War Field Spying Robot Controlled by Raspberry Pi

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

The major goal of this design is to deal with delicate scenarios when people are unable to navigate scripts such as darkness, entering tiny spaces, and spotting retiring losers. The robot is an ideal machine for the defense sector, as it will help to reduce mortal life loss while also preventing illegal conditioning. The robot is tone-powered, with a backup installation in case the base station's connection is lost. Wireless cameras transmit real-time videotape and audio inputs to a base station examiner, which may be viewed, and action taken as needed. With a major view, to increase the amount of safety of the soldiers, if we know the activities of the enemy by maintaining a safety distance with them because, the flexibility of defense and attacking of the soldiers can be increased. It consists of a lock to position the enemy and to guide the missile, and the robotic system will also consists of a metal sensor that detects the metals such as land mines and other explosives that could cost the lives of our soldiers and the system can be controlled remotely. In creating this concept, we wanted to offer our army the ability to locate and land mains safely and attack them without damaging their lives. The project was created an army could locate explosives in the land safely, for increasing the safety of our army men and live to attack the enemies without putting our lives at risk.

Transceiver Controlled Spy Robot

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2021

Our project proposes a robotic vehicle that can be controlled via wireless system of transceiver using radio frequency(RF) and Infrared frequency (IF) .The robotic vehicle may then be operated as desired as commanded through the receiver end of transceiver.This robot is designed with the best optimized architecture consisting of open source hardware ,, colour sensor which is used as a part of camouflaging feature of robot, ESP32 camera module and transceiver module.The transmitter part is connected to the robot and the receiver is with the user by which the person can control the robotic vehicle.Thus in this project our robot will be performing an important application of spying intruders by getting disguised in surrounding and detecting any proximity near it and sending the data to the user. The proposed system consists of a wireless camera for live video streaming surveillance and it will also guard the area from any foreign access using proximity sensor.

Wireless Spying Robot for Supervision

Robot is the most important invention in many walks of life. Robots are invented to reduce human efforts. These Robots are extensively used in defence areas, industries, medical and home applications. It reduces human efforts and time by carrying out many risky jobs that are not possible by humans. This paper presents a Wireless Spying Robot for Supervision which is basically used for defence purpose. The robot is powered by battery. It is operated using wireless signee technology. The controlling device of the whole system is a microcontroller. This robot has metal sensors for detecting mines or bombs along with diffusion facility, fire sensor with pump motor to extinguish fire, gas sensor with buzzer to detect gas, IR sensors for path finding and obstacle avoidance. The system provides continuous visual monitoring through the wireless camera attached to the robot and sends continuous data to the control unit.


The intention of this paper is to reduce human victims in terrorist attack. So this problem can be overcome by designing the RF based spy robot which involves wireless camera. So that from this we can examine rivals when it required. This robot can quietly enter into enemy area and sends us the information via wireless camera. On the other hand one more feature is added in this robot that is color sensor. Color sensor senses the color of surface and according to that robot will change its color. Because of this feature this robot can't easily detected by enemies. The movement of this robot is wirelessly controlled by a hand held RF transmitter to send commands to the RF receiver mounted on the moving robot KEYWORDS: RF, spy robot, wireless camera and color sensor.

Military Reconnaissance Robot

— In today's world Indian border military force facing a huge destruction especially in border. Tensions rise between nuclear neighbors after deadly raid on army base close to disputed border. All the military organizations takes the help of military robots to carry risky jobs that cannot be handled manually by soldier. A great development in military robots when compare to military robots in earlier time. In this proposal, we make use of Robotic vehicle which helps to enter an area of higher risks, move and place wherever the object wants to go. Security systems uses sensor to detect intrusion. Vision based system is accurate and can be more reliable. Vision based machine learning system will be a good deal to this problem. Using the machine learning algorithm technique, motion detection is first done, if there is any detection, a bounding box will be made on that spot and then human recognition algorithm takes place. If the intruder match with the database of known personal data of the soldiers which was already stored by the officials. If there is no match in database, it will take a snapshot of the unknown intruder and with the help of internet or sat-link it will sends it to the server. From the server an alarm triggers using relay or buzzers and the snapshot will be sent to the soldiers nearby with the accurate distance using gps tracking system.