Nurses constitute the largest health workforce component in the health system. Performance depends on their knowledge, skills and motivation and it is critical that they are provided with the relevant factors to ensure that their performance meets desired standards. Devolution of health in Kenya has faced many challenges particularly with regards to the human resource. The study analyzed the factors that influence the performance of nurses at Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital. The specific objectives of the study were to establish how training influences nurse’s performance, to determine how the work environment influences the performance of nurses and to evaluate how rewards affects performance. The study utilized quantitative method approach. A cross sectional descriptive study design was used. Proportionate stratified purposive sampling was used. A sample of 143 was obtained using the Yamane formula. A self-administered questionnaire was used. Data was coded and entered into Microsoft excel then exported to R Studio statistical program for analysis. Univariate data was analyzed using descriptive statistics namely frequencies and proportions. Results were illustrated in tables. The study was able to establish that majority of the nurses (67; 56%) disagreed that the facility had a training plan. Although the nurses reported sufficient supply of materials, there was inadequate availability of functioning medical equipment which negatively affected their performance. The study was also able to establish that there was inadequate information among nurses with regards to availability of reliable pension scheme. This is because the proportion of those who agreed (47; 37%) and those who disagreed was equal (46: 37). The study revealed that the health facility had no elaborate training plan. There was also inadequate functioning medical equipment hence this negatively affected the nurses’ performance. The study was able to establish that nurses’ remuneration and promotion were not in accordance to their level of education, expertise or merit and this affected their performance. There is an urgent need to develop and create awareness on a training plan and to have fair distribution of training opportunities to the nurses at the hospital. RVPGH to ensure a safe and conducive working environment where nurses are involved in decision making. The County government should come up with measures of matching the remuneration and promotion of nurses to their level of training and expertise and RVPGH to develop non-financial reward mechanisms.

Assessment of Factors Affecting Performance of Nurses Working at Jimma University Specialized Hospital in Jimma Town, Oromia Region, South-West Ethiopia

Journal of nursing & care, 2015

Background: Nurses performance remains long standing determinates of quality service rendered for patients admitted to hospitals. However, there is paucity of information on nurses' performance level in study area. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess factors affecting performance of nurses working at Jimma University Specialized Hospital. Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted on 239 nurses working in Jimma University specialized hospital from January 20-25, 2015. The study participants selected using simple random sampling method. The data was collected using structured self-administrated questionnaires and facilitated by trained masters nursing students. The data was entered into SPSS for windows version 20. 0 and descriptive, Bi-variate and Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Statistical level of significance declared at P<0.05. Result: More than half 53.1% of respondents were males and the mean age of 27 years. The qualification of respondents showed that 54.4% had diploma in nursing and about half 49.8% of them had less than two years work experience. Around one third 32.2% of the nurses rated their performance as poor performance. Perceived level of knowledge and skill [Adjusted Odds Ratio of 14.0 at 95% Confidence Interval (6.1, 30.9)] and feedback on performance appraisal [Adjusted Odds Ratio of 4.6 at 95% Confidence Interval (1.8, 11. 2)] identified as factors affecting performance of nurses. Even though, lack of recognition, unsafe working environment and unsatisfactory numeration & benefit had no statistically significant, nurses' rated them as factors hindering their performance. Conclusion: Even though majority of nurses working in Jimma University Specialized Hospital rated their performance as good, there is still significant number of nurses who rated their performance below expected level. Perceived levels of knowledge & skill and feedbacks on performance appraisal were independent determinants of nurse's performance level. Thus efforts should be made by the hospital to keep nurses' up-to date through provision of in-service training on identified knowledge and skill gaps. In addition, the hospital should enhance provision of regular feedbacks on performance appraisal.

Factors Affecting Performance of Professional Nurses In A Tertiary Care Hospital, Rawalpindi

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)

To assess the factors affecting performance of professional nurses in a tertiary care hospital, Rawalpindi. Study Design: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on 147 randomly selected nurses using a selfadministered, structured questionnaire. Place and Study Duration: It was carried out from June 2018 to December 2018 involving nurses in a tertiary care hospital, Rawalpindi. Materials and Methods: Data was collected through self-structured questionnaire This study explores the factors that affect performance of nurses in a tertiary care hospital, Rawalpindi with the aim of providing recommendations for improving the performance of professional nurses. Informed consent was taken and data was analyzed using SPSS version. Results: Study results showed that there is a need to create awareness among nurses regarding the profession. The majority of professional nurses indicated their knowledge and skills as unsatisfactory. The score of implementing nursing performance standards are 89; 60.5%, providing health education to patients and families 72; 49%, in-service training 103: 70% and supervising students 91; 61.9%. It is appreciating to find that quite a number of respondents rated themselves as satisfied in the following skills; maintaining facilities and supplies got the highest score (112: 76%) followed by interpersonal relationships (107: 72.8%), improvement of quality of care (102: 69%) and clinical competencies (96; 65.3%). Conclusion: It can be concluded that nursing performance is compromised in terms of inadequate resources, shortage of staff, workload, poor management and lack of knowledge and skills. The study results aimed to improve the performance of nurses regarding their skills and expertise.

Competence Training and Incentives Medical Services Support the Achievement of Nurses’ Performances in General Hospital of Prof WZ Johannes Kupang

JOJ Nursing & Health Care

Background: Nurse gives professional nursing service to patients according to competence owned. Based on these services in the end of every year, nurses are given incentives for medical services as financial incentive. Purpose: To analyze the impact of competence training and incentives medical services' distribution upon the achievement of nurse's performances in General Hospital of Prof W Z Johannes Kupang. Material and Method: Observational survey research with cross sectional design. Population. Nurses in General Hospital of Prof WZ Johannes Kupang Technique. Total sampling technique with number of samples 183 respondents. Inclusive criteria of samples are willing to be interviewed, nurse's status, permanent offices without limitation from particular working unit or poly in hospital. Independent variable: a) competence training b) Incentives for medical services. c) Dependent variable; Nurse's performance achievement. Variables are measured by using Lickert scale. Information are recorded through questionnaire. Analyzes using linier regression. Result: There are impacts of competence training (α=0; ß=0.489) and distribution of incentives for medical services (α=0.012; ß=0.152) upon nurse's performances achievement in General Hospital of Prof WZ Johannes Kupang. Conclusion: The training of nursing service status that could increase competences among nurse with affair incentives for medical services' distribution simultaneously end up in the increasing of nurse's performances achievement in a hospital.

The Influence Factors of Nurses Work At The In- Care Unit In General Hospital of Jombang

Accreditation is the efforts to improve the quality of service including the nurses work at in care unit. Post plenary of accreditation, nurses work should begood. Many factors affect the performance characteristics including personnel, communication style, rewards, motivation, organization, supervision and career development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the work of nurse at the in care unit after the establishment of plenary accreditation in Jombang Hospital and the influence factors. The research design is using cross sectional type of correlation. The population is all of in care unit nurses at Jombang Hospital,total samples 408 nurses with sample 116 respondents taken by simple random sampling technique. Independent variables are the characteristics of the officer, communication style, appreciation, motivation, organization, supervision, and career development and the nurse's performance in analysis with ordinal logistic regression. The research instruments are using questionnaires.The result is the influence factor of charcteristic respondent to the nurses work areofficers status p value 0,044 (< 0,05), education p value 0,002 (< 0,05), marrital status p value 0,003 (< 0,05), sex p value 0,002 (< 0,05), intensity nurses of training other than nursing care p value 0,012 (< 0,05) so that Ho rejected. From the results of the research, the award is a variable that has a significant influence on the work of nurses p value 0.037 (<0.05) then Ho is rejected. This is because the award becomes the source of motivation to work optimally. There is influence of communication style, career, supervision, motivation and organization with the performance of nurses p value > 0.05 Ho accepted (no relation). Reward is one of the most dominant factors affecting the nurse work. It is recommended that the hospital plan the best possible rewards system in the form of materi and non material.

Factors affecting performance of nurses

Background: Nurses performance remains long standing determinates of quality service rendered for patients admitted to hospitals. However, there is paucity of information on nurses' performance level in study area. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess factors affecting performance of nurses working at Jimma University Specialized Hospital.

Factors Influencing the Performance of Nurses Towards Health Care Provision in Public Health Facilities: Sironko District

Texila International Journal of Nursing, 2019

Background: Objective of study was to assess the socio-demographic, Institutional and socioeconomic factors affecting performance of Nurses at public Health facilities in Sironko District. The health facilities had 60 nurses and 52 among them were interviewed representation 90% of entire nursing population at the facilities. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive design was employed and data collected from a number of participants was found to be valid, tallied and analyzed using the SPSS 18 software version. Data is presented in qualitative and quantitative findings in frequencies, percentages, tables, graphs and pie charts. Results: the study found that 37(71%) of the Nurses were enrolled who provided general Nursing duties. Majority of respondents 40(76%) spent over 8 hours working which affected their performance negatively, and 52(100%) cited patient treatment as the role they performed to their satisfaction. The study found that 32(63%) nurses earned less than 500,000/= of which 40(78%) said they were dissatisfied with and yet had no institutional accommodation. Conclusion: socioeconomic and institutional factors like poor remuneration, lack of incentives, accommodation, lack of adequate equipment and supplies, affect the performance of nurses at public health facilities in Sironko District. Recommendation: For the performance to improve employment package of the nurses including salary, a protective policy framework be revised; including provision of official accommodation, adequate equipment and supplies.

Competence Training  and  Incentives Medical ServicesSupport the Achievement of Nurses’ Performances in General Hospital of  Prof. W. Z. Johannes Kupang


Background.Nurse gives professional nursing service to patients according to competence owned. Based on these services in the end of every year, nurses are given incentives for medical services as financial incentive. Purpose. To analyze the impact of competence training and incentives medical services' distribution upon the achievement of nurse's performances in General Hospital of W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Matterial and method. Observational survey research with cross sectional design. Population. Nurses in General Hospital of W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Technique. Total sampling technique with number of samples 183 respondents. Inclusive criteria of samples are willing to be interviewed, nurse's status, permanent offices without limitation from particular working unit or poly in hospital. Independent variable: (1) competence training; (2) Incentives for medical services. Dependent variable; Nurse's performance achievement. Variables are measured by using Lickert scale. Information are recorded through questionnaire. Analyzes using linier regression. Result. There are impacts of competence training (α=.000;ß=.489)and distribution of incentives for medical services(α=.012; ß=.152)upon nurse's performances achievement in General Hospital of Prof.W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Conclusion.The training of nursing service status that could increase competences among nurses with affair incentives for medical services' distribution simultaneously end up in the increasing of nurse's performances achievement in a hospital.

The Factors Affecting Performance of Nurse at Paniai General Hospital

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2017

General hospital of Paniai regency health service institution under Local Government Paniai Regency with amount of nurse resource counted 69 one who have duty to remain to can improve more certifiable service and reached by society, so to be form degree of health which at the farthest, so that nurse performance of vital importance in giving of health service. The goal of research: To knowing of factors affecting performance of nurse at Paniai general hospital. Method: Type research is causal associative by using quantitative approach. Sample is all of nurse as much 69 nurse with date implemented in October 2016. Data obtained used questioner and analyzed by chi square test. Result of research is obtained that factor’s affecting of nurse performance in Paniai General Hospital is motivation (p-value = 0,001; RP = 3,000; CI95%= 1,607 - 5,601), [job/activity] discipline (p-value = 0,043; RP = 2,068; CI95%= 1,150 - 3,719), reward (p- value = 0,001; RP = 5,008; CI95%= 1,656 - 15,142), pun...