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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital. Methods: The research design is correlational using a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study were 79 people in the inpatient room of Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital. The data analysis used was univariate analysis with frequency distribution and percentage for each category, bivariate analysis using chi-square. Results: The results showed that the P value = 0.000 means Reject Ho if the P value <0.05, namely there is a relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital. Conclusion: The results of the study can be concluded that there is a relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction. It is hoped that Bhayangkara Setukpa Hospital can increase maximum patient satisfaction as ...
The Effect of Nurse Therapeutic Communication on Patient Satisfaction at Medan Advent Hospital
IJSES, 2021
Therapeutic communication is an experience of communicating together between nurses and clients which aims to solve a client's problem. Therapeutic communication can be one indicator in measuring patient satisfaction; if therapeutic communication is not carried out, it will be challenging to create a trusting relationship between the client and the nurse, which affects the pride felt by the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of nurse therapeutic communication on patient satisfaction at the Medan Adventist Hospital in 2021. This type of research is quantitative. Correlation study design with the cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all patients who received treatment in the inpatient ward of the Medan Adventist Hospital. The total number of patients treated in the inpatient room of the Medan Adventist Hospital in May 2021 was 523 people. The sample in this study were patients treated in the inpatient ward of the Medan Adventist Hospital using the Arikunto formula (2016), as many as 52 people. From the study results, it was concluded that therapeutic communication affected patient satisfaction with a p-value of 0.000. It is expected that the medical team at the hospital maintains effective therapeutic communication; in addition to providing satisfaction to patients, patients can also participate in medical actions that can improve their quality of life.
The Correlation Between Nursing Therapeutic Communication With Patient Satisfaction
Therapeutic communication is a communication carried out for therapeutic purposes, where the nurse seeks to enable the client to solve his or her own problems and problems with others or the environment (Priyanto, 2012). The purpose of the research is to know the correlation Between Nursing Therapeutic Communication With Patient Satisfaction In Asoka Room Waluyo Jati Hospital Kraksaan Probolinggo.The research method used is correlational analytic method with cross sectional approach (Nursalam, 2009). The sample in this research are 40 respondents by using purposive sampling then spread the questionnaire. Then the data is analized using SPSS 16 For windows starts by using spearman rank. The results of therapeutic communication with patient satisfaction. It was found that most therapeutic nurse communication was enough 18 (45,0%) and patient satisfaction was the most satisfied category was 31 (77,5%). The correlation test results obtained that the value of ρ = 0.041, with a significan...
The aim of thisstudy is to find out the factors relating to the effectiveness of nurses communication in patient. The type of research in this study is quantitative analytic with cross sectional study approach. The research location is in the inpatient room of Teungku Fakinah Hospital in Banda Aceh. The result of the study are the effectiveness of nurse communication in patients at Teungku Fakinah Hospital is in the category of good at 89%, the value of the variables of openness, empathy, equality, audible (humble) and humble (humble) are in good category that is above 95%, factors that significantly affect the effectiveness of nurse communication in patients at Teungku Fakinah Hospital, namely the openness of empathy level, the level of equality of the audible level (right) and the level of humble (humble). The better the level of openness, the better the effectiveness of nurse communication in patients. The better the level of empathy, the better the communication effectiveness of...
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE)
Most of human time is for communicating, starting from waking up, working, even to carrying out daily activities, humans cannot be separated from what is called communication. In other words, communication is an inseparable part of human daily life. Communication is a tool for nurses to influence patient behavior and to get success in nursing interventions. This research is descriptive in nature. This study aims to find out how motivated nurses are in implementing therapeutic communication in the General Perdagangan Hospital inpatient room. Sampling in this study using a total sampling of 36 respondents. The results showed that of the 36 respondents in the rose, jasmine and orchid inpatient rooms of the General Perdagangan Hospital it was stated that in therapeutic communication with patients the majority of nurses behaved well by 23 (64%), and the minority behaved badly by 13 (36%). The results of the study showed that of the 36 respondents in the inpatient rooms of roses, jasmine ...
Prime nursing services are services provided to patients based on quality standard to meet the needs and wants of patients so that patients can get satisfaction (Qingwei, 2012) The purpose of this research is to know the description of Patient Satisfaction Level on Nursing Service in Inpatient Room of RSUD dr. Drajat Prawiranegara Serang 2018. Variables in this study are attitude, action, attention, responsibility, ability, appearance. The research method used is descriptive with the number of samples 92. Sampling technique used is a quota sampling technique. The results of each variable were satisfied with attitude result (80,4%), action (57,6%), attention (48,9%), responsibility (79,3%), ability (75,0% ), and appearance (65.2%). Suggestion from researcher expected RSUD dr. Drajat Prawiranegara can improve the reliability and quality of nursing services in order to achieve excellent service for patients.
The Relationship Between Nurse’s Knowledge About Nursing Care and Patient’s Satisfaction
Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan
Background: Caring of nurses is an important component in evaluating patient satisfaction. Nurses have a big influence in determining the quality of hospital services (Rumagit, Mulyadi, & Malara, 2017).Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between nurse's knowledge of nursing care and patient's satisfaction.Methods: The design of this study used descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all nurses and patients in Asoka and Flamboyan rooms of the General Hospital of Jombang Regency. The sampling technique used Purposive Sampling with following criteria: cooperative patient, patient awareness composer, able to read and write. The sample in this study were all of Nurse Associated or who did the nursing care to patients totaling 26 people consisting of 15 nurses of Flamboyan room and 11 nurses of Asoka room. For assessing the satisfaction of the sample patients, the sample of this study were 11...
Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study
Therapeutic Communication is communication that is consciously planned and aims to heal the patient. Therapeutic communication is carried out by nurses and plays an important role in helping patients recover. Therapeutic communication is needed in dealing with patients, if it is not implemented properly it will disrupt the relationship which has an impact on patient dissatisfaction. Objective of the research to determine the relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction in the Outpatient Installation of the Medan Baru Special Eye Hospital. Method: The research method used is quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The research location is at the Medan Baru Special Eye Hospital. The study population was all outpatient BPJS patients at the Medan Baru Special Eye Hospital and a sample of 95 people. Sampling was done by accidental sampling. The results shows that the orientation stage variable has a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, the work stage has a p...
Interpersonal Communication Skills of Nurse and Patient Satisfaction in Outpatient Unit
KnE Social Sciences
Interpersonal communication skills are one of the important things in nursing care. These skills mediate patient and nurse trust. Trust in health services is also stated as a factor that mediates patient loyalty to health services. Satisfaction is not always directly related to loyalty but its mediated by trust. This research aimed to identify a correlation between the interpersonal communication skills of nurses with the satisfaction of outpatients in hospitals. The research design used was a cross-sectional analytic design. Total 100 respondents in the outpatient unit were recruited using cluster random sampling. All instruments of interpersonal communication skills and patient satisfaction were based on validity and reliability test. Data analysis was done using Chi-square. The result showed that more than half of respondents (54%) said that the interpersonal communication skills of the nurse were good, and they were satisfied (51%). Bivariate analysis showed that there was a cor...