Modeling and Simulation of Static Var Compensator for Voltage Control Using MATLAB/SIMULINK (original) (raw)
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Modelling and Simulation of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in Power System Studies by MATLAB
This paper presents the modelling and simulation of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in power system studies by MATLAB. In the first step, we have modeled mathematically with MathCAD how to analyze the rating of SVC (Boudjella, 2008). In second step, we have conferred modelling of SVC in power system to analyze its behaviour operating with in control range and outside of control range and how to perform power system studies which is anchored with load flow analysis for SVC realization. In the third step, we have been modelling separately the SVC transfer functions with open control loop in the respective control elements: measuring module, thyristor susceptance control module and voltage regulator module, and we have used lag/led compensators theories to configure open and close loop transfer function with respective gain/phase margin. At the final step, we have controlled the voltage and the reactive power transit in the power system, by SVC device.
Modeling and simulation of static var compensator to enhance the power system security
2013 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia), 2013
This paper presents the modelling and simulation of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in power system studies by MATLAB. SVC is a shunt device of the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) family using power electronics to control power flow and improve transient stability on power grids. In the first step, we have modelled mathematically with MathCAD how to analyze the rating of SVC. In second step, we have conferred modelling of SVC in power system to analyze its behaviour operating with in control range and outside of control range and how to perform power system studies which is anchored with load flow analysis for SVC realization. In the third step, we have been modelling separately the SVC transfer functions with open control loop in the respective control elements: measuring module, thyristor susceptance control module and voltage regulator module, and we have used lag/led compensators theories to configure open and close loop transfer function with respective gain/phase margin. at the end oneself is going to see the effect of renting of a svc on the transmission line
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 2014
Voltage stability of a system is affected by reactive power limit of the system. FACTs devices improve the reactive power flow in system thereby improving voltage stability and these are used for controlling transmission voltage, Power flow, dynamic response and reducing reactive losses in transmission lines. This paper explores the effect of SVC on static voltage stability and presents the effect of Static VAR compensator (SVC) on Voltage Profile & Reactive Power for variable load conditions is investigated and presents static methods like Modal Analysis, Two Bus Thevenin Equivalent and Continuation Power Flow methods to predict the voltage collapse of the bus in the power system. WSCC 3-machine, 9-bus system has been used to demonstrate the ability of SVC in improving the voltage stability margin. These FACTs controllers help to increase the load ability margin of the power network. Modelling & simulation have been carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software.
Voltage Stability Improvement using Static VAR Compensator (SVC) in Power System
— Now a days the power system are operated nearer to their stability limits due to economics and environmental reason and due to of this, the secure operation of power system is very important and challenging issue. A system enters a state of voltage instability when a disturbance occurs, increase in load demand & change in system conditions because of voltage collapse. Based on review, to compensate this problem the SVC is used in transmission system. These papers investigate the effect of Static Var Compensator (SVC) on voltage stability and improvement of that stability in power system. In this paper shunt FACTS devices SVC is used in a transmission line for improving a voltage profile and stability. MATLAB Simulink platform has been used in this study. The voltage at various buses is calculated and weak buses are identified to place the FACTS devices to improve the voltage stability limits are analyzed before and after the placement of svc.
This paper describes the effects of static VAR compensator on varying voltages in the system and the role of SVC in stabilizing these voltages. SVC is a relatively new technique for stabilizing the system voltages. It can control voltage accurately, continuously and rapidly. It helps in improving the transient stability of the system and voltage Variations due to sudden surges like lightning etc. The most important quality of SVC is that it can provide both the inductive and capacitive power as required. Simulink toolboxes are used in this paper to construct the static VAR compensator. The SVC consist of two main parts, Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC) and Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR). There are 3 TSC units and 1 TCR unit used in designing SVC. The TSC units will provide the capacitive power when the system voltage decreases than the rated voltage. The capacitive unit has the leading properties. In case the system voltage decreases by a large magnitude, multiple TSC units will be operated at the same time. Whereas TCR unit provides the inductive power when the system voltage increases than the rated voltage. The inductive unit has the lagging properties. A programmable voltage source is used in the simulations to vary the system voltages as desired by the user to check the response of the SVC controller. The author has also visited and reviewed the practical implementation of the SVC at one of the grid station and has used the same parameters in this paper as in the system implemented at the grid station. The SVC installed at the grid station has not been energized yet. This paper helps the author to compare the results of the simulations of the SVC implementation with that of practical one once the SVC is energized at the grid station. The results of the report show that the SVC works very effectively in keeping the system voltage stable in case of sudden Variations in voltages and reacts very quickly to the Variations. It can be concluded from the results that the SVC is an important part of the power system for the continued stability and reliability of the system.
Power Flow Control Analysis of Transmission Line Using Static VAr Compensator (SVC)
Control of reactive power and voltage constitute part of the major challenge in the power system industry. Adequate absorption or injection of reactive power into electric power transmission systems solves power quality problems like voltage profile maintenance at all power transmission levels, transmission efficiency and system stability. Globally, there is increasing demand for electricity to feed the technology-driven economy, while the commensurate expansion of power generation and transmission to meet up with such demand has been severely limited due to inadequate resources and environmental factors. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers, such as the Static VAr Compensator (SVC), employ latest technology in the design of power electronic switching devices for electric power transmission systems to control voltage and power flow, and improve voltage regulation without the need to expand the power generation and transmission facilities. In this work, the capability of SVC in stabilizing power system's voltage through reactive power compensation was investigated. Power flow equations involving voltage drop with/without SVC were developed. Modeling equations for SVC were also developed and used to determine its parameters. The Nigeria 330kV network, 28-bus power system used for the study was modeled using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. From the simulations, the compensated and uncompensated voltages at each of the 28 buses were evaluated. It was observed from the analysis that some buses in the network had very weak voltage profile consequent to either excessive generation or absorption of the reactive power at such buses. It is therefore pertinent to note that not all the buses within the network need voltage compensation and as such, only buses with very weak voltage profile require the incorporation of SVC. Hence it can be concluded that in order to enhance the transmission system performance of the Nigerian 330kV power system, the control of the voltages at certain buses through the application of SVC is required.
Reactive Power Flow Control using Static VAR Compensator to Improve Transmission System
This paper presents the expected utilizations of flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controllers, for example, the static VAR compensator (SVC), utilizing the most recent innovation of power electronic switching devices in the fields of electric power transmission frameworks with controlling the voltage and power flow, and improving the voltage regulation. Again, the static VAR compensators are being increasingly applied in electric transmission frameworks financially to improve the postdisturbance recuperation voltages that can lead to system instability. A SVC performs such system enhancements and advantages by controlling shunt reactive power sources, both capacitive and inductive, with innovative power electronic switching devices. This work is introduced to take care of the issues of poor dynamic performance and voltage regulation in a 115KV and 230KV transmission system utilizing SVC.
Simulation and Analysis of Static Var Compensator with Matlab
The static var compensator (SVC) is one of the FACTS (flexible AC transmission system) controllers which is widely used to improve power systems transient stability because of its inherent role in controlling the active and reactive power flows in electrical transmission lines. This paper presents an application of (SVC) in electrical transmission lines by simulating a single-machine infinite-bus power system to study the dynamic response and observing the impact of the SVC for stabilizing the network during a voltage variation using Matlab/Simulink® environment.
Voltage stability analysis is the major concern in order to operate any power system as secured. In this context there are many research work has been carried out to improve the voltage stability. This study demonstrates the use of latest Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) package for network analysis of alternative means of improving existing transmission system voltage stability. This paper presents the investigation on enhancement of voltage stability using FACTS controllers such as Static Var Compensator (SVC) device. The proposed method explains how voltage stability can be improved with the continuation power flow methods in case of increasing loading of contingency. Voltage stability assessment on standard IEEE-14 system has been simulated to test the effectiveness of increasing loadability. This paper presents the simple method for identifying the weak bus and also optimal value of reactive power support needed for that. A comparative study between the base case and SVC are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of SVC. The propose methodology found advantages because it is simple, faster and very convenient to apply for voltage stability analysis
FLC based on static var compensator for power system transient stability enhancement
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2020
Transient Stability is the capability of a system to be able to return to its normal state after experiencing large disturbances. The static var compensator (SVC) is a shunt device of the flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) family using power electronics to improve transient stability in power system. For the SVC control, it is usually used a PI controller, although PI controller is simpler and cheaper but not suitable when power system is subjected to transient stability since power system become non-linear system. In order to overcome this problem, the PI controller combined with Fuzzy controller is designed. Two types of faults were considered for this study to examine the effect of the fuzzy-SVC controller on system transient stability, the proposed fault types are single line to ground fault and three lines to ground fault. The performance and behavior of the designed fuzzy controller compared with that of the conventional PI controller in term of terminal voltage, rotor angle, and transmission line active power.