fedorovskaya archaeological cultures) were analyzed. The sites are located in the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of Central Russia, the Middle and Lower Volga regions, the Cis- and the Southern Urals, Eastern Siberia and Kazakhstan. Additionally, analyses of the isotopic composition of sheep bones from the archaeological sites dated from the second half of the third to the beginning of second millennium BC, as well as reference samples of modern plants representing natural rangelands and the wool of modern sheep from different geochemical areas, were carried out. The results of the study revealed a number of issues. First of all, the variability of the isotopic composition in the samples of archeological textiles and sheep bones from the cultural layer, and in the fleece of modern sheep should be noted. It can be assumed that animals of the Bronze Age could have been grazed in climatically and geochemically different environments. Most of these animals were grazed on dry steppe pastures with prevailing с3 plants, however, some of the pastures, presumably, included also с4 plants and plants with an increased nitrogen isotope value caused by the depressed state of pasture cover. Two characteristic groups of samples can be distinguished: (1) those with low nitrogen isotope values (i.e. fabrics from the Lower Volga region); (2) those with high nitrogen isotope values (sheep skin from the Ural regions, fabrics from Kazakhstan and southern Siberia). Some sheep/goat could have been grazed in forest or forest-steppe pastures. The isotopic composition of woolen fabric from the forest zone of Central Russia (e.g. Berezovyi rog burial) is similar to the steppe regions. A part of the Lower Volga steppe and forest-steppe samples of woolen fabrics and threads is similar in isotopic composition to the wool samples of modern sheep grazed in the forest and forest-steppe areas of the foothills of the North Caucasus. Cases of differences in the isotopic composition of yarn samples from a single burial or even single product (e.g. burial grounds Zolotaya Niva and Alekseevskii II) can be explained by mixing wool of several sheep in the yarn, the different origin of wool sources, as well as by a relatively high level of mobility of the Bronze Age populations living in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. More robust conclusions require further analyses, involving a larger dataset of archaeological woolen fabrics and a comparative dataset of the bones of archaeological sheep/goat and the wool of modern sheep and goats from various natural environments. The isotopic composition of the woolen fabrics of the Bronze Age can thus become a regional marker and allow future outlining of resource centers in which the production of wool became an additional stimulus for economic development, primarily for sheep and goat husbandry. Keywords: wool fiber, Bronze Age, Northern Eurasia, isotopic composition, nitrogen and carbon isotopes, resource centers.

Zabavin V.O. The items made of bone from burial grounds of the Timber-grave culture of the Northern Azov sea region (Костяные изделия в погребениях срубной культуры Северного Приазовья). Eastern European Scientific Journal. 2018. № 6 (34) part 2. P. 10-15.

Eastern European Scientific Journal. № 6 (34) part 2., 2018

It examines non-ceramic items from the burial grounds of the Northern Azov Sea region. The items made of wood, stone, bone and horn known due to burial grounds excavations were designed to serve the productive and sacral spheres of the Timber-grave population's life. It presents the characterization of the bone items included in the inventory of the Timber-grave culture's burial places. Questions of typology of this category of funeral implements, interpretation and functional purpose of some bone products are considered. Key words: the Bronze Age, the Timber-grave culture, the Northern Azov Sea region, bone wares. Аннотация: Статья посвящена изделиям из кости, происходящим из приазовских курганных могильников. Рассматриваются вопросы типологии данной категории погребального инвентаря, интерпретации и функционального предназначения некоторых костяных изделий. Изделия из древесины, камня, кости и рога, известные по материалам могильников, были призваны обслуживать производственную и сакральную сферу жизни срубного населения (хозяйство, промыслы, быт, культы). Эти сферы, в свою очередь, требовали функционально эффективных орудий, наличия соответствующих навыков и умений, а также знаний, необходимых для отбора сырья и организации производства. Ключевые слова: эпоха бронзы, срубная культура, Северное Приазовье, изделия из кости.

Погребальные памятники алакульской культуры степной зоны Южного Зауралья в эпоху поздней бронзы

Ural Abash culture is one of three local groups within Abashevo cultural-historical community. There are numerous deposits of copper ores, traces of mine working and use of raw material by Abashevo population. E.N. Chernykh, has illustrated all difficult problems connected with the metal industry on the example of Kargallinsky metallurgical center. When working on the given problem the authors also faced similar difficulties trying to understand archeological traces and the remains found in settlements. So, the problem requires a complex analysis on various materialized traces of metallurgical activity of people who formed tribes of Ural Abashevo culture.

Петров Ф.Н., Анкушев М.Н., Блинов И.А., Рассомахин М.А., Батанина Н.С., Малая Н.В. Новые данные по металлургии эпохи бронзы: материалы поселения Левобережное (Синташта II) // Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия-2019. Миасс-Екатеринбург: ООО «ФортДиалог-Исеть», 2019. С. 121-124.


В работе рассмотрены новые данные по результатам раскопок поселения эпохи бронзы Левобережное (Синташта II). К числу наиболее интересных находок сезона 2018 г. относятся небольшой медножелезный слиток и стекловатый безсульфидный шлак. С помощью методов рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа, оптической и электронной микроскопии установлен состав артефактов. Медно-железный слиток, обнаруженный на поселении Левобережное, может быть связан с начальными опытами металлургии железа в регионе. Стекловатый шлак по совместному нахождению с фрагментом керамического тигля, аналогичного тиглям межовской культуры, может быть отнесен к металлургической технологии эпохи финальной бронзы.